'Terrorists Tried to Attack Indian Democracy,' Says PM Narendra Modi at J&K

Srinagar, Dec 6 (PTI) : A day after terror strikes rocked the Kashmir Valley, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said terrorists tried to attack Indian democracy but brave jawans sacrificed their lives protecting the country's security.

The Prime Minister also paid tributes to martyrs who laid down their lives while fighting militants.

"Terrorists tried to attack the democracy of India. But the brave jawans scarificed their lives protecting the country's security," he told an election rally in Hazaribagh.

"I pay my tributes to Jharkhand's brave son Sankalp Kumar Shukla and other brave jawans who scarified their lives.

Sankalp Kumar Shukla's martyrdom will be remembered by future generations in the state," he said.

Kashmir Valley was rocked by four attacks by militants from across the border on Friday, who stormed an army camp in Uri leaving 11 security personnel including Lt Colonel Sankalp Kumar dead and killed two civilians in Tral.

The attacks and gun battles with security forces left in all 21 people dead. Among them was a top commander of Pakistan-based terror outfit LeT and seven militants.

Modi, who will be holding a rally in Srinagar city on Monday, had condemned the terror attacks as "desperate attempts" to derail the atmosphere of hope created by the increased voter turnout and saluted the soldiers who laid down their lives for the nation.


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  • sHaiKh Mohd rizwan, karkala

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    'Terrorists Tried to Attack Indian Democracy,' Says PM Narendra Modi

    What about terrorist delivered to Afghanistan like a state guest accompanied by the Home Minister?
    Jai hind

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  • John Tauro , M'lore / Kwt

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Democracy was attacked 13 years ago (Dec. 2001) when terrorists entered the premises of Parliament. Now it's high time, Modiji should put his words into works. You said we don't want anymore acts, we need action. Now is the time to act, keep all options open to the armed forces, including Israeli style cross border raids on terrorist camps.

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  • DR, Bangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    NRI Modi you are partly responsible for the death of 11 security personnel including Lt Colonel Sankalp Kumar and others.

    For the past 6 months as a PM all you have done is make tall promises and travel around the world living the life style of the rich and famous at the expense of taxpayers. Neglecting our internal problems….

    DisAgree [8] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, mudubelle

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    its surprise when ever ther is election in any state nears...ther is attack..terror attack.etc.. BUT IT LOOKS LIKE ..IS IT DONE DELIBRATELTY..TO high light..the election campaign by ..so called party ....a......in order to vanish rest all partys to vanish

    DisAgree [6] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • aam Indian, M'lore/Bahrain

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    What amazes me the most is the daring raid by these Terrorists at a army installation and the callousness of our soldiers at the border. these are the men guarding the border for infiltrations but here is a different story. these terrorists charge at them and kill them where they are. The only thing I can think for this kind of attack is that our soldiers were sleeping at the time of attack.Here it also proves how vulnerable our army is for a sudden attack. I understand we must praise our men for braveries but also must investigate how these terrorists can sneak in and kill our soldiers in a army installation?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath, Mumbai

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    Wake up man there is a bunch of anti nationals called separatists they are the root cause they act as sleeper cells

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  • geoffery, hat hill

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    Dr, being a civilian if you know so much of the modus operandi of sleeper cells etc, one would expect our professionals to be more knowledgeable and hence effectively thwart their covert operations.

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  • sunill, bangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    modi will be quiet only till elections in kashmir is over.kashmir election
    should be completed successfully with record turnouts.that will
    put salt into paks wounds.once the task is over,modi will show what he is.

    current govt has already prepared sketch to eliminate dawood and hafiz like
    israel style mossad operaions.dawood has changed his base knowing this.even hafiz is scared for life.

    defence minister manohar parikkar has already given statement that for 10 soldiers died in indian border
    indian army will take revenge for this in near future .
    pak will be getting taste of its own medicine in a short while.

    if indian army retalitates now then election will not happen .that is what pak wants.
    when elelction happens successfully we can tell to united nations that kashmiris have already accepted indian constitution.

    india last option is to send 2 crore up,biharis into kashmir and make them settle.then we can see what pakis do.lolz

    DisAgree [8] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    It is such a naive of you.

    Hafeez Saeed was released by BJP Govt, so how will they go after him? He is holding rallies openly, these days in pak. He knows nothing will happen to him. Modi is all words which is music to people's ear, but on the sidelines he runs after to shake hands with Nawaz Sharif.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunill, bangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    ya, they were released by bjp govt.why?

    they had hijacked a indian aeroplane consisting of 200 indian people from lawless country nepals airport and landed it in a country where the govt is taliban that is afganistan at that point of time.

    to protect those 200 peoples lives, bjp govt had no other option other than to send this terorrist to them.

    imagplane ine if, i and you were in the plane then we will understand thier situation.

    plane was hijacked in nepal and not india thats why you cant blame indian security.but what about 10 paki terrorists eb=ntering mumbai and creating havoc and taking mumbai into seize during upa gobvt.is there more shame happened to country than this.

    for whatever happened during plane hijack, modi want to take revenge on pak by eliminating hafiz and dawood.

    have patience modi will show peole of india what metal he is made of.

    give him some time not more than 5 years which people has given him.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    The plane was in indian soil for hours to get refueled. Indian security agencies would have done their job, if they were given the task to liquidate terrorists. The swapping program took place most probably, because Sushma's husband was in that plane.

    Modi promised many things before the elections. The core issues being corruption and black money. Except for Adani getting contracts anything else is happening? Country will keep raising the questions till he delivers his promises. By the way he only asked 100days to get the black money.

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  • sunill, bangalore

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    sushma swaraj husband was not there in the plane.you can verify from any source.

    plane did not land in india rather it made series of landing in pakistan and then to dubai for refueling and finally landed in kandhahar.

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  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    He had all solutions, before becoming PM. Today, nothing more than news reader. Yes, we know terrorists are killing our soldiers at the border and within India. Mr. PM, what you are going to do about it? Keep telling indians what every news channel tells, or is there something that you do to change the situation?

    It is very strange that, none of the TV debates seek answers from PM. One has to wonder whether the channels are changed or their credibility? When two soldiers by paki, Arnab ran a three day debate with flashing headlines 24x7, attacking UPA and seeking resignations from defense minister.
    Now, he is asking what the party like Aam Admi has to say about this or congress has to say? Whatever they have to say does it matter? It is the Modi Govt., to be questioned and held accountable.
    And ask where are the solutions? Did you faked again, at the cost of our soldiers? Until the time these questions not raised with Modi Govt., one will feel the TV channels are sold out.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Feku has a weak spine and is having a secret relationship with pakistan.

    Proof: he sends his right hand to ved pratap vaidik to have a sweet talk with his friend Hafeez saeed.

    Proof: He invited Nawaz Sahrief for his oath taking ceremony.

    Proof: Apart from BHASHANS...he takes no cross-border military action against Pakistan as promised before elections.


    His 56 inches (whatever) has shrunk to 5.6 inches. lol

    DisAgree [12] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    His devotees maintain 'give him more time, 6 months too short a period, in the due course he'll solve border issues, retrieve black money, extradite Dawood etc etc..They don't want to believe 'time and tide wait for none'.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Without understanding the issues of Kashmir, you're giving a long lecture...Looks like you're also associated with Hafiz Sayeed & JeM, spewing anti India sentiments

    DisAgree [5] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. Mangaloe, Mangalore. KSA

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Terrorists are attacking our democracy.... What is hell are you doing there??? Attack their root...once for all.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mudassar, Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Mr. Modi,
    Indian democracy was attacked way back on December 06, 1992

    DisAgree [23] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shafi, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Communal hate mongers presided by Adavani not just demolished the building ,,they tried to destroy secularism ,democracy and above all truth and Justice.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vellano1, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    That is because, you don't know what happened in Kashmir in 1989< i believe where lakhs of pandits were massacred, looted, raped and driven out of their house!.. if you just take 1990's in isolation, yes, Babri was demolished.... but look in totality since 1988.. when Rajiv let the Ramlalla doors open! and how karsevaks went there and Mulayam fired upon them..... one leads to another things always...

    but what beats me is Mahatma gAndhi, the epitome of sacrifice and secularism, didnt find a solution to Babri, inspite of him being a devout hindu and beleived in RAM RAJYA!... he was the first to give away to communal demands of Jinnah and gave away part of country, cos jinnah said, muslims cant live with Hindus!.... and Gandhi said, HINDUS ARE COWARDS!

    secularism got wrong start from there..and Hindus were told.. "bhai adjust kariyo"! .... well, until 1988 it was all fine, but there would be a limit to anybody's patience I beleive!.... see even US is burning today cos, Blacks have decided to revolt...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Kazi, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    I understand the problem of Pandits.When the Pandits were driven out, what our army was doing there ????? was the army also collaborating to drive out Pandits from their lands and homes... ARMY has to answer your / our questions..

    DisAgree [15] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • Vellano1, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Yes, army is responsible for it! Not farooq Abdullah, Rajiv Gandhi nexus! and not even Islamic millitancy!!

    for ur reference In India, 80million Hindus have been killed just by all invaders!! one of the worst crime against humanity... ! .... hisaab dene lagenge naa chounk jaayenge!.... 1934 se Babri Masjid was shut and no muslim entered it to offer namaz!... the entire Archelogical survey started in 1975 gave the evidence of temple, which made Indira develop cold feet and it was kept hush hush!...

    har baat jahan suit ho jaaye, wahan Army, Police, politicains, constituion ko gaali mat dedo!... accept we have erred too!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Bengaluru

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Mr.Mudassar,Its not Indian democrecy attacked on 6.12.1992 but foreign invaders symbol......

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Kazi, Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 07 2014

    Vellano. when you are asked, finished meals ??? your answer is MUNDASU MUVATTU MOLA....That is all

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil, Mlore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    This is one of many Modi Tweets before election." Who will save us from antics of Pakistan ? despite Mumbai attacks Center still Sleeps." .

    You can find many more such tweets. Now answer Modiji what were you doing in last 6-7 months ?People have the right to know. We are not here to listen to your empty Bhashans

    DisAgree [7] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vellano1, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    please dont compare MUMBAI ATTACKS, with cross border terrorism! its the case all around there! you either go in offensive and war or you call them for diplomatic discussion! cos, "ceasefire" is not honored and violated repeatedly!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunill, bangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    now the election in kashmir is halfway.

    those countries which is shrewd will not attack pak now as successfull completion of the elction in kasmir should be the highest prioirty for india.

    the record voting in jk particlarly kashmir with 72% has rattled pakistan.

    once the election is over and govt is installed for 6 years then india should play games with pak by unilaterally attacking them and then playing victim like what pakistan has done these past 60 years by taking revenge on them by inflicting double the number of casualties on thier side of what they have inflicted on indian army soldiers.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, Udupi

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    PM wearing bangles. They say in English " Barking Dog seldom bites " This very good applies to BJP leaders. Who has removed the teeth of the tiger(PM) after elections. Why is he following Congress in each and every aspect. Is he original or duplicate PM. I pity the BJP sympathizers.

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  • anil, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    As usual another Bhashan from Feku . We should build strong strategic defense at border so that we do not lose the life of soldiers .

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  • Rakesh, Udupi

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    Dear Modiji
    when u are giving speech during election campaign u were telling that if I would have been in position I would attack and destroy the attackers. Now u are only sending condolence message. you are giving speech & attracting people . U have not completed the single promise

    DisAgree [9] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vellano1, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    emotional rhetoric is all fine, mr.Modi! but this would be an acid test for you now!

    We need to reply to Pakistan!! .. yes, poeple in valley have defied the terrorists/seperatists and have voted in large number and opted for democracy, which is a plus point! I dont want to disrupt the election process, but post which your stand and method will be decisive for us to vote you in 2019!!

    Pak is a rogue country and they will never understand peace!.. now how would u tackle them is what we r waiting to see! is it a COVERT wy or OVERT way! I am sure, you have a best NSA Doval, who is master in covert operations... BUT message will be clear when we retaliate them and teach them!... IF YOU DO THE SAME OLD "WE WILL TALK, HERE ARE DOSSIERS, LETS BUILD TRADE AND PLAY CRICKET AND COMEDY NIGHTS WITH KAPIL"... I am sorry, be preapred for a disappointment in 2019...! :) good luck..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, Bangalore

    Sat, Dec 06 2014

    For feku Indian democracy starred only after 16th May ?

    DisAgree [20] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

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