India first is only religion, Constitution only holy book: PM Modi

New Delhi, Nov 27 (PTI): Facing attack over 'intolerance', Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said 'India first' is the only religion of his government and Constitution is the only holy book while asserting his commitment to work for the welfare of people of all sections and religions.

He ruled out any review of the Constitution and reached out to the Opposition by saying that the ruling side does not believe in forcing decisions using its majority but believes in working through consensus.

Replying to a two-day long debate on the Constitution in Lok Sabha, Modi also rejected the Congress contention that the NDA government was trying to deny due credit or undermining the role of leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru, to whom he paid rich tributes.

Speaking in the backdrop of attack over 'intolerance', he asserted that diversity is the strength of India and it needs to be nurtured.

"For the government, the only 'dharma' is 'India first, the only 'dharma granth' (holy book) is the Constitution," the Prime Minister asserted in his about 70-minute reply to the debate during which opposition members raked up the issue of 'intolerance' and questioned his silence over the issue.

"The country will run by the Constitution and it should be run by the Constitution. India has fundamentally grown on this ideology. The country has the internal energy amassed over thousands of years which gives it the stimulus and capacity to deal with crises," Modi said.

Invoking Mahatma Gandhi, B R Ambedkar and Nehru repeatedly, he underlined that the 'Idea of India' is reflected by the aspects like 'Ahinsa Parmo Dharma (non-violence is supreme duty), 'Sarv Dharma Sambhav' (equal respect to all religions) and 'Vasudev Kutumbakam' (entire world is a family).

"Our country has been there for thousands of years. Shortcomings do come. Even vices do crop up. But there is something that keeps us going. Even when vices come up, solutions also emerge from within the society....It is like 'auto pilot corrective arrangement and this is our strength," the Prime Minister.

Asserting that the thrust of his government is on 'sabka sath' (cooperation from all), he said, "no section of the society should lag behind. If any part of the body is paralysed, the body cannot be called healthy. We have to empower people from all sections, be it any community, region or language."

Noting that India has 12 religions, 122 languages and 1600 dialects and comprises people who are believers in God as well as athiest, he said, "all should get justice. There should be harmony."


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  • Indian citizen, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Well said Krish. Commenting is easy task regarding Mr. Modi. We are commenting about his development work. But other countries PM or president they are supporting his developmental work. Instead of commenting think how difficult manage the whole country. If some people give bakwas comment on minorities is it his fault? Mr. OYC
    everytime he give bakwas comment on majorities but that time no one spoke about intolerance.I think minorities are more safe in India than other countries. In Libiya Gaza, Afganistan, Pakistan and many other muslim countries people are dying like anything. What u call for that? is it tolerance or intolerance? So stop commenting support him for development of our country.

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  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Mr Krish is TOLERANT in Dubai, if his friends eat BEEF, but he becomes INTOLERANT if his friends eat beef in INDIA....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Dear SK,
    Well question.
    ISIS is killing inocent people in name of Religion. Do you think all people belongs to same community is same kinded??? i dont think any way.
    so everything will be changed with place, people and culture.

    Please think what you are talking.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Well said -so everything will be changed with place, people and culture.NO PRINCIPLES....ha, ha, every thing changes as .....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Dear SK,
    If you go to Goa girls will wear Bikini in Beach, its not offence there. but same you cant do in panamboor beach.
    In some country prostitution is legalized, but you cant have in mangalore.
    In christianity after marry bride and groom will kiss, that is their culture, same you and me cant do. thats against our cuture. thats not mean they are wrong. they are following their culture.
    In christianity and Hindu girls can go to Temple or church, in your culture thats not possible. that is not intolerance. that is your culture and we respect that.
    Christians do celebrate festival according to english calendar, muslims celebrate according to moon, we celebrate according to star. you cant tell that is intolerance.
    I have muslim friends who do pooja with us in festival time, even i use to go to church and light candle while i was in India.
    thats not mean am going against my culture. am folowing my culture and believing in other culture too...
    Place to place, time to time, people to people to people.

    No religion teach you to hate other religion.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Points to be noted indeed! It seems he has some personal scores with Modiji.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashok Kotian, Mangalore / Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Mr.Modi, please put action in your word. You woke after a long time. Please tell your party members not to interfere in personal life of common man.

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  • Senna , Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Just create an atmosphere of security for every Indian and get on with the job of economic development. All these hypocritical speeches are not required

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  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Enough of your speeches. Act against your own who are spreading hate.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Dear Stan,
    If he not give statement and just working, "WE" will shout he dont speak in India.
    If he Speak some thing, same "WE" will tell stop talking start work. think who made him to stop work and start speak??? Same "WE" right???

    Better we need to understand that, we are confused about how to defame him.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    If he wants to give statements, let him speak with maturity....What is the need of speaking like childish and bakwas........Yesterday he had chai pe charcha with MMS and sonia.....God only knows what the chaiwala discussed about economy with experts like MMS.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Dear SK,
    Mr. Manishankar Ayyar statement with Pakistan media is with too much maturity???
    Mr. Rahul speach in Bangalore is with too much Maturity?
    Mr. Siddarammayya statement on Beef is with too much Maturity???
    Mr. lalu statement in Bihar with too much maturity???

    If he didnt speak, u will tell to speak, if he speak u will tell to work, if he speak and work you will tell to speak with maturity.

    I guess "maturity" is required to those who comments on each and every activity done by Mr. Modi.

    You need to maturity on which comments need to criticize and which one to appriciate.

    DisAgree [4] Agree Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Are you comparing chaiwala with all such people....When you are talking about beef, why are you blind with the soaring beef exports from India. and India is scoring the first place in beef exports....If you are hurt by siddus words on beef, why are you silent on beef exports ????/ In dubai you are allowing your friends and neighbours to eat beef, then what is wrong, if your friends and neighbours eat beef in India.....HYPOCRITE...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Krish, In dubai, if your friends eat beef, you are TOLERANT.....If your friends eat beef in INDIA you are INTOLERANT....ha, ha, good philosophy ..Matlab ki zindagi hai....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Fanatic terrorism is affecting whole world, India is no exception!!

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Mr Modi

    we hv bn observing u ever since u took oath of the office...pls put ur words into action...u hv bcome the prime minister of a great natiin which has enormous diversity n unity..but ever since u bcame pm the diversity n unity is in danger..u hv not become the pm of right wing hindu parivar..i hv not seen or heard a single word of condemnation or warning from u...U hv been supporting these elements..Nepal has adapted secular constitution with referendum of people but it didnt go well with ur RSS ..what u hv done iscu hv done the blockade of supply of essential goods to nepal..becoz of ur dirty politics common nepali who is our neighbour n brother is suffering..why ard u playing meaningless n fruitless dirty politics...Now u hv to practice what u preach..secondlt this soft in ur tone is bcoz of negativd results of bihar n delhi n byelection of MP where ur party was thrown out to dust bin..we dont need bhashans but we need actions...if u continue double take i am sure u will be reduced to double digit in 2019...hope jeevan will convey my concern to his party leaders..

    DisAgree [11] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Yash, Kudla

    Sat, Nov 28 2015


    U might not have heard his condemning neither u have heard him supporting those who are giving hate speeches..isnt it?? nor u have heard him talking something against any religion. Why cant u see that he is looking at evry citizen as an indian and nothing els. You talk as if he has come up with policies pro hindu?? or somethings which wil hurt minorities?? Infact it was the previous government who was talking in terms of minorties and majorities. Then how can u blame that ever since he has come to power, India is in danger.??? It is the fear which has been brought up in the minorities by the opposition and Media.
    Try to look at all news from all perspective, have ur own opinion don go with the media’s or some ppl’s opinion, we are called grown up when we have the ability to think by ourself rather than go with others opinion. I am not supporting any political party but i can see how the opposition or other politicians are trying to bring down Modi main reason being his growing popularity. So dont worry sir, U are in a safe hands and in a safe country.
    Jai hind.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    If INDIA FIRST is Modis Religion, then what is Hinduism ???????? All bakawas and bow, bow...Height of Hypocrisy... It is like some time saying owning the wife and some times disowning his own wife..... Modi sudhar ja,....Insan ban jaa.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    First SK sudar jaa, Make habit of appriciating good work.

    Life is not only about to criticize some one.

    If you link everything with religion, please try to remove talibanism from your life first.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [1] Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Krish, first you come out of sangha, mangha parivar mentality..... I never support any groupism. My concern is only about SOCIAL INJUSTICE and INTOLERANCE

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • Sheela Rao, Bangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Yes Mr. Modi. But you silently support the Bajrang Dal / VHP / Rama Sene and all other fringe groups affiliated to the BJP.

    Mr. Modi , have you at any time denounced the anti social jobs / hooliganism / goondaism of your supporters ?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • j sid, Mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Jumla with bla bla

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Godwin, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Can we trust Him, His words as commitment?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 28 2015 15 lakhs.....

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  • shaikh Imtiaz, Mangalore/Chennai

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    Today intolerance in the country is definitely there. And increasing day by day.
    But just by saying India is first the religion of his Government and constitution is Holy Book, that's an excuse. Please dont teach us all that Mr. Modi, we know that first was your duty for India after getting elected your dream to become the P.M. of India. But instead you are on tour to different countries. Since then look behind now what's happening your chaddi friends are spoiling your own image, ban RSS VHP and BD, immediately. Or tomorrow you wont be there. First tighten the noose of your trouser then say ours is swachha Bharat.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    yes intolerance increasing in India.
    when yakoob hanged a perticular section of people projected him as hero as he died in border.
    when kasab hanged some people told he was hanged due to his religion.
    Mr. OWASIS publically told he will finish all hindus in 15 mins.
    A opposition leader asking people that a program is not succeded right???? instead he should support to govt and can ask, program is success because congress supported.
    f any incident happend, before police and Ambulance our political reader reach the place.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaikh Imtiaz, Mangalore/Chennai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Krish Dubai,
    Krish , I dont comment on the basis of the Religion, I infact hate our Muslim Bros, who go by religion wise, But Swacch Bharat cannot be obtained its optimum until RSS chaddis cooperates BJP Modi is losing his popularity because of these people. We need real Swach Bharat, which can be by anyone good ruler, if they intend to do it wisely. I hate terrorists be it muslims or any religion.

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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    First thing you did was funding Nepali temple from taxpayers money ...where was India first then...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    bhashan, bhashan and only bhashan!

    oh dear!

    DisAgree [14] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    Only that this was much appreciated by even Sonia, Rahul, and all Congress leaders!!

    You should watch national TV too

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  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    He spoke the language of all the past leaders. He is a impressive orator. The problem always been karni aur bharni. But old habbits die hard, as he tried to sell Modi Govt., first introduced digital EPF portability to get caught by Kharge.

    Constitution is supreme in India and it will remain so. The people who always speak against and try to tweak is RSS / BJP. For the first time I guess most of BJPians have realized the contribution of past leaders and poltical parties in safe guarding India and its progress.

    His tone would have been same if BJP won Bihar. He would have spoken ridiculing many mainly Nehru and Gandhi fly. Probably, this is something hard to swollow for many die-hard Modi fans. Probably, this is just the start, if it does not change its ways.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Nov 27 2015


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  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    Good, after holding highest office of the country for one and half year,
    And after visiting several countries of the world,
    PM Modi is making right noises in parliament.
    Walk the talk and send down right message is what whole country and the world community is looking at.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, Bangalore

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    The person speaking about constitution was caught sleeping on constitution day in parliament.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deekshith, kalladka

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    watch parliment constitution day video..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Nov 27 2015





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    Fri, Nov 27 2015




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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    Tongue Twister ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sanjeev Kamath, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    The tongue twisting language will not be understood by the Pappus & their clan while the nation stood in silent adoration for such truth and only the truth.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015


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  • krish, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 28 2015

    He May be Blind Bhakth or not. But for sure you are totally blind.
    you could not open eyes even after so much happend in India.
    1. Award Wapasi was in boom till Bihar election. After that only 1 award returned.
    2. Yo are supporting Amir Khan who talking about flying out of India for security. you never appriciated Jawan who ready to die for our safety.
    3. When a Union Minister Gave statement about dadri incident you made big issue. when some one told Jawans are joining Army to die, you didnt speak a word.
    3. When Beef Ban you ask we dont have right to eat what we want??? When Liquor banned you appriciated. why you dont have right if you want to drink??
    4. Instead of supporting SWATCH bharat, RG just concentrating how to defame govt on that issue, future of India slapped him. still you support them.
    5. When some one told Mr. RG is British citizen (with proof) you criticized him. remember same subramanya Swamy is fighting in SC for nation against jaya lalitha case.
    6. when congress told LALU is criminal you supported congress, ad when they told we are friends in Bihar, again you supported without thinking he is criminal (Proved by Court).
    7. When crime happend in Dehli you blae central govt. as police is under central govt. but when same happend in Karnataka you never blame karnataka Govt.
    8. when a scam news came from Maharastra u shouted, when Anjaneya wife caught red hand you keep silent.
    9. Lokayuktha is in vacation since 5-6 month after his son caught on scam, instead sacking him, congress took sign from MLA to sack Upa lokayuktha, you never raise voice against.
    9. when Mr. Modi wear a suit worth 10 lakh you started shouting (not govt. Money) (Which donated to some usefull work). but when Siddarammayya took 12 lakh pillow cover in govt money u appriciated him.

    tell me who is blind now???

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    This is only visible development from your government. One thing is assured that things will get only worse in India. Extremism and radicalization is becoming stronger every day and life in India is getting dangerous no matter what religion or caste you belong or whichever government is in power. Seeds of division have already been sown, it's only a matter of time when it becomes a huge tree and more seeds are grown.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Fri, Nov 27 2015

    So who are you and your chelas to tell me what to drink, what to eat, where to go, with whom to mingle. Sub bakwas hai...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

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