Mangalore: 'Don't wait for Ministers, Operate Volvo Immediatley' - Orders CM

Mangalore: 'Don't wait for Ministers, Operate Volvo Immediatley' - Orders CM
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Mar 22: State Chief Minister (CM), B S Yeddyurappa, announced that he would pass instructions to the concerned, to begin Volvo bus services of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) from the city to Manipal with immediate effect.  He was responding to questions posed by a few presspersons during his visit to the city on Sunday March 21.

“There is no justification in delaying the services, pending inauguration of the same by ministers. There is no need for official inaugural. I will ask the department to immediately start the services,” he clarified.

However, even until late in the evening on Sunday, the KSRTC officials had not received any such instructions. They feigned ignorance of the CM’s statement and insisted that the date for commencing the services has not yet been finalized

Even though promises had been made by the KSRTC officials, district in-charge minister, Krishna Palemar, and transport minister, Ashok, that the Volvo buses would be run between the city and Manipal at the earliest, their claims have not turned into reality as yet. The buses are waiting to be inaugurated by the transport minister since the last more than a week, it is learnt.



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  • prasanna, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    I am sorry if i have offended anyone with my comments. what would the public or me gain with ksrtc's introduction on non-introduction of buses to udipi and ultimately within the city limits is anybody's guess. we need to grow with the times, i feel. are the local bus owners able to provide us with the same safety and service what they did about 5 years ago? with roads broadening stuff, we need responcibility in the roads. not just kids with thin mush hardly out of their teens, with doubtable right wing connections as drivers and conductors.

    I have been to places probably in half of karnataka like bangalore, mysore. hubli etc. yes the service is lousy. so what? people are travelling in them. what is the need to drive fast from the very starting point? (spot death in jeppu market road, 15 number bus 3 days back i suppose). as the comment goes bullets don't kill people. people kill people.

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  • Simon Francis Lasrado, Bangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    We have already experienced the good services of BMTC Vajra Volvo Hi tech buses and Vajra Vayu service in Namma Bengaluru.I am sure the citizen of Mangalore will go for them.We hope more and more these hitech buses will rule the roads of Mangalore.Thanks to our Transport Minister Mr.Ashok. Good bye to private buses.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Before the privatization of government routes one should notice the stubbornness and proudest bus conductors and drivers (drivers bit less). Conductor will issue tickets because the busses were full of passengers and have no other choice except these omitted un-cleaned busses. We have to rub the seat and sit-down. The conductor will shout the passenger who is near to the door Yaarri alli baagil haakri and the poor passenger will abuse the conductor without loud noise and hardly closes the door by pressing passengers. Once the busses were privatized the KSRTC busses were moving empty without any passengers. One thing is sure the private busses were keeping the time none the less the driving is very rash. Earlier ksrtc bus driving was superb and very less accidents. Now a days very frequent accidents due to corrupt practices drivers of appointments. A couple of years back there was fist fight between ksrtc and service bus drivers/conductors in Puttur because services bus people provide clean busses and even they assist to lift even if they have bags or children.

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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Mr Prasanna, do you mean to say, KSRTC can assure accident-free service? Can they ensure that they would be giving at least one percent better service than what they are giving at present? Come to National Highway 17 or 48 and see how these govt buses plying mainly on longer routes are plying? They aren't plying rather flying. I have nothing against the KSRTC. But I bet they can never be punctual nor they will ever be clean, simply because they are managed by govt and this is like 'yarido duddu Yellammana Jatre'. I am not sure! But one needs to study the accident ratio of our each district and the facts would reveal who is better and who is not! KSRTC is neither new to DK.

    Some years ago, a few mini buses were introduced between Mangalore and Udupi. Initially people travelled because the fare was very good. But most of the times (read it 99%) employees or students were late to reach their destinations. While private bus lobby might had to do with their going off the road, I am sure there were hardly a few passengers getting into them after a couple months' ordeal. For DK problems, introduction of KSRTC is not the solution but exercising better control, may be through a govt body, would help in easing out a lot of problems. If tomorrow KSRTC and private buses ply on roads side-by-side with almost the same fare, you will know what DK people will choose.

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  • shane, ixe/dxb

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    We need Minister to cut the ribbon for wht..? After all the money spent for the service from common mans taxes not from the pocket of (busiest) transport minister. Minister may come or not service must start Immediately.We have a bad habit of waiting VIP's for no meaning, you take instance of Mangalore Intl Airport Terminal which is ready for months now but didnt see light till now. Again Volvo bus issue. Are we still living in the era of blindfold ?

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  • Peter, USA / Kallianpur

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Honestly all govt enterprises in India are a big failure! Too much bureaucracy and red tapism, with lack of efficiency and inconsiderate customer service.

    Take our Air India for example. How many people, if given a choice, between public and private air carriers would opt for the cursed govt airline? The last time i flew in Air India, was totally a bad experiece. I swore never to ever fly our damn national airline: the customer service was pathetic - the employees of Air India actually behaved in a high-handed manner thinking they were doing the passengers a favor and the efficiency of functioning smoothly was dismally low, downright pathetic!

    Same winds of government inefficiecy will blow down to the KSRTC luxury bus model! Total waste of resources, with someone in the government making tons of money by allocating these resources on the pretext of improving public service.

    Total hog wash!

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  • Roshan Shetty, Udupi/Bangalore

    Tue, Mar 23 2010

    Mr.Prasanna KSRTC buses never meet with accidents??? wat abt the accident last year in udane, n the one involving mysore infy employees, and a couple of months back an accident near pavanje and jus a few days back accident near hassan that claimed nine lives??

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  • prasanna, bangalore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    mr gladson, i think u have all the facts wrong. would you mind getting to your destination alive or 20 mts late? if the private bus operators are so kind and punctual as you make it out to be, why would anyone support ksrtc's offer to run state buses?

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  • Roshan Shetty, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Mr.Gladson,absoulutely agree with your views,

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  • shakti, hungary

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    I once remember there were new ultrasound machines came to Wenlock Hopsital so that the poor people can be beneftted. otherwise they had to go to private Scanners. It workied for a week max and then scrapped mediated by the private scanners. samething will happen KSRTC will be bribed to wthdraw or to provide poor service, uncleaned buses.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Mon, Mar 22 2010


    British were better than these crooks, at least nobody accused them of personal corruption and Suitcase politics.

    Now calm down guys, BJP is doing it now, earlier Congress did exactly same.

    we need a third party( not JDS please.....).

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  • george borromeo, pumpwell, angelore, mangalore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Even CM of the State can't break the red tapisism.That is the pity.

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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Despite all merits of having govt buses in our district, I strongly doubt whether they will be a success in undivided DK. We have seen govt buses plying across the state. Have they been really effective? My own experience in places like Bangalore, Mysore, Belgaum, Raichur, Bijpaur and Gulbarga where these buses are the lifeline of the people says that they are a big failure. They are neither clean nor worth waiting. I have never seen a govt bus arriving on time. If you miss one bus, then even in a city like Mysore, have to wait for minimum of 20-30 minutes for the next one. Get inside the bus and they are nothing but a mettle box with antique seating arrangement wherein passengers are literally stuffed in without proper space between the seats or even dash-boards to keep even a small luggage. The only thing that is right with them is their fare. The drivers and conductors, who are mostly from other places, are as rude as their counterparts in DK private buses. Compared to them our DK private buses are punctual. When was the last time that we waited for more than 15 minute for a bus to travel to even to a remote place? They are managed well and much cleaner than the Kesarattici. They are really monsters on road, agreed. But have a look at the accident rate of govt buses which is almost the same or more than private ones. With all these things, what would be the advantage of having them in DK other than gifting some votes to political outfits and a few bucks to their chelas?

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  • ajay lobo, mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Mr. Rao you 100% right

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  • J.RAO,

    Mon, Mar 22 2010


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  • lingappa rao, udupi

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Once When the drought hit hungry people of England went to the queen. They comlained to her that people did not even have bread to eat.The Queen had told them to eat cake if there is no bread.This is the attitude of our honourable C.M.Common people are asking for cheaper mode of transport,and our ministers give them Volvo.This is to fool the intelligent people of Karavali.

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  • Sourya Prakasha, Permude

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Dear Sir,
    Can we expect from you :

    'Don't wait for Ministers, Start IMMEDIATELY NEW MANGALORE (BAJPE) TERMINAL BUILDINGs & facilities !?

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  • prince, podikambla/dubai

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    very difficult to believe this.May be the ministers playing the game of hide and seek.We should be wait and watch.

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  • Sathish, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    last time it was 5000/Bus from Private Bus owners.. Now it will 10000/Bus... Ashok make as much as possible, this is your last chance !.. Yeddy we know you!

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  • Yathish, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Stop this act of fooling the people. Govt may run the BUS for sake of committment later on may withdraw saying we are not meeting break even cost. Rs.60/- against Rs.36/- is beyond the reach of common man. With this Promise to the people are done also private operators lobby is taken care well.

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Dubai

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Pavitra Shetty, Mangalore, rightly said. this is like hide and seek game by CM and other ministers.

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  • Ozy, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Don't start Volvo Services because you will loose support from Private Bus Lobby for the next election. Even if you start keep the rates very high so that the services get canceled in a short time.

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    Thank you CM Mr. Yeddi, lets start our journey mangalore - Manipal in Volvo. Much appreciated for not taking this issue submitting report to central govt for help.

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  • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavara / Bangaloore

    Mon, Mar 22 2010

    All Politicians, Ministers etc.. from all parties knew that the Coastal people are FOOLS. They knew that, they can fool the people by giving promises and also they knew that the Coastal people are only paper fighters and not streat fighters. Also the knew that there is no unity amoung the people due to Political, religion,Cast, language difference etc.

    See the promises given by the all types of Political leaders : 1) Starting VOLVO Buses from Mangalore to Manipal 2) Extentding Mumbai-Karwar Train to Mangalore 3)Starting new Terminal Builing at Mangalore Airport 4) Extending Bangalore-Mangalore Train Up to Karwar/ Goa 5) Reparing of Shiradi Ghat Road etc. etc.. This is the fate of our so called Intellegent Coastal People. God only should save us.

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    Sun, Mar 21 2010

    Then where is the road block???There is no need to come T.Minister to inaguarte a bus service - which is basic need of the people.I believe there may be some "other hand"either to postpone the service or.......???

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  • Pavitra Shetty, Mangalore

    Sun, Mar 21 2010

    "Neenu hoddange madu nanu Kookidange madthini" seems to be the attitude of Mr Chief Minister. Good Game!!!

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  • Mharlie Cuthalik, Karkala

    Sun, Mar 21 2010

    yeddi..your government is doing daily one or other milestone in karnataka..great..good future of bjp..jaiho..

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