Awe-inspiring: The Waiter who will be an IAS Officer

Awe-inspiring: The waiter who will be an IAS officer

Shobha Warrier / Rediff

Chennai, May 28: Inspired by the spider, the Scottish king Robert the Bruce told his men, 'If you don't succeed the first time, try, try and try again'

K Jayaganesh's story is similar. He failed the civil service examination six times but never lost heart. The seventh time -- his last chance -- he passed with a rank of 156 and has been selected for the Indian Administrative Service.

Jayaganesh's story is inspiring not because he did not lose heart but also because he comes from a very poor background in a village in Tamil Nadu, and though he studied to be an engineer, he worked at odd jobs, even as a waiter for a short while, to realise his dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Read on for Jayaganesh's inspiring achievement, in his own words:

Childhood in a remote village

I was born and brought up in a small village called Vinavamangalam in Vellore district. My father Krishnan, who had studied up to the tenth standard, worked as a supervisor in a leather factory. My mother was a housewife. I am the eldest in the family and have two sisters and a brother. I studied up to the 8th standard in the village school and completed my schooling in a nearby town.

I was quite good at studies and always stood first. Coming from a poor family, I had only one ambition in life -- to get a job as fast as I could and help my father in running the family. My father got Rs 4,500 as salary and he had to take care of the education of four children and run the family, which you know is very difficult.

So, after my 10th standard, I joined a polytechnic college because I was told I would get a job the moment I passed out from there. When I passed out with 91 per cent, there was a chance for me to get entry to a government engineering college on merit. So I decided to join the Thanthai Periyar Government Engineering College to study mechanical engineering. My father supported my desire to study further.

Even while doing engineering, my ambition was still to get a job. If you look at my background, you will understand why I didn't have any big ambitions. Most of my friends in the village had studied only up to the 10th standard, and many did not even complete school. They worked as auto drivers or coolies or masons. I was the only one among my friends who went to college.

I understood the importance of education because of my parents. My father was the only one in his family to have completed school, so he knew the value of education. My parents saw to it that we children studied well.

In search of a job

Four days after I completed my engineering in 2000, I went to Bangalore in search of a job and I one without much difficulty. My salary was Rs 2,500 at a company that reconditioned tools.

It was in Bangalore that I started thinking about my village and my friends. I wondered sadly why none of them studied and worked in good companies. Because they had no education, they always remained poor. There was not enough money to buy even proper food. There was no opportunity there; the only place they could work was the tannery in the nearby town. If they didn't get work at the tannery, they worked as auto drivers or coolies. In short, there was no one in my village to guide the young generation.

I thought would I be able to help my villagers in any way?

Getting interested in the civil service examination

Till then, I had not even heard of something called the civil services examination. It was only after I went to Bangalore and saw the world that I was exposed to many things. I came to know that a collector in a small place could do a lot. At that moment, I decided that I wanted to be an IAS officer.

I resigned and went home to prepare for the examination. I never thought resigning was risky because I had the confidence and knew I would do well.

My father also supported me wholeheartedly. He had just got a bonus of Rs 6,500 and he gave me that money to buy study material. I sat in my village and studied from the notes I received by post from Chennai.

Failed attempts

In my first two attempts, I could not even clear the preliminary examination. I had no idea how to prepare for the exam, what subjects to opt for and how to study. There was nobody to guide me.

I had taken mechanical engineering as my main subject. That's when I met Uma Surya in Vellore. He was also preparing for the examination. He told me that if I took sociology as an option, it would be easy.

Even with sociology as the main subject, I failed in the third attempt. But I was not disappointed. I knew why I was failing. I didn't have proper guidance. I started reading newspapers only after I started preparing for the examination! So you can imagine from what kind of background I came from.

To Chennai for coaching

When I came to know about the government coaching centre (external link) in Chennai, I wrote the entrance examination and was selected. We were given accommodation and training.

Because I got tips from those who passed out, I passed the preliminary in my fourth attempt. We were given free accommodation and food only till we wrote the main examination. After that, we had to move out. I didn't want to go back to the village but staying in Chennai also was expensive.

I tried to get a job as an engineer but my efforts turned futile. I then decided to look for a part time job so that I would have time to study.

Working as a waiter in Chennai

I got a job as a billing clerk for computer billing in the canteen at Sathyam Cinemas. I also worked as the server during the interval. It never bothered me that I, a mechanical engineer, preparing for the civil services, had to work as a server. I had only one aim -- to stay on in Chennai to pass the examination.

Attending the interview in Delhi

After I got the job at the Sathyam Cinemas, I was called for the interview. As counselling was my hobby, a lot of questions were asked about counselling. I was not very fluent in English but I managed to convey whatever I wanted to. Perhaps I did not articulate well. I failed in the interview.

Preliminary again, the 5th time

Once again, I started from the beginning. Surprisingly, I failed in the preliminary itself. On analysis, I felt I did not concentrate on studies as I was working at Sathyam Cinemas.

I quit the job and joined a private firm to teach sociology to those preparing for the UPSC examinations. While I learnt the other subjects there, I taught sociology. Many friends of mine in Chennai helped me both financially and otherwise while I prepared for the examination.

Sixth attempt

I passed both the preliminary and the main in the sixth attempt but failed at the interview stage.

While preparing for the interview, I had written an examination to be an officer with the Intelligence Bureau and I was selected. I was in a dilemma whether to accept the job. I felt if I joined the IB, once again, my preparation to be an IAS officer would get affected. So, I decided not to join and started preparing for one last time.

Last attempt

I had to give the last preliminary just a few days after the previous interview. I was confused and scared. Finally, I decided to take the last chance and write the examination. Like I had hoped, I passed both the preliminary and the main.

The interview was in April, 2008 at Delhi. I was asked about Tamil Nadu, Kamaraj, Periyar, Tamil as a classical language, the link between politics and Tamil cinema etc. I was upset since I did not wish the interviewers at the start and they did not respond when I said thanks at the end. Both the incidents went on playing in my mind. I just prayed to God and walked back.

The day the results were out

I was extremely tense that day. I would know whether my dreams would be realised or not. I used to tell God, please let me pass if you feel I am worthy of it.

I went to a playground and sat there meditating for a while. Then, I started thinking what I should do if I passed and what I should do if I didn't.

I had only one dream for the last seven years and that was to be an IAS officer.

156th rank

Finally when the results came, I couldn't believe myself. I had secured the 156th rank out of more than 700 selected candidates. It's a top rank and I am sure to get into the IAS.

I felt like I had a won a war that had been going on for many years. I felt free and relieved.

The first thing I did was call my friends in Chennai and then my parents to convey the good news.

Warm welcome in the village

The reception I got in my village was unbelievable. All my friends, and the entire village, were waiting for me when I alighted from the bus. They garlanded me, burst crackers, played music and took me around the village on their shoulders. The entire village came to my house to wish me. That was when I saw unity among my villagers. It was a defining moment for me.

What I want to do

I worked really hard without losing faith in myself to realise my dream. My real work starts now. I want to try hard to eradicate poverty and spread the message of education to all people. Education is the best tool to eradicate poverty. I want Tamil Nadu also to be a literate state like Kerala [Images].

Just take my example. I could come out of a poor background to this level only because of education. I didn't get any guidance when I was young. So I want to give proper guidance to the youth in the villages. They have the ability to go up but there is nobody to guide them. I want to be a guiding force to such youngsters. As I come from that background, I understand them best.


I strongly feel that reservations are needed to uplift the section of society that is at the bottom. Unless you lift them up, they can't come up. As they had been at the bottom for thousands of years, they are not equipped to compete with the higher sections of society.

Now that I am going to be an IAS officer, I will move to the creamy layer in reservations. My children would be from a background that is totally different from what mine was. If I continue taking the benefits of reservation, I would be doing injustice to society. So, I will not take the benefits again.


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  • LANCY VEIGAS, cascia/dubai

    Sat, May 31 2008


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  • Dr.Nisar, Mangalore/ London

    Sat, May 31 2008

    Dear Jayaganesh, Many congrats for your incredible achievement.Its a truly inspiring story. You have fought against all odds to become succesful and proved that 'No one is a failure until you give up'.All the best with everything in your future and may your story inspire and motivate as many people as possible to get change in their lives.

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  • Asiek abdulla, Mangalore

    Sat, May 31 2008

    Thanks to Daijiworld who has written in this beautiful article which would boost people's thinking that failure could be turned to face of success with continous struggle. Wishing JayaGanesh all the best in his endeavours.

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  • F.L.Fernandis, Bangalore

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Congratulations Jayaganesh.Really it inspiring us to read this article.I read this with one stretch.Where there is a will there is a way.One should take lesson from this article.

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  • Alzira, Mangalore/Melbourne, Australia

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Education is an asset no one can take away from you...& hard work has its rewards at some point of time. That is exactly what Jayaganesh has proven. The philanthropical attitude to contribute to others in need of your learning is a fine example of 'service to society'. Keep up the good efforts.

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  • Mrs, sumana shripathi sumana shripathi, udupi abu dhabi

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Congradulation on your achievements.I wish I could be Like are perfect example to succed in everyones life

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  • Roger Pinto, Bahrain

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Really a great story!!! Keep up the good work Daijiworld and all the best Jayaganesh. God Bless you

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    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congratulations Dear Mr. Jayaganesh-IAS Officer Regards, ABDUL HAMID GURUPUR ABU DHABI

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  • Thelma, Bondel/Kuwait

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Congrats Mr. Jayaganesh and hats off to your hard work, thanks to daijiworld.

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  • Dr.Noorshin, ullal,mangalore

    Fri, May 30 2008

    CONGRATS Mr.K.Jayaganesh..You are right, its not easy to come up from such a poverty background..Very glad to see bold,hardworking and dedicated man..i wish you a very GOOD LUCK and may god fulfill all your dreams..FORTUNES AHEAD..ALL THE BEST...

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  • Wilson, Mangalore

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Congratulations, wish you all the very best.

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  • jessie, Mangalore

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congrats!!!! That was a real dream. I respect your thoughts. We hardly find people like you. Keep it up Jayaganesh!!

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  • Rovina, Mangalore/dubai

    Thu, May 29 2008

    really inspiring life story and he his struggle to come up in life. can i get the contact of this brillaint person.

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  • Naik, Mangalore

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Really great Jayganesh keep it up theres a long way to go.

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  • Shakir Ahmed, Riyadh,Mangalore

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Dear Jayaganesh first of all Congrats for an excellent really inspired by yr way of approach to success...In fact every Indian need to get inspired by this article. Only education can eradicate the poverty and cultivate ethics in the society and build our India to compete the present Hi tech Countries. Once again alhamdulillah im very happy for yu.

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  • Shiv, Mangalore/U.K.

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congratulations Jayaganesh. Well done. You have proved that hard work, determination and perseverance will pay at the end. My only plea to you is - please do not forget your roots when you step into the "Big Bad Bureaucratic World". Good Luck and God Bless.

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  • Theophilus D'Silva, mangalore/canada

    Wed, May 28 2008

    That's a strong determination Jayaganesh. But Money is the main factor in life. To overcome this evil/good of money you need to distribute the money even to poorest to enjoy the fruits of it. So, I would request you to introduce social welfare reforms in India (same like western countries) any minimum wage. So, nobody remains hungry. Thanks, Theo.

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    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congratulations. you have worked hard to get through the INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERIVICE exam.GOD has heard your prayers. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.

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    Thu, May 29 2008


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  • clement, udupi/UAE

    Thu, May 29 2008

    your story is very inspiring and motivating.keep going man.All the best for the future assignments

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  • Rammohan, Puttur

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congratulations, Jayaganesh

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  • Osama, Jordan\Dubai

    Thu, May 29 2008


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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai/ Mangalore

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Great indeed. Congratulations Jayganesh. This for sure proves that " Where there is a will there is a way "..!! we have to work hard, coz that's the only key to success. There is no ladder to climb up stairs of success, we have to walk them up & you have proved that nothing is impossible if we work towards it. Congratulations again Wish you Good Luck to get a possting soon.

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  • Dr Sartaj Ahmed Salih, Mangalore, Odessa Ukraine

    Thu, May 29 2008

    i think truely India need people like him rather than corrupt politician and officers. "Milestone show us not only how far we have come,they also show how much more we have to go" Today Mr Jayaganesh has reached a milestone, and i pray that he achives a lot more of these. and i hope he makes a lot of difference to this society..... ALL VERY BEST FOR HIM

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  • Pramila, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, May 29 2008

    Congratulations Mr. Jayaganesh, your effort, hard work, dedication towards the goal and success are really commendable and it is the true inspiration to the young generation of today's world. I really appreciate your parents and friends suppport throught out your studies. It is very rare in villages that parents from poor families support their children for higher education. I whole heartedly wish you all the good luck in all your future endeavours and may all your dreams come true and God bless you.

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    Thu, May 29 2008


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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Well done JayGanesh. If we have 10% of the population who thinks like JAYGANESH, Inida will be in the right path. As your name tells, Jai Ganesh, Praise God.

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  • Vidya, Mangalore

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Congratulations Jayaganesh!!!!! You are a real inspiration to the young generation. Hard work and determination really pays. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors and may your dream of uplifting your village youth be fulfilled.

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  • Abdulla Madumoole, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Congratulations Jayaganesh. Your stubborn detrmination and hard work have won you IAS.These days children study only because their parents force them to study and they study hard also but without any strong commitment.If you make up your mind to achieve something and put in effective hard work , no one can deprive you from achieving your goal. Jayaganesh, you have proved this.

    You are an inspiration for the poor rural students.You have expressed your wish to help people of your village which may not be very practical if you are posted somewhere else. But you can see thousands of similiar villages all over India, poverty and illeteracy are the common features of Indian society. If you help any village, it is as good as helping your village.Your plan of not opting for reservation status for your children is really commendable and it shows you are in the right path.I wish you a very bright career.

    My advice is have some noble principles in life and be steadfast with it, do not compromise with your principles at any cost. Finally, now you are an IAS officer, you may achieve a lot in your life but never forget that you are still son of your parents.Definitely a major share of credit in your achievements goes to your parents.

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  • Veeresh V. Moras, Madanthyar, Shimoga, karnataka

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Amazing story indeed! Congratulations Mr. Jayaganesh. May you be the catalyst in alleviating poverty in the troubled nation of ours. My best wishes and prayers are always with you. Thanks to daijiworld for such a wonderful and inspiring article.

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  • Francis Mathias, Mudarangadi/Bahrain

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Mr. K.Jayaganesh is a fine example of determination and will power through which one can achieve goal against all odds.Let our young generation take a note of it.

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  • anitaslobo, Mangalore

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Hats off, to Mr Jayaganesh, You are truly a role model worth emulating, Your hard work, and never give up attitude has payed rich dividend. I truly admire your simplicity ,that being an engineer you also did jobs that most of us wouldnt do.... God bless you, may you succeed in your mission of being an IAS officer.

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  • Ashraf Ali, Ujire/Jubail, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Hearty congratulations to Mr. Jayaganesh.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Congratulations Mr. jaya Ganesh. You really worked hard for it. I liked your comment about the reservation. If all the well to do backward community people follow your example, really the true backward people will come up.

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  • Prathibha, Suratkal, Sharjah

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Congratulations Mr.Jayaganesh! You will be an inspiration to every one. You have shown that determination, willingness to learn and hardwork will ultimately lead to suceess. Wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours.

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  • aparnasharath, Manglore/Qatar

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Congrats,K Jayaganesh We r proud of ur achievement.All the very best for ur future. Best wishes from Mr.Sharath Raj & Mrs.AparnaSharath

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  • Gurubaliga, Bantwal/New Delhi

    Wed, May 28 2008

    Its very touching. The determination and commitment to the ambition is inspiring. We really lack coaching centres for IAS aspirants in the south unlike Bihar. Bihar though backward has many IAS coaching centres.

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  • Robin Alwares, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, May 28 2008

    K Jayaganesh's ...May The Force of Bhagavan Always be With You!

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  • M Nizar Parladka, Puttur/Dubai

    Wed, May 28 2008

    CONGRATS..&.ALL THE BEST ...The best thing would be working hard and having luck at the same time! Unfortunately I know many persons who have worked hard but haven't been lucky

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  • khaleel, manglore

    Wed, May 28 2008


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  • prescilla fernandes,mangalore,

    Tue, May 27 2008

    Congratulations. You tried and you succeeded. This is a lesson to all of us to try and try until we succeed. I wish you all the best. Let all your dreams come true about your village, people and development of the society.

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  • Shweta , Mangalore

    Wed, May 28 2008

    It is really inspiring to read such article.Thanks to Daijiworld who has written in this beautiful article which would boost people's thinking that failure could be turned to face of success with continous struggle. Wishing JayaGanesh all the best in his endeavours.

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  • grace, shankerpura

    Tue, May 27 2008

    Congrats to you and my hats off to your hard work. Success is surely yours in all your future dreams. Thanks for sharing your true life story with millions of the people around the world. May the younger generation who keeps blaming somebody or else for their faliure (just becuase they are lazy and do not want to work) learn a lesson from your experience and start doing something constructive for themself, family and to the society.

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