'Mooru Muthu' Kannada Play Captures UAE Audience

'Mooru Muthu' Kannada Play Captures UAE Audience
Report by Shodhan Prasad
Pics by Jovin Dsouza Pangla
Daijiworld Media Network - UAE

Dubai, Jun 27: Late K Balakrishna Pai’s ‘Roopakala Nataka Mandali’s’ most acclaimed Kannada comedy family drama ‘Mooru Muthu’ directed by Satish Pai really rocked Dubai and created history by itself.  It was unbelievable even the Bollywood stars would not have got that much of response as for the first time more than 200 unfortunate drama lovers of Dubai had to return back heavy hearted from the closed gate due non availability of space with overwhelming crowd jam packed at the Emirates English School Auditorium, Dubai at around 4.30 pm yesterday. 

Though the drama was scheduled at 4.30 pm we could see the people flocking from 3.30 pm onwards.  By 4 pm the whole auditorium was uncontrollable so as to the organizer had to close the main gate.  This kind of tremendous response for a Kannada Drama that too from a small place called Kundapur was really unexpected.  More than 800 people fully loaded in the theatre from all sides, were bursting into laughter in spite of the burning atmosphere within the hall.  The additional Air coolers installed by the organizers did not make much difference as far as the heat was concerned.  However the intoxication of the cultural programme lovers did not really mind the situation.

The drama which has made history with successful record number of shows elsewhere in India again broke the record in Dubai with the following history:

1) It is the first time that a Kannada Comedy Drama of this kind is presented in Dubai
2) It is the first time that an Indian Ambassador to UAE attended and witnessed the full Kannada drama programme.
3) It is the first time that an Indian Parliamentarian dignitary attended and witnessed a Kannada drama in Dubai.
4) It is the first time that a Karnataka Government leader attended and witnessed a Kannada drama programme in Dubai.
5) It is the first time that Roopakala Nataka Mandali’ troupe made an entry into Dubai
6) It is the first time that Pravin Shetty and Fortune Hotel fully presenting a drama in Dubai
7) It is the first time that a small troupe hailing from Kundapur presenting a house full show in Dubai.

Before the drama the programme started with some very beautiful numbers of the South Indian famous singer Ravindra Prabhu, who is also called as Junior SP Balasubramaniam and Junior Dr. Raj Kumar.  He gave some melodious mix of filmy, folk and devotional songs which mesmerized the people with his rich voice.  He interacted with the audience with quick quiz and prize.  His voice floated around the auditorium like the waves of sea, hitting each corner of the wall and took the music lovers on a journey to dream land.  Sampath Shetty ably conducted this part of the programme in the opening up and introduced Ravindra Prabhu to the audience with interview session.

Rajya Sabha MP, Oscar Fernandes with his wife Blossom Fernandes, Indian Ambassador to UAE, H.E. Lokesh, Dy. Chairman of NRI Cell, Karnataka, Captain Ganesh Karnik & Padmashree Awardee Dr. B.R. Shetty were the Chief Guests who opened up the programme with lighting the traditional lamp.  Ravindra Prabhu’s devotional song during the lighting the lamp gave a beautiful touch to the occasion that it really invited the Almighty.  All the Guests were felicitated on the stage with flower bouquet, shawl, mementos and gifts.  The director of the Play Satish Pai was honoured and felicitated by the dignitaries with Flowers, Shawl, Mementos and Gifts.  He rendered a touching speech in return to the felicitation and thanked Pravin Shetty for giving them a life time opportunity.  All the sponsors and well wishers including Media were called upon on the stage and honoured with Mementos.

With the beautiful erected stage setting, Roopkala Nataka Mandali’s maiden venture in the Gulf ‘Mooru Muthu’ a evergreen super hit drama started with a big applaud by the audience for a 3 hours tour.  Superb acting skills by all the actors who put their life and soul into presenting such a tremendous rib tickling comedy play which mesmerized the audience who did not even realize the time.  The credit should go to the director Satish Pai who had full command on his troupe.  It was like a family affair for him as he shared the stage with his own brother Santosh Pai who made the crowd crazy with his brilliant performance as deaf.  They were supported by various other enthusiastic co-actors along with Ashok Shanbhag.  On the whole it was a different kind of drama which was a blend of real comedy, tilting music, tickling dialogues, beautiful costumes bundled with best performance by each and every character to make it a unique package.

Vishwanath Shetty a dramatist by himself was the man behind the introduction of this troupe to the organizer.  He was felicitated with flower, shawl and memento during the later part of the programme.

The total programme was hosted by Sampath Shetty and Ananth respectively who carried on their roles very well. Ananth beautifully compered his part of the programme throughout with his rhyming Kannada touch flawlessly, professionally with humour and wit.  Pravin Shetty of Fortune Hotel who has patronized this drama and who himself hails from Kundapur, where the troupe belongs to, had successfully presented this great show ‘entrance free’ for all drama lovers of UAE.  In his thanks giving speech at the end remembered all the organizing committee members for their support and thanked the audience for giving him such a tremendous response.

The programmed ended at around 9 pm with raffle draw and felicitating the troupe’s other actors.


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  • Manasa, Udupi

    Sat, Oct 25 2014

    superb drama..I am a big fan of mooru muthu, but i am not able to watch the whole drama..So can you please send me the full video.

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  • vasanth, bangalore

    Wed, Aug 15 2012


    I am big fan of Mooru Muthulagu drama i had seen that for 10 times, I was searching for the full video, but i am not able to find. can you guide me with phone number of the team or video center i can get this video. please help.

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  • bhaskar, udupi/saudiarebia

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    congrats to all team of mooru muttu,really great drama,

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  • mahesh, udupi

    Thu, Jul 01 2010

    It was a nice drama.I remember watch it before @ shankerpura on a new year's event....

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  • swetha, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 01 2010

    Mr Pravin shetty please keep up your good work of encourageing the talent to get the recognition because we people can only dream hard going abroad and showcase our talent. But few people like you can only make the dream come true. I would really like to hear more such work from your end keep rocking and my best wishes to Roopakala team all ways.

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  • Nisar, Kundapura/Dubai

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    Dazzling drama!!! Albums can tell you about the hilarity of the 3 pearls... From dignitary to ordinary, everybody got delighted. Congrats Mr Sathish (He's my classmate too) n come again with your troupe to UAE. And thanks to the Organizer

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  • Sachin, Kundapur-Dubai

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    It was really nice to see a Kannada Drama in Dubai. Really enjoyed watching the drama, even though its 3rd time I am watching the same drama, and even we have organised 3 Drama's of same troup in our Native Nada-Kundapur.
    Really we have to thank Mr.Shetty for organising the event, still I believe it might have been little bit more organised. May be they have not expected such a big crowd. Also the initial stage ceremony was bit lenghthy

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  • swetha, mysore

    Wed, Jun 30 2010

    I heartily congratulate 3 mutthu team. Though i was not present i read all the comments made. SAntosh and satish are my cousin but i am die hard fan of their drama which i have seen long back. I was thrilled when i heard they are performing in dubai. Now I am completely happy to here their success keep rocking Roopkala Nataka Mandali.

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  • prabhu yogita, bombay, india

    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    i ws among d lucky ones to view ths same drama(teen ratna) in konkani on 13th june, 2010 in konkani.
    d eve ws of good big big laugh. its a pleasure to view performances in konkani as well as in kannnada. i wish for more n more n different ones. lve my language n lve my ppl.

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    Tue, Jun 29 2010

    It was rocking drama.Heartly thanking to Mr.Prakash for the efforts. I really enjoyed. I met my friends,classmates. I felt this programme was like a marriage ceremony all family/natives people held together. Once again Thanks to Mr praveen,Roopa kala kundapura for entertaining us....

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  • Kodi Sandeep Shenoy, Kundapura

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    Congratulations to ‘Roopakala Nataka Mandali’ members.

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    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    One word will suits all who where involved in this programme " AMAZING JOB DONE" . Mr Praveen Kumar you and your team have done wonderful job by supporting this amazing Drama team. Mr.Satheesh Pai and full Rupakala team i just want to say you are superb talent. God bless you. One suggetion at the end " NEXT TIME PLEASE BOOK SHEIKH RASHI AUDITORIM as even that hall will do HOUSE FULL". Keep Entertaining.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Very good drama thanks to fortune team to give this opportunity to see the drama

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Congratulatiton to MR PRAVEEN KUMAR SHETTY and all the sponsers for organaizing such a helarious show. Praveen nanna kundapurada janatey vannu vaggudisidakke tumba tumba dhanyavada u will be the great leader for the kundapura kannadigas.hats of sir we r thankfull to MR VISHWANATH SHETTY, FORTUNE GROUPAND ALL THE ORGANAIZING TEAM OF THIS EVENT UNFORGATABLE EVENING.....

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  • astlecastelino, moodubelle

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    It was a very funny and nice drama

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  • adityaprasad.M., Kundapura

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    congrats to 3 mutthu team

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  • Refai goonadka Dubai, sullia

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Congratulations to young kannada leadr mr.Pravin Shetty and his team. The drama which has made history with successful record hue number of all categry of people ghteherde ......

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  • Koni Prakash Naik, Kundapur- Oman

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    It was a wonderful and rib tickling comedy and musical drama with a stint of suspense and emotions. Thanks to Mr. Praveen Shetty and his team, Roopa Kala was able to present this Mooru Muttu drama first time in a Gulf country.

    While the drama team gave an ecstatic pleasure with their superb acting skills to the jam packed 800 plus drama lovers, the troupe members themselves had no words to express their joy and gratitude to the overwhelming response and applause they received from the packed audience. More so, when they had a very rare opportunity to perform in front of many dignitaries who were witnessing the drama on that memorable Friday.

    Kuodos to the show and all the organizers. Great show guys and all the very best for your future programmes. Mr. Shodhan Prasad's report on the show is excellent and covers all aspects of the show. Well done Shodhan. It was quite nice to see the total audience waiting until the end of the show which gave an immense encouragement to the performers and the organizers. Great gesture audience.. and with this kind of support and encouragement, I am sure the organizers like Mr. Praveen Shetty will always strive hard to present such memorable shows.

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  • Clinton Almeida, Tallur/Fujairah UAE

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Its Really appriciating, that Mr.Praveen Kumar Shetty made a Remarkable Event by stating "7

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  • M.E.Moolur, UDUPI/DUBAI

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Hats off to Mr.Praveen Shetty for bringing this Roopkala Team of immense talent to Dubai. In deed it was a great moment of wholesome entertainment. On behalf of Bearys Cultural forum I congratulate Mr.Praveen Shetty for his magnanmous heart, who have arranged free staging of this much sought after drama for UAE Kannadigas. Kudos to all artists of this troup as wel. - M.E.Moolur.

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    I am one of the unfortunate ones to miss the show as I arrived late and apparently the show started in time and auditorium was full. I expected to see a typical programme done by various organisations when the programme starts well over 1 hour later (some times 2hrs) than the scheduled time. However, if this programme sets a precedent of starting the programmes in time I whole heartedly welcome it.
    But... organisers could have requested genltlemen to vacate seats for ladies and children.

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  • Noor H.S, Shirur/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    First of all Heartly thanks to Mr. Pravin shetty who organised these great show to us and also sponsors And Moorumuttu team member. The Drama was "EXCELLENT" Me and my friends really enjoyed the show.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Thanks to Mr Praveen Shetty & team for organising this event. We also got an opportunity to meet our old friends & classsmates.We all enjoyed a lot.

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  • Mrs.Lobo, Mangalore/UAE

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Mr Lawrence Dsouza Balur Mudigere,would reallly appreciate if you could arrange a drama next time & would you actually know what arranging a program means .
    Since you were late i think u have missed the Kannada songs which were sung ,
    I have watched the entire show & did not find anything what u have mentioned regarding comments & so on... I think everybody has thoroughly enjoyed the show.We need people like you pass negative comments.

    Congrats Mr.Pravin shetty & Fly and all the sponsors for organizing such a hilarious drama.Thanks Mr .Sathish Pai and troupe for such a wonderful act.This was the 1st time I have ever watched a Kannada drama.May Lord Jesus bless you all.

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  • Deepak Shetty, kundapur/Qatar

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Congratulations to Pravin Shetty and his team for bringing well known Drama troupe "Roopakala" to Dubai. I am sure drama lovers of Dubai must have had an evening full of laughter, though I missed it !!

    An event of this magnitude certainly requires lot of planning and timely ution. So kudos to the entire team who made this possible in Dubai.

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  • Lawrence D'souza, Balur,Mudigere,Burdubai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    First of all congragulations to Mr.Pravin shetty and all the sponsers for organizing such a hilarious show by Sathish Pai and troupe.
    The story was simple,acting ,dialogue delivery,sound system ,was fantastic.
    Music was with excess of “ Dhaler Mehendi”songs.if u would have been added more Kannada or Tulu songs,it would have been more tasty.
    Even after the extra coolers,the heat was unbearable inside the auditoriam.the actors were also strugging to coupup with the heat.at 5.15 there was no place to stand in the auditoriam and many families left the show in between because of the heat.
    Unfortunately I came late and standing behind …many youngsters want to impress to somebody and stated giving running commentary,over reacting ,shouting …common guys,it will effect the audience (who came from long way to enjoy the show) and as well as the artists!please enjoy the show and allow others to enjoy!
    Many people want to see the show one more time.but,please charge this time ,so,we can watch the show peacefully.

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  • Sanjay Shetty, Mlore UAE.

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Very Nice coverage and nice pictures, Nice to see all the big people like Oscar Fernadis and BR Shetty..

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