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Scotland, Sep 20: The Aberdeen Konkan Association has been giving a great opportunity to the Konkani speaking community to cherish its great traditions and culture. Keeping up the great tradition of coming together as a community on social and religious events, the Aberdeen Konkan Association came together to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on 15th September.

A solemn festal Eucharistic liturgy was organised in the Nazareth Care Home Chapel, which was well attended by both Goans and Mangaloreans.  Rev. Fr. John Baptist Saldanha, Professor, St Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore was the main celebrant. In his homily, Fr John emphasised the importance of coming together to strengthen the bonds of unity in the family as well as in the community. He also impressed upon fostering the family values. At the beginningof mass, Juliana Dcosta welcomed the gathering and explained the importance of the liturgical celebration, and then the children showered flowered in front of the Marian Shrine Altar and also offered special prayers for the departed members of all the families.  After the mass,  celebration was held at the St Mary's Cathedral Church Hall. Fr John explained the origins and importance of the 'Monthi Fest'. The spiritual director Fr Anil Gonsalves blessed the gathering and the food. All shared the blessed 'novem'. A sumptuous meal and variety entertainment followed.

Prakash Bennis welcomed the gathering and Maria raised the vote of thanks. Dr Maxim D'Costa compered the programme.

Watch Nativity Feast Celebration Photo Albums: From Mangalore, Bangalore, Mumbai, Middle East, UK, USA, Canada, Israel, Germany, New Zealand.... Click Here


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