Nuclear Deal Worth the Risk, says Rahul Gandhi

Santosh K Joy in Amethi/Rediff

Amethi, Jul 16: Hailing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's 'vision, tenacity and leadership' over the India-United States nuclear deal, Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said that the accord was worth the risk and "if the government falls in the process so be it".

Coming out fully in support of the deal he, however, expressed confidence that the government would secure the vote of confidence in the Lok Sabha.

"For ideological or political reasons, the deal is being opposed. But the Congress has taken a decision that is correct. Sometimes in life, risk has to be taken. The leadership the Prime Minister is showing...He thinks it is in the interest of the country. If the government falls in the process so be it," Gandhi told reporters.

"When you are convinced that it is in the interest of the people of the country, numbers don't matter. This decision that the Prime Minister has taken, in my view, is the right decision. We are going to win the vote," he said.

Describing the nuclear deal as fundamental to India's energy problems and one that can make the country a global player, he said, "I also believe that you need guts to do it. I appreciate it. I would tell him to take the risk again, again and again. That is leadership."

In a reference to Left parties, which have withdrawn support to the government, he said they may be opposing it for political reasons but the deal was absolutely in the interest of the country.

Gandhi said, "The nuclear deal is fundamental for India's future. It is fundamental for energy, the power situation in Uttar Pradesh. It is fundamental for the nuclear industry. It's important for India to become a large player. No right thinking person will argue that it is bad for the country."

He said that there was support for the deal across the political divide.

"There are people in Bharatiya Janata Party and other parties who are 100 per cent for the deal. I don't understand why there are people opposing the deal. So if somebody argues that it is bad, then there is a feeling it is political."

"It is not only Rahul Gandhi but every young person in the country who is bound to support the deal because it is going to change the future face of the country," he said.

When it was pointed out that this had led Congress to align with the Samajwadi Party, a party it had opposed earlier and the new alignment may hurt Congress in the long run, he said, "My point is, we will stake whatever we can."

On the opposition to the nuclear deal, Gandhi said the telecom and IT revolutions -- launched by his late father Rajiv Gandhi- -- in the 1980s had faced similar opposition.

Gandhi said, "The deal would make India a global player in the nuclear industry. The situation today is the same like the 1980s when the telecom revolution was set in, followed by the computer and IT revolutions."

"I remember during my childhood when my father was doing this (ushering in the computer and IT revolution) people used to say it is completely ridiculous. Various arguments were given. Some said how do the farmers gain from it and today almost everyone has a computer. And some have it on their watches," he said.

The scion of the Gandhi family said he considered the nuclear deal 'fundamental' for the country as it goes into future. "It is a landmark for the energy situation and the nuclear industry is going to benefit all of us in employment, especially for the youth," he said.

He praised the Prime Minister for his stand on the nuclear deal. "I am proud that Manmohan Singh has given the country vision, tenacity and leadership. Today you may say that it only involves generation of three percent of energy but you never know our bright scientists would make it 70 per cent. I believe in this," he said.

"The young leaders across the party line who have talked to him have been supportive of the deal. I have talked to many young leaders across the parties. They support the deal and are convinced about it. They say they don't understand why their leadership is opposed to it," he added.


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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Fri, Jul 18 2008

    In India opposition means oppose anything whether it is right or wrong. We are facing the same situation in regard to nuclear deal. Intellectuals of BJP very well know that this deal is going to help, and India will prosper. However they don’t want it to happen, because the fear is credit might go to Congress party. When India opened up our economy there was opposition, to prove them wrong.

    Later whichever party came to power followed the same policies, nobody reversed it to the previous structure. You are right Mr. Rahul Gandhi, if the government falls for the sake of nation, let it fall. People will vote you back to power with full majority. People are not so stupid to think the way how our political goons think. It is hard to get a Wise man like Dr. Manmohan singh let us make use of his brain.

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