Even as State Considers Cow-slaughter Ban, Buffalos Get Beheaded

Even as State Considers Cow-slaughter Ban, Buffalos Get Beheaded

Daijiworld Media Network – Koppal (SP)

Koppal, Feb 16: Blood flowed like water at Donnegudda Durugamma temple in Kushtagi taluk of the district, as devotees beheaded scores of rams and buffaloes, leaving the blood-trickling animal heads near the temple on Sunday February 14. The ritual of animal sacrifice, being held on the next day of Shivaratri at the triennial fair of Goddess Durugamma Temple, has been going on unabated, in spite of the efforts of the administration and the state to stop it.

The district administration’s claims of making all out efforts to stop the practice appeared to remain on paper. The temple committee too sacrificed the buffalo they had earmarked for the Goddess. As per an estimate, about six to seven thousand rams and a thousand buffalos got sacrificed at the temple. People believe that earmarking new-born calf to the Goddess, and sacrificing it to the Goddess after it grows, saves them from the anger of the Goddess. Superstitions reigned supreme, as law-makers closed their eyes to the blatant violation of a ban placed on the public sacrifice of animals through an act that came into force in the state in 1959.

The heads and hooves of these animals were dumped in a large pit dug near the temple for the purpose, and then buried by using mud. The devotees were seen to be freely slicing through the necks of the animals they had reserved for the sacrifice, as no one stopped or questioned them. During the last fair, the district administration, which was under immense pressure from various organizations against animal violence, had taken strict measures to stop the practice of sacrifice and had considerably succeeded in its efforts. However, this time, no such steps were in place. As the revenue and police departments kept vigil at the temple yard and showed unwillingness to take on thousands of devotees who got together for the fair, the animal sacrifice went on without any hitches. In the year 2004, the then district superintendent of police had personally kept vigil at the temple fair and seen to it that no animal sacrifice took place. In 2007, although a vigil was kept, the villagers had succeeded in killing a few hundred animals secretly.

Blood was seen flowing into the fields adjacent to the temple, and the villagers had confined their children to the homes, apprehending that they may not be able to take the macabre scene of large heaps of skulls and torsos of the sacrificed animals, with blood oozing from them. The villagers follow the practice of taking back carcasses of the slain rams, while the meat of the buffalos is taken away by the dalits for consumption.

The state Prani Daya Sangha has blamed the district administration, including the deputy commissioner and the superintendent of police, for their failure to enforce the legal ban. Its coordinator, Sri Dayananda Swami, met the state director general of police, Ajai Kumar Singh, on Monday February 15, seeking a thorough investigation into the above large scale sacrifice of animals. District superintendent of police, Eshwarachandra Vidyasagar, contradicting reports about large scale slaughter of animals near the temple, claimed that the villagers had sacrificed the animals in their homes and then brought the severed heads to the temple, before burying them some distance away from the temple. He also said that he had asked the officials to identify and arrest the people who had buried the animal heads near the temple.

Late night on Sunday, a case was registered against six persons, including the president of the Durugamma Devi Fair Committee, Babanna V Desai, and other office bearers, for abetting the act of sacrificing of rams and buffalos in the name of offerings to the Goddess, under Karnataka Prevention of Animal Sacrifices Act, 1959. The case was registered on the basis of a complaint filed by Hanumantappa Yamanappa Deepali from Donnegudda village, saying that the temple committee office bearers had illegally collected fees from the devotees, who wanted to fulfill their religious vows, and permitted them to sacrifice the animals, in violation of the government orders.

After coming to know about the massive slaughter of animals at the temple, deputy superintendent of police from Gangavati, S K Mulasavalagi, visited the village and conducted verification on Monday.


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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Thu, Feb 25 2010

    Dear Readers,kindly stop the religious,cast, creed,custom of worship attack.I believe readers of daijiworld are educated,nowadays it is very common in attacking each other like uncivilised people,in most of the article comments, main agenda is forgotten.baning a cow slaughter in karnataka,it is not the first state in grate India.there is a mojority govt. in karnataka,I think majority people says,baning is correct,so when other govt comes to power you can try to revok.totally I can say it is a people decision.Any of the old belief will take time to come on the right way because of illitracy in India.Do you remember Chandragutt?one place at shivamogga district...  How the pooja is offered now?so totally it will take time and require patience......

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  • Tawood Dhackeray, Palli/Ranganpalake

    Sat, Feb 20 2010

    Harold D'cunha, Mangalore..when people are not looking there own mother in dignity.. sending them to old age home.. what about animal.. after animal becomes old.. people are push into the road.. to eat garbage..one mother can look after ten children. but ten children never able to look after one mother...at old age she is just shifting her location..from one home to another..

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 19 2010

    Mr. Sudhir Mangalore, I quote your words "becaue everyone watched movie 'The Da Vinci Code" I haven't see the movie of da vinci code and I don't know how many them have not seen. By telling every one has seen the movie means you are a liar. Secondly If Sri Rama was lord why he took Agni pariksha of Sita? Did he not know whether Sita was pure or abused by Ravana.

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  • Sudhir, managlore

    Fri, Feb 19 2010

    Mr. Joseph, I am not agaisnt who eat beef but Kankanady Lydia was talking about god & its Vahana by giving some example. For that even I have given reply. You Christains use beef not much but for the sake of opposing BJP whenever you get chance to write comment peron like Kankandy Lydia commented. For example if you find any wood piece(kattige) in cross shape while burning or firing what you will do? Will you brake that cross & burn OR you will keep that aside?

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Thu, Feb 18 2010

    As far as I understand in some Middle East Countries especially in Dubai Pork is freely available but in the selling counter they do mention not for Muslims. It is freedom of choice of the buyer. Seller do not bother about the buyer's identity even though this country is Muslim Country.
    In Bahrain liquor is freely available for consumption but for money for all religion people including Muslims. One should be given a choice but not forced over them as we live in a democratic country. In Pakistan pigs are breaded and pork meat is freely available especially in Karachi.
    Banning cow slaughter of milk giving cows should be discussed openly but not by force. At the same time banning slaughter of buffalos, ox, calf is really unwanted. How many cows eat filthy garbage food due to hungriness. Those who revere cow as their mother I have a straight forward question. Do u allow your own mother to eat garbage food. Then look after this cow in dignity.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 18 2010

    Dear Mr. Sudhir, I quote your words “You will eat any animals which is available in this earth so why you are bothered so much. No one is banning pork here, dont worry. Dont talk about religion & god here, Unquote. Will anybody die with banning or without banning cow either people will not die with consuming only vegetables or without? The comments are about the banning of cow due to the fundamental Hindus worship cow as God that is the reason all these comments occurred without which will you comment for or against. Secondly,

    We Christians are not worshiping cow or anything and everything as god (I have no object that you or the fundamentals worship cow or anything and you don’t kill the cow) however for us cow meat, pork meat or any other meat Christians like (except human meat) can have which ultimately will go into the stomach and discharge as shit. Eating of any meat will not defile a person rather defiling are the slanderous, jealousies, selfishness, envy, greedy, unrighteousness etc., defiles a person. Indeed Mr. Suresh don’t kill the cow and eat because those people who are opposing banning of cow are consuming beef that is the reason beef prices are gone up. Now who is to dictate us which meat to eat or which meat not to eat? The fundamentals or the seculars kindly explain please.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Feb 18 2010

    Problems and issues are discussed with the sane - not mental patients.

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  • Sudhir, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 18 2010

    Kankanady Lydia, If you know many hindus in your friend circle who is eating beef then you should have asked them your doubts. Please dont show your cheap mentality about god by sending such nonsense comments about GOD.

    You have full right to condemn cow slaughter ban but dont talk about God becaue everyone watched movie 'The Da Vinci Code' & 'Bloodline'and anyone can make cheap comments.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Feb 18 2010


    What benefit does make to you if cow-slaughter is banned ? Low income people who were so far going for beef, will hereafter go for mutton or chicken ? As a result mutton/chicken will be in short supply hence their prices will go up ? Who will be the sufferer then ? General public right ?

    I personally know beef and pork eating Hindus in my friend-circle, I take it as their freedom of choice. Since you are not aware about my preference, do not hurl words at me about pork being available, Christians are not the only people who are eating pork.

    We have here comments from Hindus who do not support ban on beef for obvious reasons. For beef to be available in the market, bovine slaughter has to take place - not cows in particular. Our state is for all religions - dictators (especially on religious principles) will be eventually rejected.

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  • Sudhir, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Lydia, Kankanady, You will eat any animals which is available in this earth so why you are bothered so much. No one is banning pork here, dont worry. Dont talk about religion & god here,

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  • PRAMOD, yellur/USA

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    lydia lobo- It is no use to bring in caste or communities in the Veg/Non Veg issue. Cow has been worshiped and domesticated for thousands of years by hindus alike. I don't think anyone has domesticated rats, snakes or monkeys even though they form a intrinsic part of our culture.Hence the resistance to cow slaughter. Regarding the article, just because one village is killing or sacrificing buffaloes does not mean all hindus are alike.

    There are some customs particular to some section of community because of the diversity and due to local customs and beliefs.So chill down and take it easy. Personally i feel more people need to become meat eaters so that vegetarians like me can afford to buy vegetables cheaply -)

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  • siddik.b.a., kemmara

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    oh my god...  Once i thought,  suppose this will happen by muslims or cristines what will happen to go,how many houses,vehicles,peoples,other propertys will burnt?everyone want to think about this,especially my hindu brothers want to think that why politics leaders doing this?for vote?or for releigion?this time is all indians,dont miss it...

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  • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney, Australia

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Good and meaningful comments by you Rajesh Rao, Yadav Shetty and Naveen Sequeira of Mangalore, and I fully endorse your views.

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  • Sheikh Mohammed, Mangalore - Dubai

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Dear everybody, Why dont we understand the bad politics happening in our state . Mangalore is a city of education ... we should move forward not backward and we young generation should be a lead example not to follow the dirty politics... Understand how dirty politics can be . It will ruin us . Let us all come together to make our Mangalore a peace city and not a piece city .

    So simple it is to understand if eating beaf (cow's meat ) a violation to any religion then what about drinking cow's milk ?. Good time same headlines is happening in our state , Increase on milk price ? Cant we educated people understand it

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    During My Childhood I have not noticed anyone selling milking cows to the butchers. Only non milking cows and useless male calf's were sold to butchers..(my mother sometimes have differed this practice..she has not sold the cow and the male calf to butchers...infact we have conducted the funeral)!!!???

    May be nowadays time may have changed and people are killing milking cows(Still hope not)...!!! By Giving due respect to my Hindu friends, I cant believe this. Even Hindus in our village used to sell non milking cows and male calf's to the butchers..!!

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  • A.D'Cunah Shenoy, mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Meat eating, specially, red meat is unhealthy in the long run. Beyond that a cow is like mother, An infant can live with cows milk. It is considered sacred by hinduism. We had a cow and it was so special for our family and when her last days she was crying and I could not see that and we were crying as well. Finally she died. I support a ban on cow slaughter for meat.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Feb 17 2010


    No counter argument - a cow and a buffalo is different. Now, tell me isn't a cow slaughter banned because it is worshiped ? If that is the case, a mouse too is worshiped (as mooshika Vaahana), but they are killed as pests ? Are you aware that gun-licenses are issued to plantation owners to control monkey menace ? Aren't monkeys compared to Hanuman ? Where is the worship then ? I agree a cow does not harm as rats or monkeys do but it is not killed to eradicate ? On the contrary it is consumed as food by certain fractions of human beings ? There must be someone questioning these cream of society who are bent on imposing cow slaughter pretending to be protectors of Hindu religion. Policies must be transparent - not pseudo.

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  • Anoop, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Why the debate? I believe, cows (Bos taurus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are different. (Correct me if i'm wrong) Pretty much like different species of monkeys or maybe even monkeys vs men. I believe, "Go Maata" refers to a cow....so why all this noise?

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Yadav shetty, Mangalore....I liked your comment very much...even I am of the same opinion.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Mr. Yadav Shetty, you are simply
    telling the truth and common sense.

    If people could eat the high
    protean animal meat, it could have
    made them healthy and better brain power.

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  • Umesh Shetty, Kaup/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Why we become too violent if somebody (???) throws cows head in the premises of temple? and what answer we have for them? we ourself beheading thousands of cows (Gou Matha)in the same place which we used for worship!! is it our hindu culture? why people like Nagesh Nayak not passing any comments? they might have been participated in this cruelty show. One who doesn't have hand, he should not laugh at a person who doesn't have a finger. Jai Hind

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  • Naveen Sequeira, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Yadav Shetty very well said, i agree with you. God has become a commodity now a days. Some sell them for money, some for power, some for votes, some to score a point and some make a living out of God. The poor and majority of the people are shown the carrot of eternal salvation (moksha) and are turned into scapegoats. "God" can make a right a wrong and a wrong a right too!!! All you need is someone who believes you without thinking... Unfortunate indeed.

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  • Vishwamitra, Mangalore/USA

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Everyone, please remember that this is part of our culture and this has been done over the past thousands of years. So what right has any of us to prevent people who has been practising this from the dawn of history. This is another example of a minority trying to impose their values on the majority.

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  • Yadav Shetty, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    If you kill for consumption it is ok. However, if you kill for superstition then it is cruelty. This is only my opinion, but sacred or not who are we to judge what can be consumed and what cannot. If we are having a shortage or if it spreads a disease then ban it.
    We are all stuck in some tradition or holy book that was written eon's ago. Why don't we move forward and navigate our own destiny. Belief or fear due to the unknown is what all religious bodies capitalize upon. They are the scum of society that prey on the struggling common man, promising a hope at the end of life .. nonsense

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  • Sudhir, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Uncle Joel, I am counting goats in one small Village. Each house they cut a goat, count it will more than Lakh. I think you will not talk about because you may get free meat at that time.

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  • Naveen Sequeira, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    It is a custom in villeges for sacrifice a cock/Kori to the Daiva/God. This religious ceremony is still continued at my places in and around mangalore. One can call this as tredition or religious ceremony or "our culture". I dont support (nor do i condemn) these acts, as everyone has their own opinion for such things. Someone would say "Sacrificing a Cow is OK but not OK for Food".

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  • Vicky Chopra, Udipi/New Delhi

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    ellera manea 'dosagallali' toothugalu...

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  • jackson dsouza, kuwait

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Where is Mutalik now? why can't he see all this. There are some other parts of india where these kind of offering is going on. If Karnatak govt doesn't want to stop all these nonsenses then why they are targetting only muslim community for cow slaughtering?
    All these are gymics of politics . BJP is following the dual standards like Gujarat. But surely congress will be benefitted in these political ongoings in the next election.

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  • jackson dsouza, kuwait

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Where is Mutalik now? why can't he see all this. There are some other parts of india where these kind of offering is going on. If Karnatak govt doesn't want to stop all these nonsenses then why they are targetting only muslim community for cow slaughtering?
    All these are gymics of politics . BJP is following the dual standards like Gujarat. But surely congress will be benefitted in these political ongoings in the next election.

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  • jacintha, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Could someone make VSAchar read this news article and comment on it? We are at a loss for words. But all those who understood the 'cow ban' clearly, owe an explanation to the rest.

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    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    S.Prakasha Permude you are absolutely right.10%veg people enforcing 90% non veg people to eat Veg!!Is this is a democratic??Cruelty aginst animal is condmnable.

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  • Ashok Naik(US), Kasaragod

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    I dont support any kind of animal cruelty ,these comment doesn't make any thing in election guys..keep shouting like Dogs.. K'tak govt know who voted to power.. so please be keep down your blood presure..good for you guys..relaxe guys.. enjoy maadi...

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  • donfrank., Manglore, India

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Double standards by those who advocate cow-slaughter! Let them stop this nonsense and then try to impose total ban on beef.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    This is in response to previous comment of Dear Miss/Mrs Fathima, Will anybody die without banning cow slaughter/or without consuming only vegetarian/either people will not die off only consuming the meat? Hence what for this kind of unnecessary laws and hue cry by the fundamentalist government? Kindly explain please.

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  • Naveen, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    I think....Joker Nayak is having SERIOUS digestion problem.... he is not able to digest the comments pepole have given to him in daijiworld....Get well soon mamu...Ha...Haa

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Sourya Prakasha,

    My point was simply sarcastic. Its the non-Brahmin Hindus who should oppose imposition of cow slaughter law because there are many backward casts who resorted to consuming Beef as other items were too expensive for them (though the case is reverse now). If these upper cast members are permitted continue dominating, some day you guys will have no say at all in religious issues. Non-Hindus can still manage because they consume pork and mutton besides chicken.

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  • aman, saudi

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    where is NAGESH MAMU..........

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  • Sourya Prakasha, Permude

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri- 100% Vegiterian KARNATAKA not possible.
    Since the (cow slaughter) MANTRA by MANU VADIs & followed only by 'Upper Cast' people WHO are trying to impose on more than 90% of Indian populations!!

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  • Iqbal, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Dear Mr.Mathias,there are some uncivilised practices exist in christianity too,"voje" is one of them.

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  • A.khadar, Manjeshwar, Abu dhabi

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    As we know that Many people in India living below the powerty Line and many of them struggling to get food atleast for one time. Instead of wasting these eatable animals, we could have saved so many by distributing these after proper slaughter. No religion can support this kind of waste. Even in Islam they salughter in the name of festival and distribute at free of cost(zakat) to the poor people. Please think professionally, which one is to banned. Even Hindu Holy scriptures will not support this. Now come to our ugly politicians and narrow minded leaders.

    If they really Love the Indian Soil they never support for violence, murder, killing innocent people in the name of religion and destroying public & private properties by raising unnecessary issue. They just making our people a big fool to fight each other and ultimately we are loosing our own (indian) property and not any religious property. I request all the people to think about the development, better living, good facilities. let us enjoy this precious life without any fear. Each individual should become a police to save Indian soil and Indian Property by teaching a lesson. Learn from china. Let us pray and best of luck

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  • Robert, Manchakal

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    The cow meat is one of the best for health so Inadia more than 75% all people cooking this including all religious

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  • SM, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    What does this govt. have against Plants. They are living creatures too - why force us to eat these gentle beings?

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  • Anand Dsilva, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Some people like Mr. Mathias must keep the comments to himself in the interest of preventing retaliatory hate comments. I am a Christian and I do not support your views.

    I do not think majority of the Hindus are supporting ban on cow slaughter, although most of them do not eat it. We must clearly distinguish that only an organisation that looks for some pretext calls for this ban.

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  • Abdul Lathif, Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    The Central government should ban all this kind uncultured, violent rituals by these RAKSHAS.
    The State chief minister & Home minister should be held responsible for not protecting Animal rights.
    They should resign from the post on moral basis, as they are not able to stop the violence.
    Before considering on Cow-slaughter ban, these practices needs to be banned and even the act of KORI KATTU ( Chicken Fight)needs to be banned.

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  • Nazia,dxb, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Mr.Sudhir mlor,We sacrifice the animal in the most decent way and not in such huge.It is the the tradition in Islam which is followed after Prophet Ibrahim(Pbuh) and it will continue till day of judgement,no bans will hav any effect on us.ALLAHU AKBAR,verily my almighty is master,sustainer of the universe.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Animal slaughter in temples. NOw who are they? Are they muslims or christians? Where are those who advocate for ban on cow slaughter and 7 years of imprisonment and fine of 1 lakh rupees? Whats the religion of those who sacrificed these animals. Is cow slaughter ban is the need of hour? Can one really ban these sacrifices? Is the sacrifice is dravidian or aryan culture? Lot of questions need to be answered. Where are those self styled protectors of cows now? People still beleive in their age old traditions. Changes can be brought into by educating the masses and not by spreading malicious and unfounded ideologies. If we go back to the history of India, Indian were nature worshippers and used to sacrifice animals accofding to their beliefs and were predominantly meat eaters. Mr Acharya or his brigade cant change these practices. Now I am sure BJP govt must be re thinking about bringing a ban on cow slaughter.

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  • Rohan, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    This situaiton speaks to itself.So where are the Swamijees,politicians and senas now.You people cannot stop this when Hindus themselves love doing it.Then why ban beef?.This Govt. led by narrow minded foundamentalists can only speak about bans and not of progress.Learn from Modi.He is paying for his adventures and your time is not to far.

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  • Deepak D'Cunha, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    hELuvudu ondu maaDuvudu innondu
    nambuvudu hEgO kaaNe...

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  • Joel, Mangaore/Bangaore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Mr, Sudheer Mangalore, the count is 6000 buffaloes in one day according to TOI

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    What a shame. Sacrificing the cattle for consupmtion is wrong and not allowed, But sacrifing the same animal to unknown or unseen God and not eating it is our Hindu culture and Belief. can anyone who wanted cattle slaughter ban justify this..!!?? Learn & follow Hindu culture first and the impose it on others...!!

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  • M.Mathias, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Only Christanity suits civilised world.

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  • Rajesh Rao, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Shocking !!!! This inhuman sacrifice of poor and helpless animals needs to be condemned by everyone who believe in non violence. I saw the gory sight on net yesterday, where carcasses of blood soaked animals were lying everywhere and felt sorry for the poor animals slaughtered by ruthless people in order to please the Goddess, a foolish belief amongst certain section of Hnidu society. Why cannot the Government arrest all those invloved in this gory incident and ban slaughteirng of animals in future? I donot understand the logic behind such cruel acts by human being? Stop this horrible ritual and outdated belief. This applies to every section of Society.

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  • thousif, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    This is politics of bjp govt.why they not speaking about this now.  Home Minister is sleeping now.they want only communal violence in karnatka for vote bank

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  • Sudhir, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Goverment should ban on such sacrifice of baffalo, goats in any temples or masjid. Thereare few buffalo they cut during these festival but there are 1000 goats been beheaded in public during muslim festival, BAN ALL these.

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  • johnny, Udupi

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    I thought this beheading business, was only done by militants in Afghanistan.

    Looks like the Taliban have come down from Kabul to Koppal (Karnataka) to give training to Hindus now in the fine "art of beheading".

    Must be the effect of Globalization, I suppose...

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  • M.Mathias, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Karnataka BJP Government doesn't mind all this. They are only behind taking revange against Muslims.Then like animals don't cut vegitables for food.

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Why not comments from the ban of beef supporters?.It is icredible India so please leave it as it is.In one part the faith says to slaughter the animals and the other part says ban the beef and treat it as God.Why not send our Home Minister to Koppal to study more about the faith and then decide the ban issue.

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  • Nancy, Belman

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Where are all those people who are trying to Ban the cow-slaughter?? Are they sleeping or already dead?? I wish instead of buffaloes why can't sacrifice these so called people? They know only one thing - how to disturb the peace by deviding the society in the name of eatery, culture, festivals etc.

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  • John D'Sa,, Belman

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    In the name of religion you can u do anything, everything. I think a few hindus (BJ, RS followers) believe in sacrificing human blood also. That is the reason why they do all the nonsense.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Oh ! I forgot fish. Please ban fishing & cooking/serving/eating it too.

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  • Jawar D'Souza, M'lore/Doha

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    To stop these type of incidents people should be educated, unless and untill they are educated such things will keep on happening. Human beings are the worst creatures on this planet, are the main cause for distruction of this universe.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    I request the ruling Karnataka Govt to impose ban (besides cow slaughter) on killing of goats, chicken and pigs. Including any sacrifices on each and every temple. This will make true your dreams of a full vegetarian Karnataka and will create a clear exit for you in next elections. Good Luck !

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  • Godwin Mendonca, Mudarangadi/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    Wow... what will be the answer for this kind of sacrifies, Where is Bajaranga Dal, Sri Rama Sene, BJP? where is Yeddi..... when a muslim do this its a crime. what about hindus. Nagesh Naik I am Waiting for your comment if you have the answer please write here i wana read that....... any bajrangis.... answer.

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  • ashok, mangalore/dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2010

    What a cruelty and what a shame,
    where are these so called Rama Sene, Baj Rang Dhal,RSS now, must be sleeping,C'mon guys, atleast raise your voice against this cruelty, at least let the people of karnataka feel that finally you guys are working for a noble cause which you never done before

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Title: Even as State Considers Cow-slaughter Ban, Buffalos Get Beheaded

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