Unesco culture chief condemns killing of Syrian reporters

Paris, Dec 6 (IANS/AKI): Unesco Director-General Audrey Azoulay has deplored the killing of journalists Raed Fares and Hamoud Jneed in Syria's rebel-held northern Idlib province last month, urging that their killers be brought to justice.

"I condemn the murder of Raed Fares and Hamoud Jneed," said Azoulay, referring to their assassination in Kafranbel on November 23.

"Fares and Jneed were deeply committed journalists who remained dedicated to informing the public at great risk to themselves over the years," she said.

"I call on the local authorities to investigate this crime and bring its perpetrators to justice, an essential step to improve the safety of journalists working in the area."

Unidentified gunmen killed Fares and Jneed shortly after they left Radio Fresh, where both worked.

Fares, one of Syria's most prominent broadcast journalists and civil society activists, was the founder of Radio Fresh for which Jneed worked as a photographer.

Fares survived an assassination attempt in 2014 and barely escaped with his life. He was arrested by Al Qaeda, kidnapped and tortured, before being released.


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