Canada: Max Mendes Group Announces 'Canara Kala Saanz'

Media Release

Canada, Jan 22: KANARA KALA SAANZ Promises to be entertaining while presenting an avenue to cherish and enjoy more about the country of our ancestors, our language, history and culture. It will be an opportunity for all Mangaloreans to showcase their talents, meet and greet old, young and new immigrants & old settlers from Mangalore Canara Kala Saanz was the ingenious idea of Maxim Mendes of Max Mendes Group who has established a platform for Mangaloreans to maintain their cultural ties with their homeland. With the success and participation of the community during the past events Max Mendes Group is now entering its fourth year in succession to hold this event.

CANARA KALA SAANZ is now an annual event for all Mangaloreans in Canada since 2005.

Max Mendes

Several Konkani lovers had applauded this initiative, shows and the talent exhibited by the Mangalorean performers from India, U.S.A and local artists during KALA SAANZ shows. Many have requested that this momentum be sustained and encouraged but proximity for the several thousand Mangaloreans residing in various parts of North America poses a genuine challenge and is a major constraint in organizing such cultural events unlike Mangalore or the Gulf countries. This impediment, however, has made Max Mendes more determined in his efforts to promote its roots, traditions and language in Canada.

This event is going to be yet another gala talent show with an evening filled with entertainment. The show will begin at 4.30 pm on March 30th 2008 at Christ the King church hall, 3495 Confederation Parkway, Mississauga. Ethnic Mangalorean dinner will be catered by the well known caterer KONKAN DELITE. To avoid disappointment, kindly reserve your tickets well in advance to reserve a prime spot.  Children, youth and adults are encouraged to be enthusiastic participants in this cultural event. Categories of different disciplines like dancing, singing and acting are guaranteed to provide myriad possibilities for people of all age groups and proficiencies. This event promises to be entertaining while presenting an avenue to learn more about the country of our ancestors. While Konkani is the predominant focus of the function, participants are welcome to engage themselves in a language of their choice.

Details of “Canara Kala Saanz” and registration forms are posted on the website

Tickets are priced at:
$15/- (Adult)
$10/- (Ages 3- 12) Below 3 free(no seat)
Contacts for tickets:
Paul & Irene Mathias 905-566-1202
Flavian & Miriam Pinto 647-285-3500
Udupi Madras Café 905-277-0010
Michael Serrao 905-785-6155

Max & Nancy Mendes 905-901-1242


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  • Sunil Noronha, Siddakatte

    Sat, Jan 26 2008

    Having conducted 3 successful shows in Canada, now getting ready for the fourth one. Great achivement and all the best Max!!!

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  • Wilson D'Souza, Saverapura - Paladka

    Thu, Jan 24 2008

    Congatulations Max on your unique effort of spreading our lanuage and culture in the far off American sub-continent.

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