Kasargod: Man jumps into river, dies after phone texting his friend

Daijiworld Media Network - Kasargod

Kasargod, Jun 28: A man reportedly jumped into a river and died after sending a mobile message to his friend on June 27 evening.

Ajesh Palakkal (35) from Ravaneshwar Mokod killed himself by jumping into the river. His body was found this morning at the Chembirika Kalluvalappu beach.

The deceased ran Palakkal Traders in Mokod Kalarikkal. On Thursday afternoon around 3 PM, he parked his scooter and left his mobile phone near the Chandragiri river before jumping into the river. Local residents, fire department personnel, and police conducted a search, but the swollen river hindered their efforts.

On Friday, June 28 morning, his body was found at the Chembirika beach. The body has been handed over to the relatives. It is reported that before jumping into the river, he sent a message to his friend's mobile phone indicating his intention. The body was kept at the Kasargod General Hospital morgue, and after the post-mortem, it was released to the relatives.

Suicide is not a solution to any problem. Kindly seek the help of mental health experts if you are under any kind of distress. Call toll free helpline number 9497900200.





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