Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu), Mar 1 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami and AIADMK Joint Coordinator on Thursday said the Delhi High Court verdict in the 'two leaves symbol case' is a good one and showed they are the real AIADMK.
The Delhi High Court dismissed pleas of sidelined AIADMK leaders V.K. Sasikala and T.T.V Dhinakaran challenging the Election Commisison's decision of awarding the 'two leaves' symbol and the AIADMK name to a faction led by Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam and Joint Coordinator and Chief Minister Palaniswami.
Responding to reporters here, Palaniswami said the verdict showed "we are the real AIADMK."
Queried about the bypolls for the 21 assembly constituencies that are vacant in the state, Palaniswami said the elections could be held along with Lok Sabha polls.