Govt slashes health budget, already one of the world's lowest

New Delhi, Dec 24 (Reuters): The Indian government has ordered a cut of nearly 20 percent in its 2014/15 healthcare budget due to fiscal strains, putting at risk key disease control initiatives in a country whose public spending on health is already among the lowest in the world.

Two Health Ministry officials told Reuters on Tuesday that more than 60 billion rupees, or $948 million, has been slashed from their budget allocation of around $5 billion for the financial year ending on March 31.

Despite rapid economic growth over the past two decades, successive governments have kept a tight rein on healthcare expenditure. India spends about 1 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on public health, compared to 3 percent in China and 8.3 percent in the United States.

But hopes were high that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was elected in May, would upgrade basic health infrastructure and make medical services more affordable for the poor.

The United Nations estimates about one third of the world's 1.2 billion poorest people live in India.

"We were not expecting (budget cuts) this time because of the commitments they made in the manifesto," one of the health ministry officials said, referring to Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). "No reason was given ... but there is shortage of funds. It is not rocket science."

The officials requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

The Finance Ministry, which ordered the spending reduction and overruled objections from the Health Ministry at a recent meeting, did not respond immediately to requests for comment.

The move reflects the government's struggle to achieve its 2014/15 fiscal deficit target of 4.1 percent of GDP.

Dominated by private players, India's healthcare industry is growing at an annual clip of around 15 percent, but public spending has remained low and resulted in a dilapidated network of government hospitals and clinics, especially in rural areas.

One of the Health Ministry officials said the cut could crimp efforts to control the spread of diseases. More newborns die in India than in poorer neighbours such as Bangladesh, and preventable illnesses such as diarrhoea kill more than a million children every year.

The retrenchment could also derail an ambitious universal healthcare programme that Modi wants to launch in April. The plan aims to provide all citizens with free drugs and diagnostic treatments, as well as insurance benefits.

The cost of that programme over the next four years had been estimated at 1.6 trillion Indian rupees ($25 billion). The Health Ministry officials had been expecting a jump in their budget for the coming year, in part to pay for this extra cost.

"Even next year we don't think we'll get a huge amount of money," said one official, adding that it was now unclear how the new programme would be funded.

HIV/AIDS Funds Slashed

In addition to the healthcare budget, the finance ministry has also ordered a spending cut for India's HIV/AIDS programme by about 30 percent to 13 billion rupees ($205.4 million).

India had the third-largest number of people living with HIV in the world at the end of 2013, according to the U.N. AIDS programme, and it accounts for more than half of all AIDS-related deaths in the Asia-Pacific.

In October, India was on the brink of running out of a critical medicine in its free HIV/AIDS drugs programme due to bureaucratic delays. A crisis was averted with the assistance of pharmaceutical companies and global health organisations.

Still, health activists complain about dire shortages of several HIV/AIDS diagnostic kits.

"We are all in shock. That shows the kind of importance the government attaches to public health," said Leena Menghaney, a New Delhi-based public health activist. "This will undermine the HIV programme in the long run."


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  • ED,

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


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  • shAikH moHd rizwan, karkala

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dear readers,

    It is first government decision to decontrol prices of 108 drugs used to treat tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes and heart ailments has jacked up their prices. In some cases, prices have seen an unbelievable rise.

    Yesterday PM Modi delivered statement saying government has worked over the last seven months with the mantra of 'Citizen-First',now Govt slashes health budget.

    Is 'Aache Din' for corporate kings?

    After all as famous Kannada says "Hosa Vaidhyanigintha Halay roginay maylu" is very much right.

    Jai hind

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Wow!!! what a great step and "aache din aana wale hain"????

    This money minded BJP can support loss making spicejet /airlines for their comfort, but when it comes to health care of citizens it shows its true colours.

    Perhaps,by saving Rs. 6,000 crores on healthcare, BJP-RSS can build some more statues and open some more sangh shakhas.

    "Sabka Vikaas"...Where are you????

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • praveen, udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Ache din went to votte dabbi.Shame on Bjp.Atleast beg from some countries if you dont have funds

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014


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  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    'Rahul campaigned for 8 Jharkhand seats, party lost 7' is the headline in every Indian daily today. This will ensure of Khangress Mukth Bharat without anybody's

    DisAgree [7] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    @ Lingappa - Forget this juncture the onus in on Modi to deliver.

    Here is quick summary of BJP's bad performance:

    1. Modi raised the expectation level too high and now there is a serious gap between his assurances and delivery.
    2. His government has failed to control price rise.
    3.There is no check on corruption. The government is over-centralised. No decisions are taken on time.
    4. No major economic reform has been carried out.
    5.Manufacturing sector is in shambles despite the much-hyped Make-in-India campaign.

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Received a post
    Simply loved it
    So sharing👉👇

    In an ancient temple, a number of pigeons lived happily on roof top. When the renovation of the temple began for the annual temple feast the pigeons relocated themselves to a Church nearby. The existing pigeons in the Church accommodated the new comers very well.
    Christmas was nearing and the Church was given a facelift. All the pigeons had to move out and look for another place. They were fortunate to find a place in a Mosque nearby. The pigeons in the Mosque welcomed them happily.
    It was Ramadan time and the Mosque was repainted. All the pigeons now came to the same ancient temple.
    One day the pigeons on top found some communal
    clashes below in a market square. The baby pigeon asked the mother pigeon "Who are these people ".
    The mother replied they are "Human beings".

    The baby asked, "but why are they fighting with each other". The mother said "These human beings going to temple are called 'Hindus' and the people going to Church are called 'Christians' and the people going to Mosque are called 'Muslims'.
    The Baby pigeon asked, "why is it so? Look, when we were in the Temple we were called Pigeons, when we were in the church we were called Pigeons and when we were in the Mosque, we were called Pigeons.
    Similarly they should be called just 'Human beings' wherever they go".

    The mother Pigeon said, 'You and me and our Pigeon friends have experienced God and that's why we are living here in a highly elevated place peacefully. These people are yet to experience God. Hence they are living below us and fighting and killing each other".

    DisAgree Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • ashok shetty, shirva

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Nice one

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    A good one Amith,,, Merry Xmas to you and your family. Cheers.

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • S.S.D'Souza, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Bhadara, Mangalore/Delhi. "Power doesn't come from a badge or gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big, and getting the whole damn world playing with you. Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in the hearts ain't true, you've got'em by the ba!!s." - Sin City (2005). Isn't that so true.2

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Narendra Modi is a clever administrator. He and his team has decided to plug all the holes in the system end of the day more money will reach the end users.

    Govt. should stop all funds to so called NGOs whose sole intention is to live on the funds allotted. Especially it is a good move to cut spending on HIV awareness bull*%&^. Rather the money can be used to treat the HIV patients.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    I disagree... this is the worst move the govt could make.

    This govt is turning out to be a careless and senseless govt. towards its own poor voters. Is this what 'acche din' was all about?

    Felicitate and grant loans to the adani and the ambani classes, while the rest can go to hell??

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Acche din aane wale hai, sabr karo toda. Wait for complete some project to complete like staute of unity whihc is cost more than 3000crores and Godse's statue in various public place like Parliment. These unhealthy projects are more priority than common man's health.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha, puttur

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Bjp is good at marketing for election...On side they blame earlier regime for inefficiency on other side they play victim card...Kudos have chosen right party....I can see...only Kacche Din...
    Earlier prices on essential tablets were in creased now health budget slashed...On other side people like adani gets...acres of forest land for their misadventure

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    A.S.Mathew, U.S.A, Swamy's claim of fortifying INR vs USD to 45 also has a time frame of 5 years from now but there's nothing new in the measures that he proposes to achieve this. For instance, one of the measures is to increase India's agricultural exports exponentially. At the moment our agriculture depends up on monsoon, Swamy proposes interlinking of northern and southern rivers which is certainly not Swamy's brainchild, it was first proposed by British engineer Arthur Cotton during British colonial era. But plagued with so many hurdles such as financial, environmental and political implications, implementation of this grand scheme seems to be next to impossibility, still Swamy claims, it can be implements with in 3 years! As for plunge in oil prices there are two theories : Glutting of market by unprecedented US shale oil production is one, for which the OPEC have decided to wait and watch hoping that US would be forced to exit the market as less than $55/barrel would be financially unfeasible for the US to produce oil. Another theory doing rounds is it's game plan of US and Saudi to undermine Russia's economy.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Both theories are true. However, the USA aims to squeeze not just Russia but Iran too by this move.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Media mischief ? Really ? Seems more like Chhadis mischief.

    Money is perhaps required for allocation to the All India Ghar Vapasi project and other agendas of the RSS. Health ? What is that ?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • William, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Health care is not the part of development programme initiated by the present PM, as it is evident in his state where the health concern has taken a back seat. Somehow the present govt. want to achieve the targeted GDP. Unfortunately, at what cost? It is a national shame.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Is this the Good Governance and Acche Din promised on Christmas Day ...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    How many false promises are offered in their electoral campaign! They predicted the $/Rs rate to be $ 1=Rs 35 exactly by Dr. Subramanian Swami.

    Some other people predicted another rate.
    How these people can make such totally .....prediction?

    Sir, wait and watch, how many predictions are going to be fulfilled! Started cutting the healthcare budget, the most important and urgent need of the society into 20%.

    Dollar/Rubble exchange was once $ 1=30 rubble, a few weeks back it plummeted along with the oil price to 80, far cheaper than the Indian Re. Now went back to 60s level through injecting the Russian reserved capital to the economy.
    The reserve capital held by the oil producing countries will not last for ever if the oil price is keeping in this level then even their own strong currencies would be faced with challenges in the dollar exchange rate.

    The plunged oil price is a plus for the strength of the Re, many other factors are not very promising. In 2015, the whole world will be faced with a liquidity crunch. For the vast projects in India as promised by Mr. Modi, finding the capital in billions will be the next challenge. He went around the world expecting the flow of trillions of dollars to the Indian economy like a magic formula while countries like the U.S. and the European countries are plagued with very serious debt burden. Only a few of the oil producing countries had cash reserve in billions, now they are faced with an unexpected challenge through the plunging of the oil price.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhadara, Mangalore/Delhi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    It is just the beginning. Amazing effect of our present ruling Government headed by Modi the Great!

    Rupee at 64 level - was supposed to come down to 55!
    Gas Prices still need to come down since oil price collapse world wide. Government is yet to pass on the benefit to people
    100% communal Govt. No need to say anything. All Taliban style Hindu organizations are having a field day. We are slowly but steadily going back to 16the century
    Black money - to come back in one month. Not sure how many days are there in a month. International calendar is made up of 30. Modi's is probably 3000!
    Lots of promises, big speeches and international travel. Zero results to date
    Can anybody tell where are we heading to?
    I voted Modi thinking the thug of Gujarat will change and shed the blood of 2000 slaughtered people by mending his ways. I was utterly wrong. Useless Pappu is definitely better than dangerous ticking bomb.
    People, open your eyes before it is too late. Let us not divide the country but unite by demanding accountability from this monster!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Matthew, Nitte

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Typical media mischief. In the final fiscal quarter, it is common for the government to reallocate unused part of the allocation to other projects that either have a shortfall or have a higher feasibility of completion by the end of the fiscal year. This is not ignoring health sector but just using part of its unused budget to other programs.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    I am still waiting for ache din. Unfortunately BJP boasted and duped public during the election campaign (like AK's promisses to Delhi electorate) and now they find that they cannot fulfil their promisses.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Another mischievous & half baked news by the news-traders who are desperately behind Modi for the last 12 years...Lage raho....

    DisAgree [12] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlure

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    If they write something you say wa wa wa great achievement and now you say fake news. Public should understand this matters.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • santoshprabhu, india

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    you know who is resp for population explositon in the world

    DisAgree [13] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    If you are so envious that Islam permits more than one wife then why not convert instead of constantly targetting an entire community and getting sick in the stomach with jealousy.

    BTW what do you have to say about China who are among the leaders in the population race ? No real Islam there.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • GCP., Muscat

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    Ab Amithab ka zindhagi ke dho boondh reduce hoke, yek boondh rahega.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    The Finance Minister was graduated from the St. Stephen's college, nobody pushed him to convert!

    Why he is not telling his own story at the St. Stephens, whether he was forced to convert or not?

    Lack of FDI didn't arrive by the trainloads to the Indian Railway push the Minister to demotion as the Minister of Law.

    I am afraid, whether the Finance Minister is going to get such a shock while Mr. Modi makes the 6 month's performance evaluation of the Ministers.

    Well, 20% reduction in the health budget, indeed the poorest sections of the society are pushed to the ground further down. If budget cutting is following in the most import sector of the nation, what about the "toilet" budget by the billions?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayaprakash, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    I hope they won't spend these money in 'chaddi' related activities !

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    This is to promote 'yoga' the free panacea for all deceases and thus saved money will be utilized to produce more Adanis and Ambanis, quite expected move, not at all surprising.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    very disappointing move!!we dont even spend 1% of our GDP.. even Cuba spends about 7%!! this is where our priorities are screwed up compared to west!! "primary health and primary education" should be FREE for all!!>. but we have to start from scratch to acheive that! thats the gift or our eaarlier govts.. sad!!

    This is the country, where human life is so cheap... You hear people dying of HEAT STROKE, CORRODING COLD WAVE, CYCLONE, HEAVY RAIN, FAMINE, FARMER SUICIDE, deaths during delivery, malnutrition, infant deaths, and thousand and one other ailments.. BUT still we dont have requisite hospitals, basic facilities, cleanliness, Doctors, medical instruments.. NOTHING!! if they are there, they are in shabby state...

    for this fiscal it is fine, because, only last quarter is left out! And they can't use a large part of budget in the last quarter (fearing scams by bureacrtas).. but I hope MODI allocates good amount for next fiscal and STARTS with a high note!!.. disappointing nevertheless...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • S.S.D'Souza, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Vellano, lath biddaru, katthe bala bidlikke ishta illa alva? ha ha ha. It is just to compensate the expenses of Modi's unnecessary dombaratas world wide. Bure dins under UPA 2 were far better than these so called achche din.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • m.hussain, mangalore

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    No "achche dins" in health budget

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangaluru

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    Is it a step towards reducing the population?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Munna, nitte/karla/qatar

    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    New Year Gift from Chaiwala Economist. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 24 2014

    In Karnataka KHADER BHAI waiting for Finance Ministry's approval to appoint Doctors for PHC !!!

    In Delhi,Central Govt curtails Budgetary allocations to health care of masses!!!!!

    we are too much worried that during UP time Dollar/rupee was 58/dollar now it crossed Rs 63/dollar today and afraid it may cross Rs 75!!!!!Soolebelle,Attibelle,Dinesh Poojari and internet karsevaks of BJP boasted that if BJP/Modi takes over reigns of India Dollar /rupee rate would 40 t0 45 rupees!!!INGU TINDA MANGANA HAAGE..ECONOMY @ Shambles?

    DisAgree [12] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suleman Byari, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    BJP is still in the honeymoon period.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

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