Mangaluru: Sophos, Automation Technologies highlight cybersecurity challenges, solutions in seminar

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (VP)

Mangaluru, Jun 26: Automotion Technologies and Sophos hosted a seminar titled 'Experience Sophos: Your Shield Against Cyber Attacks' on Wednesday, June 26, at The Ocean Pearl Hotel, Mangaluru.

Addressing the gathering, Prasanna Kumar, co-founder of Automotion Technology, welcomed attendees, emphasising their enduring partnership with Sophos. He highlighted the increasing demand for cybersecurity in sectors like banking and education, particularly in tier-two cities.

Kumar stated, "Today, banks and colleges require robust cybersecurity measures. In tier-two cities, the awareness and usage of cybersecurity are relatively low, but the Indian government's emphasis on security in banking is pushing adoption. SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) seems to be the future solution."

Preetam Narayan, territory account manager at Sophos, shared insights into the cybersecurity landscape, stating, "Around 66% of organisations experienced ransomware attacks last year. There is a significant trend towards consolidating security vendors, with 75% of organisations now pursuing this compared to 29% in 2020. The demand for SASE is rising, and by 2025, 60% of organisations are expected to use MDR services."

Narayan highlighted Sophos' role in combating these threats, mentioning their global Security Operations Centers (SOCs) and the use of AI in their MDR services.

Santhosh Varkey, cyber security solution manager at Sophos, discussed specific cyber threats and Sophos' solutions. He noted, "New attacks are increasingly sophisticated, targeting individual systems before spreading malware. Sophos is uniquely positioned to address these challenges, including through our locally-made firewall technology, early warning systems, and adaptive attack protection."

Arun Pinto, co-founder of Automotion Technology, concluded the seminar with a vote of thanks.

The event was attended by industry professionals including Vinay Karat, Balachandra Rai, and others.





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