Chandigarh, Mar 3 (IANS): Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar here on Sunday launched 211 development projects worth Rs 4,106 crore through video conferencing.
Addressing people after the ceremony, Khattar said: "This would usher in an era of development in the state." The Chief Minister also said he had made 7,916 announcements pertaining to development during his stint.
Taking on the earlier Congress government, he said: "Only 6,500 announcements had been made by the previous Chief Minister during his 10-year regime."
The projects inaugurate on Sunday include 63 projects worth Rs 408 crore and laying of the foundation stones for 148 projects worth Rs 3,698 crore, a government statement said.
Khattar also said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch a new scheme, Pradhan Mantri Shramyogi Maandhan Yojana, on March 5.
"All eligible beneficiaries of the scheme would have to contribute a monthly premium of Rs 55 or Rs 200, and they would be entitled for monthly pension of Rs 3,000 after the age of 60," he said.