US lawmakers introduce bill to designate Pakistan a terrorist state

Washington, Sep 21 (PTI): Two powerful American lawmakers have introduced a bill in the US House of Representatives to designate Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, saying it was time the US stopped paying the country for its "betrayal".

The 'Pakistan State Sponsor of Terrorism Designation Act (HR 6069) has been moved by Republican Ted Poe and Democrat Dana Rohrabacher, who is a ranking member of the influential Congressional Committee on Terrorism.

"It is time we stopped paying Pakistan for its betrayal and designate it for what it is: a state sponsor of terrorism," said Poe, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism.

"Not only is Pakistan an untrustworthy ally, Islamabad has also aided and abetted enemies of the US for years," Poe said.

"From harbouring Osama bin Laden to its cozy relationship with the Haqqani network, there is more than enough evidence to determine whose side Pakistan is on in the War on Terror. And it's not America's," he alleged.

Poe said the bill will require the Obama administration to formally answer this question. The president must issue a report within 90 days of passage detailing whether or not Pakistan has provided support for international terrorism, he said.

"Thirty days after that, the secretary of state (John Kerry) must issue a follow-up report containing either a determination that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism or a detailed justification as to why Pakistan does not meet the legal criteria for designation," Poe said.

In a separate statement, Congressman Pete Olson supported every effort to bring to justice the perpetrators of the Uri terrorist attack by Pakistan-backed terrorists.

"I strongly condemn this terrorist attack on an Indian army base in Kashmir that resulted in the death of 18 Indian soldiers. India is a strong partner and ally in peace," he said, adding "I support every effort to find out who committed this heinous act, so that the perpetrators are brought to justice."

Senator John Cornyn, co-chair of the Senate-India Caucus, tweeted a story which said the Indian Army had suffered its biggest setback in a decade. Indian-Americans continued to rally behind the call for designating Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism.

"Pakistan has been pursuing for almost 30 years the state sponsored terrorism as its strategic policy to further its sinister designs across its borders. In the process, Pakistan became a cradle and epicenter of global terrorism. At present it is totally isolated in the global community and turning into a rogue state," said Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP)-USA.

"OFBJP-USA believes that the attack at Indian Army in Uri by Pakistanis should not be termed as another incident of terrorism by infiltrators, but it should be considered as an act of war by Pakistan against India. And India must respond to teach a befitting lesson to Pakistan," it said.


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  • Krishna Dasa, Udupi

    Thu, Sep 22 2016

    After the 1971 Indo Pakistan war the real looser was India. India had to feed and protect million plus surrounded Pakistani solders, Take care of 10 million plus war refuges. India got free Bangladeshi and Pakistani people. Inflation went high Government had no money to mint coins. unrest & disturbance eventually led Indira Gandhi to Emergency rule. Going to war with Pakistan is loosing everything.

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  • readerwriter007, pune

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    All credit goes to Modi. With out world realizing he did all the required home work and now it's rewarded.

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  • Krishna Dasa, Udupi

    Thu, Sep 22 2016

    Ted Poe & Dana Rohrabacher are American Politicians and may be getting financial support for their reelection by some Indian Americans. As long as China is with Pakistan nothing going to happen. China has the veto power at the United Nations, and economic power and India is poor and does not have anything. even India does not have single Gold medal.

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  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 21 2016


    It's a critical question considering the sensitivity of exploding situation between two countries.
    However, it is clear that ruling Gujarat State and ruling the Country not the same.
    Testing time is in progress.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Recently read an article why there is unrest with Pak and at Kashmir when non-congress government at New Delhi.
    War cannot be an answer. Bangla is dethatched. Now Baluchistan to follow. Isolate the terror state.

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  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    "Why Modi so scared to attack small country like Pak??? I feel pity for the helpless BJP govt"

    Never under estimate Pakistan!
    Please remember that War means destruction on the part of India too.
    How Modi will tackle the bad situation yet to be known.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald,

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Better late than never!

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  • Chris, Tel Aviv

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    I am least concerned as to what the US wishes to name Pakistan . I want action from our 56 inch chest . Either prove yourself and war against Pak or go start selling tea again .

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    I don't understand when the Pak attacked India, our Modi govt is looking to all the four corners and seeking support from US, UK, RUSSIA, FRANCE etc...why? India cannot fight alone with Pakistan? Why Modi so scared to attack small country like Pak??? I feel pity for the helpless BJP govt.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • sandeep, Mang

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Dear Sirji War is not like a video game you play in your smart phone or TV. There shall be loss of live on both sides. nuclear bomb is not a water filled balloon to enjoy throwing at each other. Where is chor party Ramya aunty now.? Now no comments on Kandhodi porkistan.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • JP, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 22 2016

    Wow Sandeep, now you realized war is a not a video game ! But before election fekus used to sing a different tune :)

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • moshu, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Fair enough. But million dollar question yet remain who will introduce the bill to designate a terrorist state for violating UNSC resolutions every alternative day. BTW why India waiting USA since they are the prime aid to pakistan.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    We will believe America only after they stop their Aid & Arms supply ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Modi wave or roar only to tame Rahul.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • sandeep, Mang

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    May be because he has grown like basava. howdu basava howdu alla basava alla...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • DBS, Udupi

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    They deserve or should have received this tag long time ago. This kind of country should not exist on this universe.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan mangloori, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    India is not dearer to US than Pakistan.All stage managed drama.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed K. C., Mangaluru

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Whatever the Pakistan's stand, but, it is a failed state and supports export of terrorism. they are sponsoring terrorism in disguise.
    however, USA wants some advantage out of this situation. they are in need of a fresh war whereby they can sell some weapons and fill their pockets.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    If there isn't any strife in the world U.S will loose its million dollar arms business.....
    First of all you need to understand it is the same CIA and U.S which funded mujahideens from pak and Afghan to fight against Soviet under Ronald Regan regime..after that it is the same mujahideens which pak trained against India ....
    Osama was considered hero by the same U.S..if you look at the western media of 1990's Osama was used to be praised then...It is also foolish to expect U.S will pass this bill it will be dumped ...
    At the most U.S may criticize Pak..Just like it criticize Israel then fund the same

    DisAgree [6] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richard, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    US keeps talking on one hand and continues to pump aid to this country.It is no secret where the funding goes. The world community is tired of this double standard.Let us watch and see if these law makers mean what they say.

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  • sid, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Modi wave seems to be working . Great news any ways

    DisAgree [24] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • JP, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 22 2016

    Typical bhakth mentality! Anything good happens Modi gets credit and if something is wrong 'Modi is not responsible for everything' !!

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  • Oliver Machado, Udupi - Sharjah

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Good news.Bangladesh is the only country that has taken a tough stance to eliminate terrorism.Pakistan and Turkey are the two countries that have only progressed in terrorism activities after the American Govt. had been funding them to eliminate terrorism.The world should know and understand that just as France has been affected,so have we been in India.Pakistan needs to be Isolated by the world community totally,till they counter attack terrorism in their soil effectively.

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  • Gangaram, Moodbidri

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Oont pahad ke neeche aane ka wakth aagaya hai.....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Just imagine and if the bill is passed in the senate ... what is the next step...A veto by US President!!!and this is sure...!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwat

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Why Mr. Modi did give or show much interest towards Russia. At least they at any given time did not give us chance to mistrust them. Our leader ship too always balancing and never remains firm. Modi wanted to please both Pakistan & china and other world countries. Modd's strategy did not workout as he thought. Now time to be firm and decisive in taking a step forward to play with hard ball rather than shake hands and try to use diplomacy.
    Dog's tail cannot be straightened.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Lewis, Kalmady/ k s a

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Pakisthan is a Hypocrite Country, can not believe them.

    DisAgree Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Hope this bill is accepted and pass

    DisAgree [2] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Dear USA..There is a big difference between INTRODUCE & ACCEPT...We want Bill to be accepted..Don't try to take advantage of Indo Pak fight..Don't think about Arms business now..If you think,then one day bomb explodes near your A..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suresh Prabhu, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Hello miss Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah they are much better then India, did India declare Pakistan as terrorist organizing country? NO, they did not do it, who is suffering end of the day? it is our poor Jawans and their family.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    ..let us not believe US blindly,they want to sell billion of military equipment to India and they dont want to loose it..we should take care ourselves, let us strengthen our capacity, plug loopholes, smoke out moles..US is double headed permanent enemy,no friends..they did it with pakis and with almost all ME has been nearly 5 decades we are facing paki terrorism..US was close ally of pakis all these years..pakis developed Nukes under US nose, they spread nuke tech to Iran/Korea under US nose..Afghanistan ruined because of US cold war..Infact Pakistan become a terror state because of US..depending US to tackle Pakis will be foolishness..its better to have a good relationship with CHINA to tackle pakis..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Even though late, you have realised the TRUTH, as to who is responsible for the spread of terror ....

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  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    The same US sells F-16s to the terrorist state whenever it suits them. For them it's business as usual and name of the game is Ullu banawing and we are mere pawns in this game that big boys play.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • JJ, Mlore

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    The US is more interested in how fat their Wallet will be at the end of the year. These talks and bills are all BAKWAS.......

    DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suraj, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 21 2016

    Right said Geoffrey...the task at hand is to educate the Terrorists and Religious fanatics to attack the crooks on the top who actually train and fund them to carry out these acts of hatred. In the other words the people who are actually responsible for all the trouble in this world today are the people on top whom we all are forced to support on their corrupt activities. I have to admit this includes me too.

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