Mangalorean Association Organizes Protest in Canada

Media release

Sep 19: The Christian community in Canada laments the deplorable and disheartening violence against the Christian brethren in Mangalore.  Christians are well-known for their peaceful nature and the attack on lives, church property and the desecration of our religious symbols is unwarranted and intolerable.
What has the democratic government of India done to prevent these attacks and punish the perpetrators?  What steps are the police, the guardians of our society, taking to maintain peace and provide safety to the victims?  Where is the democracy and the right to practice and preach our religion and faith? Unfortunately, nothing is being done and Indian native Christians are being treated as aliens in their own home and country.

MAC is organizing a prayer service and mass on Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 6.00 pm at Sts Martha and Mary Church, Mississauga for peace in the nation and solidarity towards our Christian brethren suffering in Mangalore.  An appeal will be initiated, signed and forwarded to the Indian Consulate in Toronto and the Canadian authorities as it is time for ACTION.

Sts. Martha and Mary Church,
1870 Burnhamthorpe Road East , (1.5 km east of Dixie Rd )
Mississauga , ON , L4X 2S5
Tel:  905-625-5670
Mangalorean Association of Canada


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