Mangaluru: 'Luxury' at a cost - Auto-rickshaw overcharging sparks outrage

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (VP)

Mangaluru, Jul 10: Once considered a convenient mode of public transportation, auto-rickshaws in Mangaluru have now turned into a luxury, with overcharging and unavailability frustrating daily commuters, especially during the rainy season.

Netizens in Mangaluru express their dissatisfaction with auto drivers who hike prices beyond the meter display, making it expensive and unaffordable for students, senior citizens, and working professionals. Auto drivers often justify the overcharging by claiming they will not find passengers for the return trip, effectively making the passenger pay for the driver's commute as well.

A Mangaluru resident highlighted the issue, stating, "The problem with auto drivers is worsening. They demand more money than shown on the meter, claiming they will not get passengers for the return trip. Some drivers even start demanding extra after dropping us at our destination, while others do not use meters at all. During the rainy season and emergencies, when we need autos the most, this becomes a significant issue. Authorities should impose strict actions and revoke the permits of drivers who overcharge."

A senior citizen added, "We understand the auto drivers' challenges, but they should also consider ours. If they keep inflating prices, people will avoid autos altogether. During the monsoon season, when walking is difficult, demanding 50-60 rupees for just 1 km is unreasonable and unethical."

Another resident pointed out, "Auto drivers claim they do not get passengers for the return trip, but this should not be the passengers' problem. Taxi drivers only charge for one-way trips, so why should auto drivers be any different? Despite some passengers giving extra out of compassion, demanding more than the meter price is unethical. Drivers have no fear of getting caught because the authorities are turning a blind eye."

Residents urge the police department and concerned authorities to take stringent actions against auto drivers who overcharge, ensuring affordable and fair transportation for everyone.





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  • Sundaram, Salem

    Fri, Jul 12 2024

    I commute frequently between Salem and Mangalore. Whenever I take an auto from the station, the driver says 1.5 times of the meter charge. I thought this was the rule here in Mangalore. And I have been paying as per their requirement all these years. Reading this article, I guess I have been fleeced all along.

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  • Arlene Andrade, Mangaluru

    Thu, Jul 11 2024

    Work on improving bus services, especially for our senior citizens and school / college going children. Night fare should start only after 9.30pm as 7.30pm prevents families from going out.

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  • Sudeep, Kudla

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    From ages bus and auto are considered to be the lifeline. But sad ...... be it anyone or any one can complete this incomplete .......sad state of affairs be it whichever whoever .....common man is attracted towards illusions created by political parties . At the end who cares........ its never ending ........

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  • Haneef, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Mangalore Auto fares are highly expensive in India and most of the meters are altered. There's no rule of law in Mangalore majority of them belongs thotte Gang.

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  • Anilkumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    I dont know what the RTO and Traffic police doing about this. Can they publish a number for complaint against such unscrupulous rickshaw drivers?

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  • nitin shetty, bangalore, udupi

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Auto drivers claim they do not get passengers for the return trip because passengers are afraid that auto will charge more thats why passengers will not prefer to travel auto in return trip,

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Ola's too have learnt the tricks of the trade in this Smart City especially for small to medium intracity rides; after checking the rate in the app, they demand Rs. 50 extra, or they straight away refuse to come!! Funeral of the middle class people..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sanjay Shenoy, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    We are the owner of the rickshaw please. We do self employment. If interested use our or go by bus or your own vehicle . 3 lac for auto and permit (Rural and city )extra. think other side also. Thanks. We never call you or beg you come to our rickshaw.

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  • Alphonso, Bendur

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Start selling vada pav.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalauru

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Already the basic meter fares are much higher than a Metro like Mumbai; and majority run on the cheaper CNG; over & above that such type of fleecing of needy and senior citizens is disgusting and condemnable!! All in all, the overall cost of living in this Smart City is much high as compared to a metro city like Mumbai; probably due to the concentrated presence of NRIs, flourishing of professional institutions, and well-off outstation student community 😔 🙏🙏 Please note that this is a very personal opinion; kindly do not believe in anybody's personal opinion without doing your own study and analysis 🙏

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  • J.N. Lobo, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    I agree with you with all the points. Its much easier and economical to stay in Mumbai rather than in namma kudla. Everything is very costly. No humanity. Autos are much cheaper in mumbai. Here majority auto drivers have rental cars. Some own 2/3 autos still he is having bpl card and enjoyed all the guarantees. . Many have good houses. Well educated children. Many are investing their money in different companies. It was shown during covid time. They get ration, loan, fee concession. Still they are unhappy. After 7.30/8 one and half rates. Very harsh. If this is the story of Mangalore then, auto drivers of udupi, Manipal utmost cheaters. Many do not have meters at all. If some have, then meter was fast forwarded. Out of 500 - one or two auto drivers are honest. No one will question them. These auto drivers too have cars/investment etc like Mangalore. Mangalore autos min 35/- Manipal 40/-. After 8, one and half rates. Looters scamsters

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalauru

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    @JN Lobo; to add to my earlier post; the electricity tariff is almost double that of Mumbai but service provided is the worst and most unsafe; no piped gas still (piping done four years ago), cylinder suppliers forcibly charge Rs. 30 extra for delivery, newspaper suppliers charge for the full month irrespective of the days the paper was not supplied, wine shops (displaying MRP boards) blatantly charge Rs. 5 extra on each qtr., bargaining for any item especially for fish is a strict no no as fellow buyers state at you as if you are from an alien land, pvt buses do not halt at designated stops making it impossible for senior citizens to catch one, high speed driving and sudden braking with shrill horns very very common.... the list is endless, BTW 😜; most of the jobless chaps are either self-styled property brokers or finance consultants, many auto drivers are active in stock day trading, Kori katta, betting etc etc. Please note that that this is a very personal opinion and unbiased and objective opinion based on my observation and knowledge; kindly do your own study and do not believe in anybody's personal opinion 😔🙏🙏

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  • JN Lobo, Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    All the points expressed by you are well experienced by me. I too did personal research and came to this conclusion.

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  • Kudlada Jawaniye, Kudla

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    We need Uber and Ola Auto also Namma Yatri in our Mangalore. Why can't our Govt / Local leaders can take an initiate and make this happen. As a growing coastal city, we only can make our city proud.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Ola's too have learnt the come of the trade in this Smart City especially for small to medium intracity rides; after checking the rate in the app, they demand Rs. 50 extra, or they straight away refuse to come!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rolf, Dubai

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Please go with BJP affiliated Auto and say Jai Sri Ram they wont charge you will get fee ride.

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    The funniest part is ,if a Rickshaw driver charging more, passengers get angry, But In Flight, Government buses laxsury, vegetables, fish, all other daily essential rates increases, nobody protesting, why passengers are not protesting there???? It's a million dollar question???

    DisAgree [27] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    The funniest part is ,if a Rickshaw driver charging more, passengers get angry, But In Flight, Government buses laxsury, vegetables, fish, all other daily essential rates increases, nobody protesting, why passengers are not protesting there???? It's a million dollar question???

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Reason could be the middle class who are most affected by these rowdy autos 🛺!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph, belman

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    all money goes to maintain their lifestyles Some auto drivers owns mid segment cars for their personnel use. No one can argue with them specially Mangalore autos , they have their own law and order

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  • Naveen, Kulshekar

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    In mangalore there is RTO rule for auto, taxi and Pvt bus . Because police and RTo officers not ready to take action against them. So they loot us .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Very mysterious that in such a Smart City, these chaps are taking the passengers for granted...for a royal ride even in broad daylight, forget during late evenings; they mostly never give 5-10 Rs change back and simply drive away, plus you have to tolerate abusive language; very very impression being created about this, once lovely and courteous city! BTW; they would prefer to stay idle but not go with the meter on; pathetic state of affairs!

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  • Laina Dsouza, Udyavar/Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Bring Uber, ola automatically Auto drivers will come into line.

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  • Kartik, Mangaladevi

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Auto-rickshaw drivers have become a nuisance. Apart from overcharging, they do not follow any traffic rules especially creating havoc due to their rash driving. Authorities keep mum because these drivers have a Union and they will shun anyone who speaks against them. Traffic authorities should take strict measures to control these mishaps by Auto rickshaw drivers and Express bus drivers/owners

    DisAgree [3] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    why all these happening during congress govt. why authority not taking action??? where RTO and police personnel ?

    DisAgree [46] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Auto Drivers across karnataka have their union and largely connected with BJP. Take a ride with them, despite charging high and bumpy-jumpy back breakring ride, they will explain how the countries infrastructure is improved in just 10years.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • JD, Mangaluru/Bengaluru

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Instead of complaining, please use Ola, Uber or any other services. At least you would know the amount you need to pay as its shown in the app, before you book the same. In Bengaluru, some of the auto drivers used to overcharge customers and then once these apps were launched, people could easily find out the amount difference by checking in the apps. Now as BMTC buses are free for women and also because of Metro, auto drivers don't have much scope for negotiation. Metro should also be introduced in Mangaluru and it will help the citizens.

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  • Prakash, Manipal

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    This complaint has been there in the past and will continue to be around for as long as autos are there... Majority of auto drivers will want to make a quick buck at opportunity... Handful of great souls also we will find if lucky... We guys have to manage... As mentioned in the news if it becomes exorbitant then people will prefer to walk....

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    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    I’ve traveled in rickshaws in every state of India, but I’ve never seen rickshaw drivers as arrogant as those in Mangalore. 😊

    DisAgree [5] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    I am traveling only in Rickshaw in city and I have not come across any arrogant drivers. If passengers are arrogant, naturally it's vise versa, I believe.

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  • Chaddi gang, Kudla

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Not all, majority are arrogant

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  • Nishith, Udupi

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Why to complaint to the police? Do u think things will change permanently by doing this? Instead let's start an agitation to bring Ola, Uber, Rapido and other such companies to start their services in our coastal districts as well. Then all these problems will be solved within a blink of an eye.

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  • Brian, Mlore

    Wed, Jul 10 2024

    Stop giving extra out of compassion

    DisAgree [3] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

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