Mangalore: The Legend of Ali Bhootha Brings Together Hindus, Muslims

Mangalore: The Legend of Ali Bhootha Brings Together Hindus, Muslims    
Pics: Suresh Yedanadu 
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)

Mangalore, Apr 8: Tulunadu is famous for ‘Bhootharadhane’. ‘Bhoothas’ here are worshipped as ‘Daiva’, the God from this land.  Bhoothas or Daivas are considered essential for communal harmony. 

As such, the ‘Ali Bootha’ of the Ali Chamundi Daivastana in Arikkadi, Kumble, is worshipped by both Muslims and Hindus. 

People encountering problems come to the ‘bhootha’ for solutions. Many devotees present in the temple during the annual ‘Nemotsav’ claim that Ali Bhootha is the most powerful one who has solutions for all.  

During the festival, Muslim and Hindu devotees offer chickens and jasmine flowers to Ali Bhootha.  

The temple here is also popularly known as ‘Pade Ali Bhoothastana. The Ali Bhootha is also called the ‘Karyakaran’ of Chamundi  Bhootha , which roughly translated means ‘secretary’ of Chamundi Bhootha.   

The Origin of Ali Bhootha 

Legend has it that Ali hailed from Diu Island and was in Tulunadu on business. He also was familiar with ‘Mantravada’ or tantric powers.  He soon turned into a nuisance for the womenfolk of the area.

The women prayed to the deity Chamundi to save them from the wily Ali. However, the ‘Tayitha’ or ‘Urku’ (talisman) that Ali wore, protected him from harm.  

Finally, one day as Ali passed by Chatrampalla, a pond, he saw a woman bathing there. The woman called out to Ali to join her in the pond. It is said that while preparing to step into the water, Ali removed the talisman and the woman seized the opportunity to kill him in the pond.

The people believe that the woman was an incarnation of Chamundi. 

However, following Ali’s death, the locals faced many problems which they attributed to his dissatisfied soul or ‘Pretha’.

They believe that the ritual of ‘Prethochchatane’ helps deal with all problems that seemingly have no solution.  

Every year, the management trust of the temple conducts a seven-day Nemostav.  

The Landmarks  

The Chatrampalla, the pond where Ali was supposedly killed is still here. By the side of this pond, an umbrella-shaped rock formation and rock sandals are also seen.

The people who believe in Ali Bhootha attribute him with great powers and say that all requests made through him will be fulfilled in a year.  

Kollaththodu Kollam’ 

During the Nemotsav, the ‘Pathradhari’ of Ali Bhootha when giving ‘prasadam’ to devotees says ‘Kollaththodu  Kollam’, a Malayam word meaning ‘every year’. The devotees take this to mean that they must then visit the temple during the festival each year without fail. 
Hence, a lot of visitors refrain from asking for the prasadam. This is a unique feature observed in this temple for elsewhere it is considered important to seek the ‘prasadam’ without fail.


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  • Amogh, Udupi

    Sun, Jan 29 2017

    Hello,I am amogh.Well so many people argued on religion.
    We Hindus too belive in ONE ALMIGHTY GOD and we worship him or her with different names,forms.
    Him or her because THE GOD is out of gender.
    We see GOD in everything because,Ultimately everything is made of God from God.
    We are inside the Womb of the Energy,we jz cant escape from it.
    And this energy is of two kinds,Stable Energy (sthanu shakthi) and Unstable Energy (Renu shakthi). stable is responsible for non materialistic form and unstable for materialistic form. This non materialistic form gives out to the materialistic form.It is nothing but quantum form to macro form.The size and number of quanta leads to different macro creations.
    So u see 3 major things happening quanta,macro and the accountancy of creations.
    These are trinity of the sanathana religion Sthanu is Shiva,Renu is Vishnu,accountancy is Brahma(togetherly Eshwara),Shakti is energies of 3 Shive,Lakshmi,Saraswati (togetherly Durga) God has know definite form.

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    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Please give me exact address of Arikkadi Ali chamundi bhuta sthana to my email id:

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  • Dora Rego, Nirkan, Bantwal/Amboli, Andheri W. Mumbai

    Sat, Apr 11 2009

    Daiji world good coverage and good pics. Glad to know Hindu Muslims coming closer. This is a good example of religious tolerance which is the need of the hour all over the world. Thanks for all your expert comments prior to this which really impressed me.

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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 09 2009

    Mr.Khalandar, Qatar and Mr Shahnawaz, nice comments of yours. I liked it. Good things in the hand of God. Bad things in the hand of Satan. If some people benefited from 'Ali Bhootha' from where it's power derived. from God or Satan. are is it from third front anything, like mayaswati party?

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  • Mukta Shetty, dubai

    Thu, Apr 09 2009

    Mr,Lloyd D'soza u r right. they need many gods bcoz a single god cannot save them.they need god power like man power, fool people...

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  • Khalandar, Qatar

    Thu, Apr 09 2009

    Excuse me, Who all are passing comments on Abdulla's views just think twice because he is right on stating the fundamentals of Islam.Visiting and worshipping are totally two different things which could understood by anyone..

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  • Raghuveer Kamath, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 09 2009

    Dear Mr Abdulla, You are perfectly right. One should respect the others feeling and faith. If any worship is not harmful to others, it is not in practicing it.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Ms.Lydia Lobo, Kadri, has put it nicely and there is wisdom in every line of her comments.

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  • Ashwin Pai, Mangalore/Singapore

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr. Wilson, great to know that you have discovered the UNSEEN god and thanks to let Indians know that we create gods through our imagination. Do you know even in mid-eastern countries like Arabia and Israel people created the UNSEEN god without any physical form, who can walk in a garden, speak without a vocal chord. Well inspite of living in a Budhist country of Thailand, I pity you are stranger to Budhist philosophy of the truth within you!

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  • Premsagar, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Let Ali Bootha guide and protect all the muslims and hindus and give them wisdom to live peacefully. Before passing unnecessary comments, I suggest muslim brothers to visit Ali Bootha temple and see what Ali has to say.

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  • shenaz, udupi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009


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  • M.bhat, Mumbai

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Nice views by Abraham Coutinho, mundkur/Bombay, Lydia Lobo, Kadri and Vijay Shetty, Udupi

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    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    If someone says he worships a Bhoota, or anything except Almighty ALLAH, then he is no more a muslim. A person is not regarded as a muslim by his name, its the faith in his heart that decides his religion.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal, Sharjah

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Bhoota Stunned everyone !!! Hope Bhoota will bring peace/harmony between Hindus/Muslims/Christians. I think Bhoota knows that India is incomplete without Hindus, Muslims & Christians. Finally Bhoota realised ..but do we realise ?

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  • Wilson, Shamboor/Thailand

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Hello friends In India what we do is . creating our own gods with our own visions, and gave them names and worship them.. the creator the living God . nobody has seen him.. and we are not worshiping him , that’s why we are having troubles everywhere…at last we are fighting for gods which is only created by ourselves . please wake up. …real God is someone else who is unseen

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  • vishanth kumar, mangalore, mangalore

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Dear abdulla and viajay shetty please dont argue much on this issue. Why you people argue much on religion and gods name, whereas you people are least bothered about the people around you. I dont find any such strong arguments when we find any news where our fellow being is in trouble or in any difficulty, I think we should change our attitude...too bad my dear freinds

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  • Abraham Coutinho, mundkur/Bombay

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    To Dr. Aravind & other Muslims brothers - Both are right in their respective places. In Hinduism, they find God in many entities, people, plants or things. "Devo Bhava" suffix is applied to Pithru,Mathru, Guru, Brathru etc. They see God in them and respect. They see God in every Holyness. So worship it, may it be from Christianity or Islam in the present case. They are not restricted whereas we are.

    It is plurality of Hindu religion. Good one. Rather Best One. Accepted, practiced and taught by their religious heads/parents from time immemorial till today. Others are no body to say they are wrong. For others, say Muslims or Christians there is only one God and there is no other God before him. Hence if you practice "Guru Devo Bhava" you commit sin. It is Idolatory.

    Putting human being above than God. Hence one should practice ones own religion and must not contradict/dispute about others practice/faith of religion. Let us live in harmony and peace and attend each others festivals. I say this because, I studied elementary fom Hindu school and still remember and sing those Bhajan Songs in classical tone.

    My High school is from Catholic Board but not become a Padri. I am married man- Christian. From my nineth age, I used to attend " Aata - Bayalata" (my father did not object me for that) and even today I go to it in Bombay and gained immense knowledge and respect for Hinduism. What is not known to me about other's religion, I do not say it is wrong because I am ignorant about it.

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr. Prakash if hinduism is oldest religion as per you,if so can you plz tell me which was ur 1st creature in this earth. who was ur 1st human being in this earth??????????

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  • Ujire, Belthangadi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Asthagufirullah,I think we have to work hard to educate our brothers and sister to know Oneness off Allah, there is a difference between believing and Respecting, We Muslim will respect other religion but will not believe in it ,Hope our Non Muslim bother can understand it. Instead of making wrong statement,

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  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    'Sabka Malik Ek' right? All roads then lead to him right? Birth may not be but death is the greatest equaliser' right? What for all these comments? All of us cannot change the world the best we can do is change ourselves. Please ponder.....

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  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Dear Abdulla Madumoole, while I have no objections what you are saying, let me tell you one thing. Hinduism is as old as this earth and what goes around comes around. All other religions mushroomed because of the weaknesses of certain sections of society who wanted to exploit in the name of religion or confusion and enimity created by the plurality of Gods in Hinduism. So, if some muslims keep their age old tradition, whats wrong in it. Dont dub your own brethren as non-muslims.

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  • Abdulla Madumoole, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Dear Vijay Shetty, You need to go through my comments again as pointed out by many others. There is difference between just visiting a temple and worshipping the deity inside the temple. I am not opposing visiting temples, churches, masjids or festivities but what I said in my comment was if some one believes in the plurality of god, then he cannot be termed as a Muslim. Like your Muslim friend, I too have visited many temples including your Udupi Sri Krishna temple. Regarding your other questions like opposing girls going to school or killing others, let me briefly tell you that these are alien to Islam and I don’t want to discuss further about this since it is outside the subject of discussion here.

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  • Dr. Aravinda D Gowda, Mangalore, (Dubai)

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    This is the Big Problem, Means We found God every were in every thing. So we have problem every were & in every thing. Remember > God is Only one who created every thing. Not every thing is God.

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  • Achapu K, Kudla

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    No one is a True Muslim If he / she worshipping other than Allah. A Muslim can't have dual religion and It's happening here because of ignorance and lack of knowledge.

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  • rafeeq ibrahim, Dubai / Bantwala

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr.imran This is South indian drama

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  • Mohammed, Mangalore / Saudi arabia

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr.Vijay Shetty, as a muslim we have to totally surrender to allah. here in this area whoever participated in Bootha aradane are not muslims instead they are muslims for name sake. One more thing I would like to remind u that wherever u might be, whenever might be religion is not changing at all

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Religious rituals diversify as they pass through different cultures. Those who live in Mumbai know that during Ganapati visarjan, at a certain location the Mosque representative offers formalities, only then the statue proceeds further. This practice does not make Mumbai Muslims any less important or unbelievers ? Christians in India have made Aarti a part of their worship as well as flower garlands which is not a practice in Western countries. Therefore, India itself is a merged civilization of all religions. Rigidity makes us pull apart in various directions of each religion. We must live harmoniously, let people celebrate their own festivals, never criticise their belief.

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  • Khatib, UAE

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr. Vijay shetty attending religious functions of other community and by going to mandirs and churches does not make a Muslim void. Many Muslims like me are fond of being part of holi and diwali from our childhood. But being Muslim we have some fundamental restrictions which can’t be crossed like worshipping other than Allah and associating any partners with Him. Pls. do not misread the comments from Mr. Abdullah although he is right in his position

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  • Mohammed Siddique, Mangalore - Dubai

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Yes Mr. Vijay Shetty, Udupi - Mr. Abdullah ‘Madumooooole’ is definitely right. They are just with muslim names like M.F Hussain and many. We never accept them as muslims - and coz of people like M.F Hussain the kesari people attacked muslims. Even the kesaris are alert when Salmans Khans "Chikaara" case - a well known actor. But in reality we never accept them as muslims. And overall - The Alibhoota is "SHIRK" in islam and shirk is "HARAAM"

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  • Muhammed, Permude

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Vijay Shetty... even you or everybody can claim themselves as a muslim ! or Me & everybody can claim as a Hindu ! Just go once again & again on Abdullahs & Najams comments & try to grab point/s.

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  • Vijay Shetty, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Mr. Abdullah ‘Madumooooole’ ?, you mean to say that whoever attended ‘Ali Bootha’ feast are not true muslims ? People who are objecting to girls going to school, other hand killing others are true muslims ? Just yesterday, one of my best muslim friend who came with me to a nearby temple, is not muslim ! I have so many times visited 'Haji Malang' 'Haji Ali'and Mahim church, am I not an Hindu ? common Mr. Madumoooole, living in 21st Century, how could you think like this.

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  • Saleem kabaka, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    You are rigth Mr .Abdulla Madumoole.....

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  • Abdulla Madumoole, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Worshipping "Ali Bhootha" or any other bhootha is a matter of faith and sometimes, a matter of desperateness seeking for cure of "perceived" bhootha related problems. But, I do not subscribe to the argument that some Muslims of this area worship bhootas as god, though they may be visiting bhootas and bhootastans. Also, I do not agree at all that for communal harmony we should worship each others’ gods, rather, I strongly feel that one should learn and stick to the fundamentals of one’s religion, at the same time, respect the faith of others’. We say ‘ there is unity in diversity’ in India, for me what this phrase means is – respect the differences and celebrate the similarities. For communal harmony, what is required is righteousness at heart so that we will be able to respect the feelings and faiths of other people around us. To be called as a Muslim, the fundamental condition is that one should have a firm faith in oneness of God, that is, believing without doubt that there is only one God and he doesn’t have any partner or associates. If somebody worships bhootha, it is up to him, but he cannot be identified as a Muslim though he carries an official name of a Muslim.

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  • Najam Batrekere, Bajpe

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Meaning of who submits [to God].

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  • Imran Kaup, DUbai

    Wed, Apr 08 2009

    Which kind of drama is this ?

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  • B.G.MOHANDAS - Team GulfKannadiga, DUBAI / BYNDOOR

    Tue, Apr 07 2009

    GREAT EVENT & GREAT COVERAGE. Finally 'BOOTHAAS'arrive for our rescue!. Symbol of communal harmony at its best. Appreciate Daiji contribution towards brotherhood.

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