UAE: Manoj Menezes Elected President of USWAS

UAE: Manoj Menezes Elected President of USWAS

Media Release

Dubai, Dec 11: Manoj Menezes, an active Shirva Parishioner, residing in Abu Dhabi, has been unanimously elected as the president of USWAS (UAE’s St Mary’s Welfare Association, Shirva). Manoj Menezes was a founder member and office-bearer in the committee since the formation of USWAS. Maxim Ferrao has been elected as the vice president and Lesly Saldanha as the secretary.

In a meeting held recently at Shezan Restaurant, Karama-Dubai, the committee members of USWAS gathered to elect the new managing committee for the year 2012. The meeting commenced at 6 pm with a prayer by Paul Menezes followed by a formal welcome by president Canute D’souza. Roshan Menezes proposed the main agenda of the day and conducted the election of the USWAS office bearers for the year 2012.

Former president Canute D’souza said, "I would like to thank the outgoing members for their support, cooperation and congratulate the newly elected president and his team all the success in their future endeavours." Newly elected president Manoj Menezes extended his hearty thanks towards the committee members and requested support of members to work together to strengthen the Association. He promised to take an innovative lead for taking up more initiatives towards working for the welfare and lend hands to our own community people in their needs.The meeting came to an end with a thanksgiving prayer to patron Saude Mai.

The following office bearers were elected

President – Manoj Menezes, Vice President -  Maxim Ferrao, Secretary – Lesly Saldanha and Joint Secretary Lavina Menezes

Treasurer – Herald Mathias, Internal Auditor – Denis Gomes, Cultural Secretary – Roshan Menezes and Sports Secretary – Ronald Correa

Decennial Year Events Coordinator–Oscar Rego, Media Rep –Vilma Mathias and Nelson Castelino

Decennial Year events committee – Sharan D'Souza, Canute Mathias and Denis Mathias

Cultural team – Claudy D’Leema, Prashanth Sequeira, Josna Martis and Lavina Tauro

Sports team – Francis Machado, Loyal Pinto, Canute D’Souza and Joel Tauro

Advisory committee – incent Corda, Paul Menezes and Ivan Mathias

Founder president – Franky D’Souza and USWAS Rep in Shirva – Grynal D’Mello

President         -     Manoj Menezes
Vice president  -     Maxim Ferrao
Secretary         -     Lesly Saldanha
Joint secretary  -     Lavina Menezes
Treasurer          -     Herald Mathias
Internal auditor   -    Denis Gomes
Cultural secretary -  Roshan Menezes
Cultural team   -      Claudy D’Leema, Prashanth Sequeira, Josna    Martis, Lavina Tauro
Media reps     -       Vilma Saldanha, Nelson Castelino
Decennial event coordinator -  Oscar Rego, Canute Mathias, Sharan D’Souza and & Team Denis Mathias
Sports secretary & team - Ronald Correa, Francis Machado, Loyal Pinto, Canute D’Souza and Joel Tauro
Advisory committee - Paul Menezes, Ivan Mathias, Vincent Corda

Founder president  -  Franky D’souza
USWAS Rep Shirva  -  Grynal D’mello
Parish Priest  -    Fr Stany Tauro

USWAS, which came into existence at the end of December 2002, and has over 200 members at present, has completed 9 years with the grace and blessings of Patron Our Lady of Health. Year 2012 marks the decennial year of the Association. USWAS is driven with the motto, ‘Lend a hand not for self, but for each other’. It has been providing financial assistance to the needy for various purposes like education of financially backward children, medical aid, house construction, marriages of poor couples and such other purposes of the community of Shirva and surrounding efficiently through the generous help from its sponsors and well-wishers. St Mary’s Post Graduation College Shirva Project was well supported by USWAS during this year.
The elected team is in full preparation for the upcoming “SHIRVA FESTHA SAMBHRAM 2012”. It will be celebrated on February 10, 2012 at Sheraton Deira (Al Masah Ballroom). It is an annual event of the association and will be open to all. USWAS is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in the year 2012. SHIRVA FESTHA SAMBHRAM -2012 is an annual event which marks the beginning of decennial year.

Staging Konkani Drama “OOTRE UZWADLEM” by Sangon Mugdana Kalakars in Abu Dhabi on April 27, 2012 to promote Konkani drama and art.

Proceedings of both these event will be used for the following welfare projects taken up by the association

USWAS has planned following projects/programs for the Decennial Year Celebration

1. Support to build or repair low cost houses for the needy families of the Parish.
2. Free Medical/Health Camp in Shirva
3. Blood Donation camp in UAE.
4. Sponsorship to maintaining formation of young priest/nun from the parish.
5. Support for the marriage of economical backward females from the parish.
6. Supporting primary education for the needy students of the parish/high school
7. Fixing Filters for drinking water at school and college.
8. Organizing a cricket match tournament ‘USWAS TROPHY’ for the Konkani speaking community in Dubai in the year 2012.
9. Support for Manasa Pamboor and Maria Niwas Ashram Kalathur.
10. Sports event in Shirva.

The Decennial Year Celebration will conclude with a grand celebration ‘USWAS DASHAMANOTSAV’ which will be held on Sunday, December 30, 2012 at Our Lady of Health Church Open grounds - Shirva.


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  • Mario Mathias, Shirva/Sholapur

    Tue, Dec 20 2011

    Dear Manoj,
    How delighted I am to learn that you have become a USWAS president accept my heartiest congratulations, you will now be able to put many things on the righttrack, i ofcourse, remember the valuable service you rendered during the last decade, wishing you to have a constructive role, best of luck........

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  • Wilson Fernandes, Fernandes Group, Mumbai

    Tue, Dec 13 2011

    Congratulation Manoj on being elected the president of USWAS. I wish you and your team a great success !!!

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  • Murel dsa,

    Tue, Dec 13 2011

    Congratulations bavoji. wishing u all the best
    wishes from Dsa Fly

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  • Michael D'Silva, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Dec 13 2011

    Congratulations Manoj. Wish you All the Best.

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  • Sangeetha D'souza, Kinnigoli / Dubai

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations to Mr. Manu and newly elected committe members of USWAS. Wish you all the best and sucess for the year 2012.

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  • Henry Lobo, Belthangady

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations Manu, and wishing you all the best.

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  • Francis L Lobo( Karama Hotel), Belle/ Dubai

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations to Mr. manoj successor of Mr . Canet , Uswas president. Good luck and good support from us all.

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  • winny menezes /gurunja/arizona /usa,

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    conratulation manu&team

    Hi Manu,Maxim,Oscar and all committee memebers of shirva parishoners,congratulations.may god bless u alland give more strength and support for future programms .Good luck keep it up .

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  • Clive D'Souza,

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations Manu, and wishing you all the best.

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  • wilson, shirva

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations Manu & team. Wish u all the best.good luck for your future programs

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  • Dinesh Correa, Pernal / Sharjah

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations to Manu and the entire team USWAS. May your patron Saud Mai bless you all and give you strength and enthusiasm to lead the USWAS organisation to take it to new heights. God bless us all.

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  • Dian Castelino, Sharjah/Shirva

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations Manu & team. Wish u ppl all the best...Dainy

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  • Dolphy & Sunitha,, Naravi / Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Dear Manu,
    Congratulations on being elected as the president of USWAS and we wish you all the best.

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  • Nitin Castelino, Shirva/kuwait

    Mon, Dec 12 2011

    Congratulations and all the best

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  • Precilla and Ronald Corda, Shirva / Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations to Manoj and your strong team.I'm sure that your leadership will take USWAS to new height's.

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  • Prakash&Dorothy Noronha, Pamboor/Doha Qatar

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manu.

    Congrats on being elected as a President of USWAS....Wish u all the succes....

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  • Pius Pinto, Damaskatte/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manu,
    Congratulations on being elected as the president of USWAS.We wish you all the best.
    Pius, Anita and Nicole

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  • Dainy, Mudarangadi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrats Manoj. All the best..!

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  • Edreena Dsouza, Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manu.

    Congrats on being elected as a President of USWAS....Wish u all the succes....

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  • Peter, Gurunja,Shirva,,Dubai.

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj,you made it again,a truly extraordinery deserving candidate.With the help of fine tuned new team members iam sure under your leadership 2012 will bring us more surprises.We wish you good luck and the very best of luck to you ,and the vice president Maxim Ferrao,as well as all newly elected utive team members.
    At the same time may i take this opportunity to thank- out going President Canute A. Dsouza and his committee members for a wonderfull and funfilled 2011. Thanks and best regards.
    Peter P.Dsouza.Gurunja,Shirva.DXB.

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  • Lawrence (Lovery) Correa, Pernal/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj & newly elected commitee members! Very youg and talented team! Wishing you all the very BEST! May Saud Mai Bless you all and Keep you in Good Health!

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  • RoshanDmello, Suratkal/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj and Wish you all the best

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  • Godwin Mendonca, Tallur / Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manu on being elected as the president of USWAS. Wish you and your team all the best for the coming year.

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  • Naveen Menezes, Kundapur/Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dynamic … Energetic… Charming…. MANU. Hearty congratulation. Under your vibrant leadership USWAS would definitely reach new heights. Wish you good luck.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    congratulations to mr manoj menezes an your team elected president of USWAS.WISH U ALL THE BEST

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  • ashu menezes, bantakal/dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratts!!! Manu, wish you all the best.

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  • Balakrishna M Salian, Yermal Bada / Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Mr. Manoj on being elected the president of USWAS. All the very best to you & all your team members during your tenure in taking USWAS to great heights.
    And We Mogaveers UAE is Very Happy to Know That You Included Blood Donation camp in Your programs for 2012,There are 750 Children/adults who are suffering from a Rare Disease. One Donor's Blood ( One Unit 450ml )can save 3 to 4 children suffering from Thalassaemia and they need 50 units of Blood per day ,So I here by Request all the Associations to Come Forward for the Good Cause( The Gift of Life ), it Will be Highly appreciated Good luck and We also feel happy to extend Our support.
    Balakrishna M Salian, Vice President, Mogaveers UAE

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    'Congratulations' Manoj Menezes and all newly elected Uswas committee members. I wish this is a best opportunity to celebrate forthcoming Shirva Festha Sambhram - 2012 in Abu Dhabi instead of Dubai. A large numbers of community of Shirva Parishners are working in capital of UAE. Saudmai bless you all.

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  • Valerian Pereira, Shirthady

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrations Manu! I wish you and your newly elected team all the best & good luck.

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  • george menezes, farangipet/dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Dear manoj & all the very best to u & ur team.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011


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  • Pearls of mangalore, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manu,

    Congratulations on being elected as President of USWAS. It is great joy and happiness to our team which yr team (boskambegar) always supports us with comedy skits. Wishing you and your team all success and best regards and Wishing you all the best for the Decenial year celebrations

    Alphonse Mendonsa
    Pearls of mangalore
    Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

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  • Vinod Barboza, Shirva / Manchester

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manu, wish you all the success and be assusred of our support.

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  • Sunil Fernandes, Kirem/AbuDhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulatins Manu on being elected unanimously as the president of USWAS for the year 2012. I wish you all the best and success to your leadership.

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  • Diany, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrats Manoj and all committee members. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors and may "USWAS" reach to needy and downtrodden under your able leadership.

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  • Lawrence, Kinnigoli, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manu , we wish you the best & successfull year 2012

    Lawrence & Sunitha

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  • Deepak Dsilva, Paladka/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manoj on being elected the president of USWAS. All the very best to you & all your team members during your tenure in taking USWAS to great heights.
    All the best

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  • Jovin, Pangla, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj & Team,
    Congratulations and all the the best. I believe that during your tenure the USWAS will grow towards the new hights with a successful year ahead.

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  • Stany Dsouza, Shanthigudde, Shirva

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations & Good Luck to President and all office bearers.

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  • Rathnakara A, Shirva

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations to all. Special Congratulations to my child hood friends, Manoj, Nelson, Oscar and Sharan. Wish you all the best for Making Shirva famous in the world. God Bless you. Rathnakra Acharya Shirva

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  • Joseph Mathias, Bendor, Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj,

    Congratulations.... Manu on being elected as the new President of USWAS and all the newly elected committee members. Wish you and your team all the best and success during your tenure.

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  • President and Members-Belle Vision UAE , Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj,
    On behalf of all the members of Belle Vision-UAE, we congratulate you on being elected as president of the USWAS. Wish you and your newly elected team the very best of success during your tenure.

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  • Rudolf Menezes, Shirva - Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj,Maxim and entire USWAS Excecutive Committee members,Congratulations to you all.we are happy to see USWAS progressively achieve new heights.we wish the president and his enthusiastic committee amembers a productive and successful term.Wish you all the very best. RUDOLF and RENETHA Shirva - DUBAI.

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  • fr frederick monteiro, parish priest, nainad

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations to you dear manoj and all the newly elected USWAS committee members. I hope under the able leadership of Manoj menezes USWAS may shine in the years to come.Best wishes

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  • Valerian Fernandes, Belle / Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj. All the best to you and your team.

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  • URBAN DSOUZA, Shirva - Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manoj-New President of USWAS and all the Committee members and May God Bless all your good works. URBAN, JANET - SHIRVA -KUWAIT

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  • Godwin, Moodubelle/Sharjah

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj and executive committee. I am sure, under your able leadership USWAS will rise to greater heights.

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  • Valerian Alva, Moodubelle / Sharjah

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj and entire team of USWAS. Manoj are the right leader who can guide this great organization to greater heights. You have always led from the front and always appreciated for your bold decisions and innovative steps. Go ahead and we are all with you. Jai ho USWAS.

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  • Nicholas D'Souza, Niddodi/Surathkal/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj Menezes on being elected as the president of USWAS and all office bearers for the year 2012! Manu, you are the best candidate being chosen unanimously for this position. Under your leadership definitely USWAS can take steady "SWAS". You are the ideal person for the president post as you proved your ability to lead not only in cultural programmes but also in other activities like moderator, sports etc. You are a friendly n jovial person. I wish you and your team members a bright year ahead and best of luck.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manu on being elected as the president of USWAS. Wish you and your team al the success during your tenure.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    RONY M

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  • Sunil Noronha, Siddakatte / Ajman - UAE

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrats Manu!. Wish you all the best & Success

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  • SWAK, Shirva/Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations!! to you Manoj Menezes on being elected as new president of USWAS!. Our best wishes to Vice President Maxim Ferrao, Secretary – Lesly Saldanha & all the Committee members.
    May Savud Mai bless all your efforts to ute planned projects/programs for the Decennial Year Celebration & upcoming “SHIRVA FESTHA SAMBHRAM 2012.

    President & Members
    Shirva Welfare Association Kuwait

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  • PRAKASH D'SOUZA, Damaskatte, Kirem / Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manu…..
    On being elected as the President of USWAS. I feel your leadership will make difference and take USWAS to new heights along with your team….Wish you all the best and Success….. in your future programs and endeavors.
    Best Regards,
    Prakash & Precilla, TCA, Abu Dhabi

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  • Anil Menezes, Shirva/Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrats Manu, Maxi and management team of USWAS. Wish you all the best.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj and Maxim & all newly elected committee of USWAS.Wish you all the best & hope you will take USWAS to new height.
    Best wishes from Merwyn menezes.

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Hi Manu & Team,
    'Congrats'& Good Luck For your Tenure

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  • Veena, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manoj on being elected as the new president of USWAS. Also best wishes to the newly elected committee.

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  • Stany Jovin Menezes, Pangla/ Oman

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj
    Congratulations and wish you all the best.

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  • felix dsouza, shirva Bahrain

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    congratulations,to elected team,good luck for your future programs and projects

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj Menezes & New office bearrers of "USWAS". Wish you all the Best.

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  • Anil V Pinto, Kudupu,Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congrats Manu.

    You leadership has the trust & confidence of every Uswas. I'm sure your leadership will make a difference & see a new dimension in connecting everyone in the community. You are backed by a strong & dynamic team, adding strength to strength.

    " One reason we have resistance to change is that we focus on what we have to give up rather than on what we have to gain."

    I know you have the ability to lead from the front by your very nature "leading by example".

    God bless you in your every endeavor.


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  • Pradeep Crasta, Kundapur/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manu! for electing as a president of USWAS Shirva for the year 2012. I wishing you all the best & success in your term as persident.

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  • James Peter DSouza, mulki / Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj
    Congratulations and wish you all the best. Hope you will take USWAS to new height during your tenure.
    James / Olivia

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  • Simon Dsouza, Shirva/Doha Qatar

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Dear Manoj and committee members of USWAS, Congratulations. As I see very talented and comitted people in the committee, I am sure USWAS will grow and be very successful in the coming years. Your good works back home are well apprciated by all. I wish you all the very best for the coming year and assure you all the support that I can render.

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  • Adrian Gomes, Shirva / Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulation Manoj on being elected the president of USWAS. All the very best to you & all your team members during your tenure in taking USWAS to great heights.
    Best wishes from Adrian Gomes

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    Sun, Dec 11 2011

    Congratulations Manoj Menezes on being elected as the new president of USWAS. Also best wishes to the newly elected committee.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

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