Udupi: Eradicate Dowry For Overall Development of Muslims - Kazi

Udupi: Eradicate Dowry For Overall Development of Muslims - Kazi
by Haneef Puttur
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (VA)

Udupi, Jun 18: “It is very important to eradicate dowry system and other such evils prevailing in the Muslim community for its overall development”, said Udupi Kazi P M Ibrahim Musliyar Bekal.

The Kazi visited the poverty-stricken and dowry affected families in the district on Thursday June 17. He was accompanied by the members of Talent Research Foundation and Hidayah Foundation, Mangalore. They visited around 10 families in the district in order to listen to their grievances and help them.

Pointing out the pathetic condition of some of the families in the community, the Kazi said that none other than Muslims themselves need to be blamed for the present quality of living they are in. He said that it’s high time that the Muslims try to find out the reasons that have been hindering their progress in the society. Practical thinking is necessary, he advised.

The Kazi mainly warned that if the desire for money and gold continues it might destroy the Muslim community. With the mounting wedding expenses in the community, the role of organizations such as Jamaat committee has been reduced to providing financial assistance to aid weddings relegating to backburner the pressing need for education and economic development. 

He called upon every Jamaat to call out community brethren under them to shun dowry and also look into the problems plaguing the community thereby working towards a feasible solution. Muslim girls are mostly restricted from working after marriage which is yet another bane to the community, he noted.

Haneef Haji Golthamajal, president of Hidaya Foundation, Mangalore, Rafeeq Master, advisor, TRF, Saizuddin, vice president, TRF, Mumthaz Ali, Krishnapura, Haneef Puttur, Mangalore Media Centre, and Muhammad Ismail Palimar joined the Kazi on his visit.

Zaheer Shah, Organizer, Hidaya Foundation, Dubai and Ravoof Puthige, founder president of TRF, have played a vital role in organizing the visit.

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  • sadhiq kapu dubai, dubai

    Thu, Jun 24 2010

    masha allaha good job

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  • Sameer Hasana, Riyadh/KSA

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Al hamdulilla. our kazi & team doing great work.our duwa & support with you always,

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    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    I do agree with you and support your views. Man also human being,every time man is not wrong, we are all equal. now days all are not taken dowry both parties give their gift items, 90% views misusing dowry law, no blood rations, we need only money.WHY we focus on misusing dowry law. how many children's are fatherless, family are broken

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  • nazir, puttur

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Great job.... god will give more energy for field workers…..
    I have small request all Muslims brothers and sisters please follow this tree things for our better future…….
    1. Focus on education
    2. Family plan control according to your budget life style
    3. plan your future budget

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  • nawwa, Mangalore /Al Jubail

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Mashaallah Respected our Qazi Sab doing great job,But My Request to Qazi,Moilar,Ulema and OUR Brother and Sisters and this team members can u people stop yourself to attending dowry marriage then all others will followr"r u ready to stop going Dowry business Marriage"

    Requesting all my brothers and sisters who are reading this,find out their position of living and try to help them if possible.Allah will help u all ur success...

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    Mr.Renny Lobo (Rodrigues), Gurpura Kaikamba/Abu Dhabi

    I do agree with you and support your views. Dowry is an evil practice prevalent in our society for a long time. We give different names for our greed - such as Dowry, gift, donation etc. Dowry demands have ruined many of the families before and after marriages. It has embrassed and insulted brides parents. Humans greed is insatiable, hence people try to extract their pound of flesh from every helpless person at the time of marriage. Though there are laws, its broken by the same people who has formed them.

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    Mon, Jun 21 2010

    I support the voice of Renny Lobo (Rodrigues), Gurpura Kaikamba/Abu Dhabi.   yes you are right those who commented here all are taken dowry in their marriage & given in their sisters marriage, this bad culture can be removed from the community when beary youth come forward and stand against to it.
    Just commenting to article by wishing good luck and best of luck is not enough i guess.

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  • Yadav Shetty, mangalore

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Ummreen " Islam does not have dowry system, on the contrary Husband is supposed to gift the wife according to his means "

    It is good to see you trust in your religion. Why does everything have to be religiously based?. Can't you use common sense, self respect, dignity and self confidence to deal with these issues. Dowry, is a menace regardless of which way it goes - boy to girl or girl to boy. Having said this, it is a social evil that can never be eradicated. It is the society and individual that can control this and education is of paramount importance in this area.

    Life has become a business and getting the girl married and to a sought after boy will continue as long as it is not condemned. Indian society as a whole is backward in these terms and it will take another hundred years when all these will rectify.

    Remember, widow remarriage, sati and child marriage, it took raja ram mohan roy and others a life time to make it illegal.

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  • ummreen, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Brothers,Please dont pass biased remarks without knowing facts.Islam does not have dowry system,on the contrary Husband is supposed to gift the wife according to his means which is called "Mehr"But unfortunately some people have adapted wrong practices.At the time of the marriage, the groom hands over to the bride a sum of money called 'mahr' (dower) which is a token of his willing acceptance of the responsibility of bearing all necessary expenses of his wife. This is the original meaning of 'mahr'..And also like to explain that Madrasa in arabic means school,which is not neccessarily religious school only,can be any school.We do educate the children on quranic education,and send them to classes side by side,and they are just like the Sunday schools,which Christian families send to.
    esearch for more info,instead of passing remarks please.

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  • Akbar Harris, Suralpady, Riyadh

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    lavina and austin pinto., first of all try to understand the meaning of Madrasa. Do'nt be so jealousy about muslims, you are breathing in muslim county and feeding your dependents too. ask any arab the meaning of madrasa

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  • Sudhir, Malappuram/Dammam

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Dear Kazi can u stop yourself to attending dowry marriage then all others will follow. It is pride to show with some leaders that you are with poor family. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) never travel to preach anti-dowry, his way is to teach the people from dark to light. So pls teach the musilims with correct meaning of Holy Qura'n and Sunnah of Prophet(SAW), but You are like to teach shirk and bidah, that's why our community in darkness. May Allah guide us in right path and show mercy on muslim ummah.

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  • Renny Lobo (Rodrigues), Gurpura Kaikamba/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    How many of you Muslim men who commented against the dowry on this article have not taken dowry when you got married? and how many of you have not given dowry when your sister's got married, come forward. Easy to preach the world by penning few sentences. I have been born and brought up in a area surrounded by Beary and Saheb (Turki) community. I have seen the poverty sticken houses and misery amongst them. Till today I cannot forget the tears of Hussain who bitterly wept in front of me when his daughter's marriage was fixed saying "Baale, toola maga enna avaste. Naal ponnulena madme aapina dumbe yaan kann muchuwe". Big mansions, bunglows and villas of Bhatkal in one side thatched houses of Addoor another side. Educating the poor muslim girls to stand on their own feet instead of marrying them off at a young age of 14 or 15 years can really make a difference.Why can't the Muslim brotheren come forward, form a strong association, like the Vincent De Paul that we have in Christian community.

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  • Khanjar, Mangalore/KSA

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Mashaallaah Tabaarakallaah. Let us make sure that NIKAAH cerermony is practiced simple and VALEEMA is maintained on the Bridegroom's Intention & Convenience. ALL THE BEST

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  • Mohd Ashif, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Great work Rafeeq Master, Keep it up

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  • Ostin Pinto, SASTHAN / MUSCAT

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Truely agree with Lavina Pinto's comment. Good Job Lavina..

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    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Congratulations.Respected Kazi,Mumtaz Ali and others.All the Muslim people have to this kind of good jobs.Try to help poors education,food, and cloth.Education can best solution to eradicate all kind of evils.

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  • Amanullah, Riyadh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    I appreciate Udupi Khazi's effort.
    But I don't think a visit will findout any solution. It is now become a tool of some unknown organization to visit and to have their personal and organization to focus in the media. We request them to do sincere effort and findout any solution other than to get cheap advertisement.

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  • Suhaib Musba, Khobar

    Sun, Jun 20 2010

    Miss Lavina,
    There is a misconception for all of the non Muslims of the world that Madrasa teaches terrorism due to media. Have you visited any Madrasa in your life. Kindly visit any Muslim madrasa and avoid misinterpretation caused. To your surprise madrasa teaches TAUHED (ONNESS OF ALLAH), lOVE FOR PARENTS, NEIGHBOURS, HUMANITY etc. It teaches us to avoid any evil things.In Islam if any body kills any human unnecessarily he will be punished by ALLAH. Allah created human he doesn't want it to be destroyed by humans.
    Hope I answer your misconception.

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  • Ashraf, DXB IXE

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Dear Abdul ____. could you please tell the meaning of Tauheed. can you let the public know what do you mean tauheed. As we understand sister haika has commented is, a Muslims should fear Allah, and the evil will be wiped out from his life. if you should fear Allah that means you should be in tauheed. again my humble request to you to explain what tauheed is?

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  • Ali, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    In Islam Dowry is strictly prohibited but it's still exist because of some black sheep.

    All educated people should come forward for the wealfare of people by providing educations to Muslim Childrens and banning Dowry system.

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Dowry not only affected Muslims it's affected on other religions too. It has become Social evil, and we all should work as unity to kick off this Dowry system from our society.

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  • M.E.Moolur, UDUPI/DUBAI

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    It is indeed a very pleasant surprise to see the reverend Udupi Qazi Bekal Ustad visiting and consoling the poor and less privileged families. This is what the doctrine of Islam emphasis on. If all other Qazis and Imaams follow Thaka Ustad and Bekal Ustad, and get good support from social leaders we can expect a great deal of good changes in our community. I congratulate Bekal Ustad, Mr.Mumtaz Ali, Mr.Hanif Golthamajal, Rafik Master and others for taking this unique initiative. – M.E.Moolur

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  • abdul, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    haika, what do you mean by teach thauhid to muslims.Prophet already d 1400 years ago that my Ummah will not worship other than Allah.

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  • nayla, mlore/shj

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Miss. Lavina Pinto, when a child is sent to school, he/she is sent for QUR'AN classes   imultaneously .....!!!

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  • Nayal Khan, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Dear Lavina Pinto, Mangalore, this is for your information "Madarasa" meaning itself School ( Arbic World) , we Muslims send our children to school ( Madarsa) to gain knowledge.

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  • Mrs. Waheeda Razak, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    S.Moorthy you have misjudged the Muslims. The point you have figured out here is primeval now.
    I seriously did not get the analogy between what you have commented and on what basis?
    Any ways good job by Mr. Kazi Musliar. May Allah shower HIS blessings on you.

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  • Lavina Pinto, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    First send the children to school and then to Madrasa. Education eradicates the current problems of muslim society.

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  • latheef kodagu, al kobar k.s.a

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    masha allaha good job

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  • Nazeer , Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    If we muslims, especially beary community really need reforms, then please change the present Islamic education system (Traditional madrasas) which affilated to Kerala and taught in arabi- malayalam. We have Kannada and English. There are a lot of Islamic books available in both the languages and we can make use of them. Quran should be taught with meanings.

    The attempt of Kazi saab and his team is appreciable. They shuold not only focus on dowry but on the ther issues too need to be discussed. If one cannot afford to provide proper food and clothes then he can follow family planning (not permanently) which is permitted by Prophet Muhammad (SA). Also it is common among poor muslims that they marry more than one woman for lust.This is clearly against Islamic shariyaa. This kind of practices should be nullified.

    Proper education can only the solution to eradicate these kind of evils.

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  • Nissar Samanige, Samanige, Konaje

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    “Eradicate dowry” it’s a good steps taken by Kazi P M Ibrahim Musliyar Bekel, its everybody responsibility to follow and preach. One who knows Islam and Quran will never support this kind of system, “Quran” says only “Mahr” is the privilege of women (not men) She deserves for it. It’s from men on marriage. “And give to the women (whom you marry)

    My dear brothers! It’s time to open our eyes. We should not let this system to grow anymore in our country. Our youngsters should come front to raise slogan against dowry. Make awareness in your parents about the consequences of dowry, by standing shoulder to shoulder, we should eradicate this “Haram” from this world. To save our sisters. To avoid increasing suicides, and other tortures against women in related to dowry. Women are not slaves to be tortured. In fact they should be protected by us.

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  • Mrs. Waheeda Razak, mlore/dubai

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Good job-Kazi Musliar.
    well,S.Moorthy you have misjudged the Muslims. The point you have figured out here is primeval now.
    I seriously did not get the analogy between what you have commented and on what basis?
    Any ways good job by Mr. Kazi Musliar. May Allah shower HIS blessings on you.

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  • Mayyadhi(M.B.A.,), Hangalore,Kundapura

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Great job,Masahallah This kind of works we have to start at any cost,Due to our negative thinking process destroyed our Developments.Allthe young Generations have to learn this kind of good jobs

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  • Ashoka, Udupi

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    I understood that in Islam dowry system is strictly prohibited. Being a Muslim why you need to preach antidowry system as it is strongly prohibited in Islam. Being a Muslim it is duty to understand religion.

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    Sat, Jun 19 2010


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  • suhail, udp/dubai

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    i too agree wid maqsood bhai....and wat kazi is doing is appriciable we should support him..

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  • anis ahmed, mangalore/dubai/agc

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    mashaallah great job

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  • Maqsood Chilmi, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    The practice of dowry among ignorant Muslims is a result of the influence of the evil practices of the society they live in. Islam does not put any financial burden on the father of the girl. A Muslim father is told to get her daughter married away in a most simple ‘Nikah’ ceremony solemnized by a ‘Qazi’ (priest) in a mosque, witnessed by his close relatives and friends. He is not even required to throw a luncheon to the handful of invitees assembled for this occasion. In fact it is desirable on the part of the groom that he offers a reception (Waleema) to his near ones & dear ones without forgetting the poor people of his society.

    The example of such a simple marriage was set up by none other than the Prophet (pbuh) himself. He got his daughters married in the simplest possible manner. There was nothing in it whatsoever for the bridegroom that could be termed as dowry. The Prophet (pbuh) said:

    "The best of the marriages is one which is least burdensome in the financial sense to the families of the bride and the groom"

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  • nawwa, Al JUBAIL.U.A.E

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Mashaallah excellent Work done by Qazi and team and Am Very Happy to see In this team My Friend Saiduddeen I know he's also good Social Worker(Allha will bless good health and long life to him),Yes I request to our Muslim community should wake up and stop the dowry sickness,Allha will bless good health and long life and i hope he will continue this kind of social welfare activities and be a well wisher for those poor and descriminated,and be true Qazi like a islamice true leadres and
    " ä true follower of prophet muhammed(pbuh)

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    Fri, Jun 18 2010


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  • aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Kudos my sister haika fathima...You have discribed the wonderfull solution for this evil system in two lines.There is no better option or solution above your comments.

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  • Ashiq, Katipalla

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Beary Cultural organization memebers pls learn from above team what exactly we need to do in present circumstences,,,,dont waste money by conducting programmes....

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  • aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    ERADICATE DOWRY...What a beautiful headline..This Kazi and the so-called organizations are really serious in thie matter.If it is YESSS then it is a most welcome step and then it is becoming must for all the members of this ummah to join the hands with them to wipe out this evil system.

    This system is totally against the holy book of this community which borrowed from the other community and the culture. 

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  • Abdul Razak (dewa), Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Mashaallah, great jobs initiated by the district Kazis. First it was Kazi of M'lore and now Udipi's Kazi. The steps taken by these kazis are great. They are the role models for the community. Kudos to all those, who are involved in this great endeavour and ambition to transform the society to better heights.

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  • haika fathima, jeddah,saudi arabia

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    our beloved prophet muhammed (pbuh) did not travel to various house to preach on dowry but he travelled to preach about TAUHEED.our prophet in his lifetime faught only against shirk.the same way i would like to advice brother kazi and hidayah foundation to preach tauheed which will gradually result in the abolishment of DAWRY

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  • shihab Dammam, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    "Avundo mangilthig 3 lakh karch aakkira, nando mangilthugum adrokandi yara kaas karch aakkono". Avunug 100 pavunu bangar kittir, nakkum/nando monugum aduro kandi yara kittande?????""" Dear brothers this is what is happening in our community. Unwanted expences are increasing day by day. The man who is rich and who has money is spending huge amount for their marriges, which shows the other also to do the same thing. At last the poor man who is managing his daily expences with the low wages which is receiving daily, find very difficult to conduct marriage for his daugther. Please think from where he can arrange such a huge amount, when he dont have even to eat for the three time which is a basic need for the survival of human being. So please let us reduce the unwanted expenditure and try to help the poor families with that amount. Insha Allah, the almighty Allah surely will help us and let him do the same for all of us, aameeen....

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    Fri, Jun 18 2010



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  • P.A.Shanu, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    It is indeed a good movement by the KHAZI and the organisers who stood behind him to find out the poorest among the poors. Poors dosnt have any particular caste . It will be our duty to find out the poors who need help and try to help them without publicising.

    Requesting all my brothers and sisters who are reading this , that please look into your neighbourhood and find out their position of living and try to help them if possible .

    Together we can do many things...

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  • S.Moorthy, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Its good step by Kazi Musliar. Meanwhile he should advice muslim community to send their childrens to school, education will stop everything. Other thing he should convice on family planninr also. This is the one factor which creating financial & social imbalance in the community.

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