Chennai, Jan 29 (IANS): The makers of director Ganesh K Babu’s upcoming film, featuring actor Ravi Mohan in the lead, on Wednesday announced that the film had been titled Karathey Babu.
Releasing a title teaser on Wednesday, the production house producing the film, Screen Scene Media, wrote on its X timeline, “Maanbumigu maha janangalae. 17 varudangalukku mun R K Nagar makkalal ennakku kodukkapatta peyar adhu.” (Respected people, This name was given to me by people of RK Nagar 17 years ago) and shared the link to the title announcement teaser.”
In the teaser, actor Ravi Mohan is seen playing a politician called Shanmugha Babu representing the R K Nagar constituency. The scene shown in the teaser takes place in the State Legislative Assembly, where the Leader of the Opposition (played by K S Ravi Kumar) asks the Speaker why the Chief Minister (played by Nasser) was so interested in knowing about the old name of the RK Nagar constituency representative. The Chief Minister then gives an explanation on the significance of names, after which Shanmugha Babu (Ravi Mohan) stands up to speak. He then discloses that he was called Karate Babu and that this name was given to him by the people of R K Nagar 17 years ago.”
Directed by the immensely talented Ganesh K Babu, whose film Dada took the Tamil film industry by storm, #RM34 has cinematography by Ezhil Arasu, music by Sam C S and editing by Kathiresh Alagesan.
Well known director Rathna Kumar has co-written the script of this film, which features Daudee Jiwal as the female lead.
The title announcement teaser of the film gives one the impression that Karathey Babu will be an intense political drama. No wonder then, the teaser has raised expectations from the film among fans and film buffs.