Mangalore: Jumbo Catch - Fishermen Land 1200 kg Shark Fish

Mangalore: Jumbo Catch - Fishermen Land 1200 kg Shark Fish

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RD/CN)

Mangalore, Dec 22: The local fishermen caught a tiger (Whale?) shark weighing around 1,200 kgs when they ventured into the Arabian Sea, off New Mangalore Port Trust (NMPT), here on the afternoon of Monday December 22.

The local fishermen fishing off the NMPT, in their outboard fitted mechanized boat ‘Jala Vijaya’ found a tiger shark entangled in their fishing net.  The fishermen on board the boat sought the help of others to tow into port, what is thought to be, the largest ever fisheries catch to date.

The prized tiger shark was finally brought to shore near Bunder and attracted a huge crowd eager for a glimpse of the mammoth fish.


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  • Balakrishna Shetty, Yellur, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 29 2008

    I wonder what the Fisheries dept. is doing? I hope they are not sitting at Bangalore while 70% of the fishing is done in DK & Udupi! This crime committed ignorantly also shows how negligent the govt is and how unsafe our coast is.

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  • Melvil, Bangalore

    Mon, Dec 29 2008

    No I totally disagree with your views. The whale shark (not tiger shark)is totally harmless and should have been released back into the sea.

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  • Mithun , Mangalore/ Dubai

    Sun, Dec 28 2008

    Its no use of blaming fisherman's, according to me they have done a great job, its not so easy to catch such a gain fish, we people only know to buy and eat and nothing else. so many fisherman's as lost their life by fishing. If the above commented people says that this is crime, then let them stop killing COW,GOAT,SHEEP,PIG etc.

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  • Robert Mathias, mumbai/kuwait

    Sat, Dec 27 2008

    What a horrible crime,just murdered a harmless creature for no reson.

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  • Pat Pereira, Mangalore/Canada

    Fri, Dec 26 2008

    I totally and completely agree with this comment. It is indeed very sad to watch such a beautiful and harmless creature vanish from our earth.

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  • domnic,

    Fri, Dec 26 2008

    this is da biggest shark ever captured by india

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  • devdas salian, hosabettu-Auh Zirku

    Fri, Dec 26 2008

    Thanks daiji. Manglore fsihermen has done brave job and everybody can see the TIGER SHARK. Very easy to eat fish but very difficult to catch such a Tiger Shark. Congrats....

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  • Kiran Bangera, Bengre, Mangalore / AbuDhabi

    Fri, Dec 26 2008

    Guys .Keep one thing mind that, there is no special education on marine life to our fishermen friends. Those who do phd on marine life never do fishing for their livelihood. No point in blaming the fishermen. Fishermen are not ed by their knowlege to marine life, instead they see only the fish catching skills. The main aim would be to catch fishes which are sellable.If there is demand, there will be supply. So.. congratulations 'Jala Vijaya'. Well done.

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  • Faruk,

    Wed, Dec 24 2008

    capturing and killing such beautiful creatures is illegal. SAVE SUCH BEAUTIFUL CREATURES

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  • Keegan Vas, Balmatta/ Mangalore/ Dubai

    Wed, Dec 24 2008

    The fishermen have done their job well !! kudos to them. it is totally wrong to accuse our fisher folk for catching the whale shark it is same thing as a sales person would celebrate his vistory on getting a huge order for his merchandise. commo'n guys n gals grow up. We have the fisheries and the authorities to handle the protection of species !! critics do you realize that even the fish in your kitchen has got life and experiences the same brutality as the whale shark when it's caught ?? so will you stop eating fish ??

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  • Sylvia Adam, Australia

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Was there a tag attached to the whale shark? This is very IMPORTANT as Marine Searchers have tagged 20 Whale sharks in Western Australia.

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  • RONY NORONHA, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    you have done a great job.keep it fishing ministers wake up and look around the world and educate the fishermen.this fish is so tasty.

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  • Rhea Dsouza, Bangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    the fishermen have done a very bad job killing this poor creature. This fish could have a happy life ahead which was spoilt by these fishermen . they have spoilt gods beautiful creation. anyways thanks to daiji for this coverage.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    This is a act of brutality and ignorence. Its quite sad that people either amuse themselves or show the bravery of the catch. I wish these people had some thought process not to kill such a rare species. Authoriies must stop these killings of rare species and protect them through education and laws.

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  • Cynthia Miranda, Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Very very sad... Thank you Daiji world for this vital information. At least we know what is happening in and around Mangalore.

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    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Verry sad news to see a rare creature getting killed like this. fishermen need more knowledge and goodwill to protect this creature,

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Very sad indeed. But i don't blame these fishermen actually. There is a fisheries dept and also a fisheries college in Mangalore. It is up to these people to educate our fishermen about the types of fish available and those that are endangered. What has happened has happened and we cannot change that, but from now on please see to it that there is no repetition and no more endangered species are killed.

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  • Maxim, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    What a pity.....shame on you fisher are still in stone age. This is endangered whale shark. Where are animal rights activists now? Are you sleeping? wake up guys. Please book fishermen under CITES rules for killing a endangered species of marine life.

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  • Edward Rodrigues, Katapadi/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    The whole world is spending billions of dollars to protect endangered species like the whale shark which are in very few no's and in india we see people rejoicing over the catch of a whale shark....... are the conservation authorities sleeping !!!!!!tourists pay thousands of dollars for a once in a lifetime opportunity to swim with these totally harmless creatures who feed on plankton and in our very own native place we see people enjoying ,merrying over it's catch.....what a shame , this is the most disgusting act i have ever seen!!!!!!!!

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  • Gracia, kuwait

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Whole of Media is Making Hero out of a Fool. Its very sad to know when whole world ban is imposed on fishing of Whale Sharks, We are taking credit of having a big catch.... as a matter of fact the Karnataka Fisheries has to ban that Boat for catching it. Even they have to set up some rules over the fishing & time to time Monitor them. When I read this artical today... I felt sad & pity for the bunch of fishemen who caught it.

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  • Reejaa. R, Bahrain, Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Its a very informative comments sent by all the Daiji Readers. I appreciate it. I know its not intentional mistake, but Yes while publishing any news, a journalist should make sure whether the information is true , otherwise your effort will be not only ineffective but will also lose to readers.

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  • Rakesh D'souza, Mangalore, Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    This is not a great job done by the fishermen...But it's a great mistake they have done. World is fighting to protect these rare animals. All concerned authorities should train the fishermen.. If it happens fishermen would let the ill fated poor animal to go back to the sea instead of bringing it to the shore. This is really a sad news.

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  • Hilary Tellis, Kuntalpadi, Bahrain

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    After reading all comments, it is sure that this is a whale shark.  But how will these fishermen know what they caught ? So as some one commented, the Fisheries Authorities should give guidance to these fisherman.

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  • Nishanth M , Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    The fish caught is a whale shark. The largest fish in the world. It is a proof that Mangalore seas has some unique marine wildlife. We must remember that it we live in fragile ecosystem. It is a pity that the fish was not let free.

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  • Yvonne D'souza, Mangalore/Canada

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Sad!! this is an endangered species. It is a Whale Shark!!

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  • Caitan Pompeia, Goa

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    I think you should cry for human beings dying and getting tortured around the globe rather than  a dead fish. Be human to humans first. 

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  • Vijay, Udupi / Muscat

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    This is absolutely ridiculous. The owner and fishermen of ‘Jala Vijay’ dhow must be banned and punished for their brutality. Shame on you.

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  • Rina, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    This is DISGUSTING!  Killing a poor creature and these people are showing off to the public that they have done a  brave  work. Shame on all those involved.

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  • Faiz, Udupi

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Agree with all the comments,Why has the Marine and Fisheries Department kept numb over this???There is a Fisheries college in Mangalore even to impart knowledge on marine ecology.Really astonished that this is treated as a heroic event.Shows the lack of knowledge

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  • Ravi, mlore\uae

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    DISGUSTING…… What a shame ……whole world is behind protecting endangered animals like whale and sharks, but in Mangalore they are enjoying over the catch. PLEASE PLEASE stop this happening again. Please educate these fisher men and people of Mangalore about the need to protect the environment and animals which are in danger of existence. These fisher men had done lot of protests when setting up MRPL and their other local issues ……… where is their conscious now????????? Dont they know their limit? Daiji world thanks for this news\information, but this is not ENOUGH please educate people who are in MANGALORE about the need to protect our natural environment. Where are our people from Fisheries College Mangalore? What are they doing.......... They think this is an ordinary fish which breeds in ponds and in Pilikula?

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  • Alexander Menezes, Karkala/Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    What a Pity..Look at those people who are surrounding the dead whale shark. No one cares and no one gives a damn these days in India in destroying our envoirnment and marine life. The local fishermen thought that they have done a big job by killing this marine creature but what they have actually done is eliminated one of such an endangered species of Marine life. Authorities, where are you now?

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  • noor mohd, uae,mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Whale shark. Highly endangered. Where are the authorities?. Dont embrass Mangalore in front of the world. Dont allow this next time. Educate fishermen about the importance of protecting this harmless animal.

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  • Naveen Pinto, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    It is most certainly a Whale Shark. Please check this site for images. shark&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=1&ct=title

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  • vincy qatar, mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008


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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Thanks to daijiworld for the news coverage of the shark kill. It is indeed unfortunate that fishermen think they have done a great feat by capturing it! A very big reason why the ecosystem and food pyramid of the marine life is upset because predators and big fish of the sea are disappearing( this is not my view but an established scientific fact). Fisheries college professors can confirm this. It is not enough to our milk to the sea and pray for better succsess in fishing but they need to do their bit to the sea environment too! ( dont catch sharks or whales).

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  • trey, hawaii

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    That's hardly a tiger. If it is, it has no teeth! Looks more like a whale shark to me.

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  • Sharkman, Malta

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    That is a WHALE SHARK. A very harmless and very ENDANGERED species of shark. What a sad ending to such a magnificent animal.

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  • Preeti, Mangalore

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Poor shark. Couldn't they have let it go at sea? It's a real sad sight to see.

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  • jake barret, USA

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    That's a WHALE SHARK.

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  • arun, udupi

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    Its a whale shark,harmless and need to be protected,please do something to protect them

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  • Kent Bonde, Miami, Florida USA

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    The writer of this article should have done a little more research to determine that what he reported as a tiger shark was in fact and sadly so, a whale shark, which is completely harmless to people.

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  • Shark Lover, Southern California

    Tue, Dec 23 2008

    This is NOT a Tiger shark. This is a HARMLESS plankton eater called a whale shark. These guys do not even have the teeth that the other sharks have. They are harmless and they cannot fight back. This a horrible mistake, or miscarriage of animal rights.

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  • Francis, Mangalore/Muscat

    Mon, Dec 22 2008

    It looks like a whale shark. This is the largest fish species and feeds on only plankton. Very harmless ccreature.

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