Geneva, Oct 21 (IANS) The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Monday announced a panel will probe into the dispute between the European Union (EU) and Russia on anti-dumping duties imposed by Moscow on Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) from Germany and Italy.
The EU brought the case before the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body in May this year, having requested consultations with Russia over the levy of anti-dumping duties on goods at issue, Xinhua reported.
Th EU has alleged that anti-dumping duties of 23 percent to 29.6 percent imposed on European LCVs were significantly hampering access to the Russian market, and the trade restrictions were incompatible with WTO law.
Under the EU's claims, the measures taken by Russia were inconsistent with its obligations under various articles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 and the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
During Monday's meet, the EU said that Russia had not signalled any intention of removing the measures.
Russia said there was only one round of consultations on this matter and the country was "deeply disappointed" that there had been no efforts on the part of the EU to find a mutually agreed upon solution during the course of the discussions.
Russia insisted that the measures at issue were in full conformity with the WTO Agreements.
The Eurasian Economic Commission (ECC) imposed anti-dumping duties in May last year on LCV imports from Germany, Italy and Turkey, and the decision covered the territory of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.