Rama Sene will Not Use Force, Nor Take Law into its Hands: Muthalik

Rama Sene will Not Use Force, Nor Take Law into its Hands: Muthalik
Pics: Savitha B R
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS)

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Mangalore, Feb 12:
In an interactive meet with journalists organized by the Journalists’ Study Centre here on Saturday February 12, chief of Sri Rama Sene, Pramod Muthalik again voiced his opinion against Valentine’s Day celebration.
He said most of the times adolescents indulge in immoral acts under the pretext of 'Valentine's Day'. In a country like India which is enriched with values, such moral degradation of the youth is indeed a serious social problem.
He said Sri Rama Sene stands by its statement against Valentine Day celebration but it has never opposed true love. Such celebrations and 'Day' culture do not exhibit true love but are an excuse for enjoyment. When it is banned in a country like Russia, why can’t we ban it in India, he questioned.
However, he also assured that Rama Sene will not use force against those celebrating the day, and will not take law into its own hands.

Karnataka Komu Souharda Vedike chief secretary K L Ashok, district convenor of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Mohammad Kunhi and vice-president of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) Muneer Katipalla also took part in the meet and expressed their viewpoints on Valentine Day celebration.
Muthalik further said, "St Valentine fell in love with the prison attendant's young daughter. It is sinful for a priest to get attracted to a lady. Why should we attach utmost importance to memories of a sinful so-called priest?"
He also rubbished reports about Sri Rama Sene's plans to upload footages of lovers on YouTube.
On Sri Rama Sene's work on the social front, he said that with the help of his followers he has been able to make132 villages alcohol-free, with as many as six thousand youths turning away from its consumption.
Lambasting the state government's decision to give protection for lovers to celebrate Valentine’s Day as against the wishes of Rama Sene, he said the government has forgotten that it came to power by saying that it would safeguard the Hindu culture.
He appealed to the youth to spread awareness amongst students about not celebrating 'Valentine's Day' and also to create awareness in this regard. He said 10 lac pamphlets have been printed by the Sene which will be distributed to the public to create awareness about the vested interest behind celebrating Valentine's Day.
K L Ashok, chief secretary of Karnataka Komu Souharda Vedike said that Sri Rama Sene does not have the right to curtail the sentiments of lovers in society.
District convener of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Mohammad Kunhi, said that love is a natural expression of all living beings. He said he opposes the capitalists’ plan of making money in the name of Valentine's Day celebration, but Sri Rama Sene does not have the right to judge.
Vice-president of DYFI Muneer Katipalla said the publicity is mainly given by Sri Rama Sene itself, thus making even kindergarten kids aware of Valentine'z Day. He added that Sri Rama Sene is just trying 'to make the leaves vanish,' but DYFI will eradicate social evils by rooting out the basic problems. Like last year, this year too DYFI will extend its support to lovers in case any trouble is created by Rama Sene activists.

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  • Sunil Fernandes, MANGALORE

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    No elections , no funding . No funding , no money for booze. No money for booze , no volunteers. No volunteers, no disturbance for all.

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  • Rudy (Mantrady), Mantrady

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    For most people, St Valentine's Day is a day of affections and confections, of kisses, chocolate and flowers. But just as Christmas is about more than gifts, Valentine's Day has a deeper meaning.

    The true romance of the celebration begins with the legend of St Valentine in roughly 270 AD. He was a holy priest, imprisoned for marrying Christian couples and aiding Christians being persecuted during the reign of Claudius the Goth (Claudius II).

    He was tortured to make him renounce his Christian faith. When St Valentine instead tried to convert Claudius, he was uted outside the Flaminian Gate on February 14, about 270 AD.

    One legend says, while he was awaiting ution, couples for whom he had conducted marriages brought him flowers and gifts to show their respect and admiration. This has led to today's tradition of presenting one's Valentine with gifts.

    It is also said, while imprisoned, he restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter and the miracle led to his eventual canonisation. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius marked February 14 as a celebration in honour of his martyrdom.

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  • elias, mumbai

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Give a smile to a person boy or girl man or woman with right intension and if they smile back feel the difference in you Mr Mutalik. Especially opposite gender still more you feel happy in you days for fighting each and one day for little smile and feeling..

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  • Guru Baliga, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Alwyn, Mangalore - USA. First of all, it is unfortunate that you speak ill of Hindu gods and godessess

    Coming to the point of valentines day, to show love u dont want a particular day, if u really love a person then everyday is a valentines day, to show love a greeting card or a diamond studded ring is required.

    Love is Immortal, but not the people.

    jai Hind

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  • Tony Pinto, Mumbai - Dubai

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    I agree this is good way Mr. Muthalik Dont Take Law in hands whether you find this type of couples , students , colleges wondering her and doing some mischief just catch them and call the parents this will be great help for society and especially for parents who cannot keep eye on every time on children........when they go out to school , colleges ,

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  • Gayatri, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Rama Sene, Shiv Sena, Bajrangdal, RSS, VHP all these should be BANNED completely and people who try to create trouble should be imprisoned for life time and no Bail should be given to them. Then everything will be alright. Who is this Creature MUTHALIK to tell Lovers what they should do ? First of all he is unmarried and does not know what is LOVE ? He hates LOVE as he has not done LOVE and does not know the meaning of LOVE.  They have no right to live in such a beautiful country like INDIA. If he have to get scared  and live in this Country then it looks like there is no Government.

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  • Vicky Chopra, Kawdoor/Karkala

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Mr.Lavin noronha, Paladka/Bahrain
    It's funny how people are led like sheep...without even knowing the why's and what's. St.(s) Valentine had nothing to do with (Romantic) Love. They were martyred (sic) because they were (early) Christians. The association came about sometime in the 14th Century.
    It's the last century that saw the  commercialisation of Valentine's Day. Needless to say the overwhelming mass of sheep fell prey. And now, thanks to saturation advertising and marketing, the new Asian wannabe's are being milked.
    Do we really need a special day to celebrate a ubiquitous emotion?
    Westernization of Indian lifestyles! We have enough & more festivals & occasions to celebrate rather than going around aping anything Western & in the process exposing your low self-esteem & now-inbred sense of inferiority.
    How many Westerners celebrate Holi or Deepavali?? Don't try to force your culture on majority!!Jai Ho..

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Dear Joseph D'Souza, Mangalore and S.s. D'Souza Udupi, your information is very useful in the context. Thank you for the same. Dear Joseph, request you not to insult the name of Muthalik. After all the name was given by his parents. He did not choose the same for himself. Except for that, once again thanks for the valuable information.

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  • Lavin noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Santosh, Udupi/ Bahrain , this illitrate Muthalik is just doing the opposite, as long as he(or anyone for that matter) try to supress, the more people get attracted to it. Definitely V-Day is a No 1 Festival in the world Business wise i feel. As far as you calling him a patriot, i feel you are making yourself a laughing stock. Happy Valentine day to you too.. Enjoy

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganpalke/Kawdoor

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    What Mr.Mutalik informed is true..During this time Claudius II was the emperor of Rome. He liked war, but had a hard time building an army. Claudius thought it was because men didn't want to leave their wives and families. So, he banned all marriages. But Saint Valentine, a Roman Catholic priest, continued to perform marriages in secret. His good deeds came to an end when he was caught and sentenced to die. While in jail, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter. And on February 14, 270 A.D., the day of his death, he sent her a note signed, "From, your Valentine." (In 469 A.D., February 14th was set aside to honor St. Valentine.)

    Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers, chocolates and sappy cards. It isn't about red hearts and white teddy bears. And it's definitely not about Cupid. Valentine's Day is about love. A love that cannot be commercialized. That cannot be bought. A love that seems elusive, yet most of us continue to search for it. We want to experience love because it is a powerful, pure emotion. It told in the Bible that "Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:8).

    This Valentine's Day, show love. Give a card to your enemy. Be nice to the guy who cuts in the lunch line. Smile at the girl who never smiles. And most importantly love ramsene and his team leader Mr.Muthalik atleast on valentine's day..but the things are different..Jai Ho..

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganapalke/Kawdoor

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Ever Wonder Who St. Valentine Was? Or why so many people get all mushy around the second week of February? Here's a brief synopsis:
    St. Valentine was actually two people (that weren't romantically involved) who were martyred on the same day (c. 270). Feasts commemorating them were celebrated on February 14. One was a priest and physician who died in Rome during the persecution of Christians by Claudius II Grothicus. The other was the bishop at Terni, Italy who was also martyred in Rome. Both have been buried at different places along the Flaminian Way.
    So why do people send "valentines" or "love-tokens" to one another on that day? The origin of that tradition is not thought to have any connection with the saint's day. Rather it comes from an early European belief that the second week of February was when birds began to mate. The idea suggests that lovers should probably exchange notes and gifts on February 14 in conjunction with what nature practiced.
    Nowadays, Valentine's Day is observed as a special day for love and romance. This topic is one of the oldest, and probably most-discussed, issues in history!
    The Roman Empire honored Juno, the goddess of women and marriage,on February 14th. The next day the festival of Lupercalia began. At this festival all the girls' names would be written on paper and placed into jars. Each guy would draw a girl's name. Then, they would be a couple for the duration of the festival. Sometimes the pair lasted an entire year fall in love n married.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    "Happy Valentine Day" to all peace loving people, Spread real love to whole mankind.

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  • madav nayak, udipi

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Mutalik ,You want to earn fame, get all your power and all your roudy brothers to do some thing good for the betterment of the conditions we are all facing . Are'nt you ashamed of all the hatred you receive through out your life ????? Do you ever speak good or do good that benifits others. All you do is spit venom.Hatred already exsists by all your brotherly groups , Why are you reminding the citizens with more. You can never win.

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  • Kavita, Bangalore

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    We are free, democratic Republic of India. It is our birth right to have our own freedom. If Mutalik cannot digest what others are doing, let him close his eyes and go for Sanyasa.
    Better not he and his goons spoil lovers hearts.

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  • Rajeshwari Rao, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Muthalik, Your transformation is what I and all my friends love about you. I love you. Happy Valentines day.

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    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Mr. Muthalik,
    Your comment on St.Valentine - Muthalik further said, "St Valentine fell in love with the prison attendant's young daughter. It is sinful for a priest to get attracted to a lady. Why should we attach utmost importance to memories of a sinful so-called priest?"
    Please Mr. Muthalik, go and read about the LIFE & DEATH OF St Valentine, or get exhorted by one of the Christian Theologist then come and comment.Donot comment with incomplete knowledge. Go and study , how and what all norms & procedures are followed so as to canonize a person as SAINT.

    Even you too can become a SAINT, try and see- if possible, VERY VERY DIFFICULT


    LOVE IS GOOD - Mr. Muthalik you may need years to understand and experice the VALUE of it

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  • Ravi Gopal Acharaya, Udipi/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Cave man is back again only to show his dirty identity and nothing else. He does not do any work and work he does is goondasim

    Jai Karnataka

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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Mr. Muthalika one question can please reply this. Being Christian I visited many temples and I learned a lot from Hindu religion. It is good to advise when a person or society need to be advised. But it should not be a force or by illegal activities. In many temples we can see the woman statues in diffrent dress or other code. Why then these are still there and why you are not focusing on that issue.

    In history if you go through many Kings enjoyed their life bringing beautiful woman to dance and to serve him in all his need. Valentine day is a day where you must recognise your loved once and share your love, prayers, and support. It is not as you think sexual enjoyment. If you don't want to see others are enjoying my request is stay at home, do the fasting and that days saving give the poor people, atleast you may get some grace from GOD.

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  • Mr.Somashekar, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Mr.Muthalik,better you get out from this activities.Who the hell you are to give order or dictate the public.Public knows very well what to do and what not to do.Don't teach them just to gain publicity/advertisement.Go and set your house first and then teach public.You are barking without any ethics/logic.Why even media is giving so much of importance.Let them go and correct the corrupt politicians,which is very much rampant and plaguing like wild fire in our country.Go bastard,go,you are neither prime minister,nor holding any portpolio.Go and do some constructive works for the betterment of the downtroden rather than wasting your precious time and life meaninglessly.First correct yourself and then others.Hate you

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  • amin, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    I strongly agree with Mr.Muthalik. Valentines day should be banned, India is a peace loving country and we celebrate everyday..not only on Feb14..people talk about valentines day..plz go to your country (Australia/canada)

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Muthalik is in a white outfit after
    getting a black paint job on his
    face. Now, he is afraid of
    attacking people on Valentine day
    due to the fear that, farther severe attacks may take
    place at the wrong place in right

    If the news media will ignore
    this baffoon and some of his
    jobless followers, he will
    disappear from the show very soon.

    Cry babies will stop crying, when
    nobody pays any attention.
    Muthalik is a grown up cry baby
    trying to take advantage of
    the media thirsty public.

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  • nestor dcosta, kadri

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Sriman Muttalikji,

    Valentine's day is Banned in russia who say's so.

    Beef is the staple diet in Russia so cant we eat it freely here also mutalik sir. because you like following the russians

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  • Arun Fernandes, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Mr.Joseph D'Souza,
    Do you think Mr. Muthalik is educated enough to understand what you have commented. If he was educated and wanted to really do something for society, he wouldnt be upto these cheap broadcast gimmicks...
    Moreover someone who knows about wine should brew wine....Mr. Muthalik is a frustrated bachelor who does nor know anything about Love....I dont know on what context he is speaking at an occasion to celebrate love....
    Last year he got pink chaddis, cow dung & grease on his face....This year I dont know what is waiting for him....
    Anyway  this year these frustrated Ram sene fellows are scared....In the past two years, they were able to show their muscle power on innocent people, but this year there have been organised youth wings who have prepared themselves to take on these Ram sene idiots and thats what is making them get scared....All this gimmick of saying "we are not going to disturb lovers", "we will not come in their way" is only for the cameras, but the real fact is these idiots are scared that they will get beaten black & blue....
    In fact Lord Ram himself was not against love...I dont understand on what basis these people are taking His name and feel that Mutalik is greater than the Lord Himself.....
    Muthalik this time tie ur dhoti tightly and wear some pampers, lest it may get wet when you meet people like us on the streets....

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  • savithri, bangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Dear Friends,Ignore the statements made by the uneducated,illiterate,senseless,foolish and barbaric person muthalik.

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  • arman mohammed, ullal

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    mr.muthalik I would like to join your Rama sena. but first you have to fight againist anti social elements those selling drugs to our young childrens in public places as wel as school campous,also these elements are selling poor girls, womans to brothel"s. in 5 star, 7 star hotels rich peoples are organising D.j parties are so uncultured that even we can not see such party in western county.can muthalik stop this party in star hotels, or can he can fight againist these anti-social elements.let first muthalik make love with some one else, then marry, then he know what is heart,what is love, and what is life.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    "Happy Valentine day" to all Ram Sena and Pramod Muthalik. Keep your word and understand the concept of pure love.

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  • ravindra, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    I oppose the moral degradation of our youth in the name of valentine day. Parents should strictly watch their wards during such occasions. some youth will go bar, pub, night clubs and ruin their future.

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  • John , Bahrain

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    I Think for People like Muthalik & his supporters Love means sleeping with the women on Bed.. Please you dirty minded people wake up & be literate to know what is love & Please do not speak anything evil against the Saint Valantine. Before uttering anything on anyone you should be well educated.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, GOA

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Joseph D’souza, Mangalore.
    Thanks for enlightening us on St. Valentine.

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Dear Diya,
    I agree , the approach by Rama Sene is totally wrong . No one needs to be adviced on how to protect cultural values . Sincere effort is needed to understand love at any point in day . Celebrate so called valentine's day every single day . No need of naming a day for love you see !. By being educated or so called civilised , let's not forget moral and cultural values. Democracy , does not mean , do what ever you want . It gives a liberty to voice your greiviances . Please know and value your freedom don't misuse . I don't support anyone except own consciousness. God Bless...

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  • Bennet Vas, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Time and again I have implored upon the Electronic and Print media not to give any coverage to these gang of illiterates. They thrive on this publicity to achieve their ends - i.e eke out a living by threats - who the hell is this Muthalik to decide on who should celebrate valentines day or for that matter any other event ? What morals is he talking about ? Boycott these creatures and don't give them any importance - they will fade away - after all they are non entities whose contribution to the good of soceity is a big ZERO.

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  • Divakar, KSA/VENUR

    Mon, Feb 14 2011


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  • Kiran Shetty, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Muthalik  you are doing a great job. Good luck & all the best. We love you.

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  • Joseph D`Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Mr. Mutha-lick
    Please read the story of St. Valentine:
    Saint Valentine biography allows a peep in to the lives and times of the society and its concept of love in the days before the advent of Christ. St. Valentine and St. Marius helped the victims of persecution of Roman Emperor Claudius II. History is confused about the activities of St. Valentine as at least three St. Valentines are found in the annals of historical accounts. One was a priest in Rome, the second one was a bishop of Interamna and the third St. Valentine was a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. But there is no doubt that one St. Valentine really did exist because archaeologists have extricated from the forgotten ruins, a Roman catacomb and a church dedicated to this saint.

    The martyr day of Saint Valentine was celebrated as Valentine's Day and this custom was started by Pope Gelasius in 496 AD.

    St. Valentine, as he is known to the world, invited the wrath of the Roman Emperor Claudius II.

    This Emperor had a peculiar concept of love, he felt that marriage and love made reluctant soldiers. This made him pass a decree that young men should not indulge in marriage. But with St. Valentine around what was the need to heed such atrocious orders?

    Young couples were married clandestinely, and the going was smooth as long as the Emperor had no wind of what was going on right under his nose. But once he realized what was happening, St. Valentine had no escape from the cruel clutches of the Emperor. He was thrown in to a dungeon, clubbed and then beheaded around 270 BC.

    From Saint Valentine biography, My Dear Valentine is pleased to note that the priest himself tasted love on eve of his death. While in jail, the jailors daughter developed tender emotions for him and received a note signed, "from your Valentine." It is exceedingly heart warming that the practice of celebrating love has been passed down from one century to another.

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  • Sudhir Ullal, Mangaluru

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Valentine Lovers, let anyone celebrate valentine day but they should celebatre with same girl or boy every year not every year with new one. In this column many have fear of Muthalik because they cannot enjoy with new one every year. jai ho Mutalik, just give one statement to these lovers on every valentines day so that they will sit at home in fear..

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    I can't understand why you guys give importance to such faceless anti-social elements. Their job is to create public nuisance & get cheap media coverage out of such riots and you guys fall for it.

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  • Shabana , Dubai / Bhatkal

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    The old man is back in news just to show his existence. These elements should be stoned in public.

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  • Sudharshan shetty, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    What your Problems Mr Muthalik ? We will not support you its a big mistake that we all including my 2 brothers also aginst valatine day because of your stupid brain wash, This time stay out of this or you will pay !Let people be people , all of them have freedom, and choice, you do not dictate the law and tell us what to do !  People of karnataka please be free to enjoy the freedom of our Great nation called INDIA..Jai ho..My India is Great !

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Useless statement. There is no more sene left to use force after several accusations on him and recent arrest of his right hand Attavar on Criminal charges. Still the Pink Cheddy is haunting him like " Nightmare on the Elm Street".

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  • S.S.D'Souza, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    There are 14 St.Valentine s in Christianity. The one associated with Valentine's day was a priest in Rome who was helping Christian  couples to get married, also the needy Christians. Helping Christians was a crime in the Rome of those days & therefore he was sentenced to death. He was beaten with clubs & stoned when that failed to kill him he was beheaded. Before being beheaded he restored the sight & hearing to his jailor's daughter. This was on Feb.14/ 269 or 270 or 273 AD. It is uncertain if the feast celeabrates only one saint or all of the 14. For this reason this liturgical commemoration is not kept in the CATHOLIC CALENDAR of SAINTS for universal liturgical veneration as revised in 1969. But all of the 14 are proposed for veneration by all Catholics. Feb.14 is dedicated to St. Cyril & St.Methodius, 2 brothers. Many of the legends that characterise St.valantine were invented in the 14th century in England by Geoffrey Chaucer & his friends when the feast day of Feb. 14 first became associated with romantic love.
    It would be wise to aquire adequate information before pointing at any religion to which one dosen't belong just to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

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  • Kiran, Palimar

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Mr. Mutalik no election in near future so no voilence.

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  • Joe , Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    When you are in Rome be like Roman.
    When you are in India be like Indian

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  • Ronald, Bejai/Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Love,celebration etc it is a personal matter of individuals.
    No need of advise from Rama sena.
    Let the sena mind its own business.

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  • Divya, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Muthalik is jobless! These bajrang dal and ram sene activists misbehave with women in the name of moral policing and then they talk about values and morals!!

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    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Its high time all types media should stop coverage on this IDIOT FOR NOTHING GOOD"MUTHALIK" this step should be initaited by DAIJI, and rest will follow

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  • Abubaker Pallipadi, Pallipadi / Riyadh

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    He should turn from voilence  to silence because  he will getting old. I am not support or oppose to valentine day. Youngsters celebrating the day, let them to do.

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  • RA Mathias, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    P. Muthalik don't spoil the name if Sri. Ram. You and your sene (Muthalik sene) do some good work.....if you are capable of doing. Lot of people are around you without shelter, clothes, food, education etc. Take the example of people who are doing the good works in the society.

    Your moral policing if you continue to do, you will land in GUTTER soon .

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  • Albina Vaz, Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Muthalik, please clarify which St Valentine you are referring to & what is the basis for your outlandish claims? Don't try to confuse people by exhibiting your half-baked knowledge. Stick to things you know, because I am pretty sure you cannot comment even on love or teach people how to behave. Everybody knows what is good for them. The trouble is you don't understand nor know how to respect the feelings or sentiments of others. If somebody wants to celebrate or express their love & similar feelings to their loved ones on a particular day, who is this Muthalik to oppose? Obviously, he got tired of wearing the pink chaddies that were generously donated to him by girls & ladies. Probably, he is afraid to receive something else instead of pink chaddies this year if he continues his boorish behaviour.

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  • Dev Sagar, Bikkarnakatte

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Muthalik/Rama Sene do not want to take law into their hands because their previous attempts have been a total failure. After all who are they to do that? As usual once again they want to be in the news. If they have guts let them stop all vulgar things happening in Bollywood. Can they stop Malaika Arora, Bipasha Basu and Mallika Sherawat? Can they stop the intimate kissing scenes/smooching in hindi movies? Can they stop the semi nude dances during cine award functions? Is it not against the great Indian culture? They are absolutely powerless. So what great are they talking about?

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  • Jayanti, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 13 2011

    Who is Muthalik to decide what we should do on Valantine Day ? Is he the President of India, PM or Chief Justice of India ? Public knows what to do. I think better Muthalik mind his own business and not dictate to public what they should do and not. Why this person was not put behind BARS till Valantines Day was over so he will not create nonsence again as he did two years ago. Last year atleast he was put behind Bars. When BJP Government is there anything can happen as our CM himself is CHOR and CORRUPT. So, who will see Law and Order ?

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  • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    With so many organizations such as New Life and Born Again, Valentine's Day will be India's No.1 National Festival soon. Mr. Pramod Muttalik and other such patriot persons are only trying to avoid that.

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  • rubena pinto, mangalore/dubai

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Muthu is talking about valentine day. What about the almost semi-naked body exposure in tv soaps like "Dance India Dance" and "zalak dikla ja"?

    Because he cannot just go near Sony or Zee he is taking his anger on poor middle class people who want to enjoy life.

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  • Stan Rodrigues, Bantwal

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    I don’t know, why our media is showing so much interest in Muthalik, when he has such a pessimist attitude towards others feelings, cultures and religions. He is misusing St. Valentines story and our media is making a big fuss out of it. Before commenting let Muthalik know who St. Valentine was and how he used to help the poor people. Ignorance has no medicine, and Muthalik is showcasing his ignorance thinking he is intelligent. The very comment that he has given goes against the Indian culture and morality.

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  • Gabriel, Sagar

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    In a democratic set up, there is no room for extra-constitutional authority to function on its own. Multi-cultural, multi-linguistic, multi-religious fabric of our Society functions quite well in accordance with the Indian constitution. Taking the law in its hand and defy the social harmony of the State is not warranted by any extra-constitutional social out-fits.

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  • Lavin Noronha, paladka/ Bahrain

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    This year muthalik didnt find a sponsor for his V-Day Drama. Even Yeddi didnt contribute his share. So this time the great Rama sane will not take law into their own hands as muthalik is running short of cash to distribute free liqor to his sena followers.

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  • Lloyd D'souza, Dubai/Surathkal

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Wait i will pause muthalik here,because there too much differnce between a Saint & Priest. A married man can be saint in future. A Priest cannot marry anyways. So muthalik please take back your statement & apologise for wrong statement given.
    And muthalik dont make any unwanted or useless statements to fool innocent Hindu youngsters.
    Please talk about India dont point out Russia and give examples, bcoz v r not following other countries what they do & what they dont.V r independent & v know what v r doing.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Mr, Muthatlik, everyone has his own opinion and you also !!!!! Do not try to enforce on others..!!??? Corrupt people like you are not the ones to preach Indians moral values..!!!???

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    One thing Muthalik and his followers should understand that, “you should no do any such things to others, what you do not want others do to you.”
    Anger makes a person temporarily insane, remember this.

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  • suhail, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    look at his face....full of anger n hatred...spoilin d peace of mangalore.

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  • N.P., mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Muthalik MURDABAD ...... Long live V-DAY!!!! they cant do any thing in life . if they protest against this day this year yeddu has to take his chair home .....

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  • priyanandan, DXB

    Sat, Feb 12 2011


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  • RUDY, bantwal

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    i am sure u r not forgotten the last valanitine. good atleast some one treated u a nice lesson still beating the drums in u r heart

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  • Lewis, Udupi

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    he said that with the help of his followers he has been able to make132 villages alcohol-free- u mean to say u give alcohol free to 132 villages?

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  • Melwyn Cutinha, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Muthalaik what do u know of love...it is funny to hear that you have made alcohol free for 132 village can you please name them.India is a democratic country who are you to tell the public that you are right. first of all see your face in the mirror then you will know yourself.this is called chep publicity

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  • Chris Misquith, Bramton/ Toronto- Canada

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Law is not given into the hands of inhuman monkeys..


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  • Diya, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Muthalik, you need not tell about culture to us. You protect yourself. Is that not enough for you what you got on your face (Maddi). People know to protect their culture.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, GOA

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    I cannot understand why the media is giving importance to these ?

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  • Joel, Sydney

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Kariya Back in action

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  • ranjithshetty, udupi

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    who the hell is he to tel us? india is independent country n no o ne above the law.. as long as we maintain our dignity don't bother such group.. all these group useless...

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  • Rakesh, Udyavar

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Mr.Muthalik,Please dont give false statements without having proper knoweledge on Valentine day.Whatever you said here has no historic base.Its just a man made story created by unemployed people like you.I hope last time you got enough gifts of pink chaddies. Let us know,this time of which coloured??????

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  • Kanpotli Shivarama, hebri

    Sat, Feb 12 2011



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  • Anita, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    "St Valentine fell in love with the prison attendant's young daughter. It is sinful for a priest to get attracted to a lady. Why should we attach utmost importance to memories of a sinful so-called priest?" barks Muthalik

    Historical archives talk of at least three different individuals known by the name of Saint Valentine and associated with Valentine's Day celebration of February 14.

    So which valentine is he referring to . I’ve not read any history saying that priest Valentine fell in love . Infact all three lived and died for their faith . Muthalik you need to shut up . Anyways, for me every day is a Valentine's Day.

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  • Siva Avadani, Manipal-Dubai

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Another Mr.Mahindra Kumar on making. These talented folks wasted their talents supporting the politicians, now realised. Hope they should have been realised what leadership qualities they have. I pity Muthalik lost.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Mutalik has no right to talk about St.Valentine... if he would like justify that st. Valentine can fall in love with one woman, can he tell us how much he hates Lord Krishna who fell in love with many wemen???? Religion is everybody's belief and people should know to respect all the religion... finally a dog has learnt a lesson and said they will not take law in their hand.

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  • Dorothy, Crasta

    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Since when Muthalik is mellowed down. Given a chance he will do the same again. Why Daiji is giving publicity to this news. This person is not worth giving attention to.

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    Sat, Feb 12 2011

    Shame on this people and the party supporting them.

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