Media Release
Italy, Mar 15: Dr Merlin Rengith Ambrose has been nominated by the Pontifical Urban University in Rome to serve on the International Scientific Committee and Editorial Board of Ius Missionale, a prestigious Italian canonical journal published by the university. In this newly acquired role, he will represent Asia while also continuing his important work as a faculty member of Canon Law at St Peter’s Pontifical Seminary in Bengaluru and as the executive secretary of the Commission for Canon Law within the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI).
This appointment complements his existing docens stabilis (Missio Canonica), granted by the Dicastery for Culture and Education at the Vatican in 2023. His academic contributions are well-documented through a wide array of publications, including authored books and peer-reviewed articles in both Indian and international academic journals. Additionally, he is an executive committee member of the Canon Law Society of India (CLSI).

Dr Merlin Ambrose’s profound loyalty to the Church, his committed approach to research, and his passion for teaching, coupled with a pastoral heart, are truly commendable. It is anticipated that his contributions rooted in his experience within the Indian ecclesiastical context will significantly enhance the academic standing of Ius Missionale and further advance the field of canonical studies within both the Indian Church and the universal Church.
Apart from the secular studies, Fr Merlin Ambrose has pursued his doctorate in Canon Law and post-graduate diplomain superior course on Praxis and Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence, Pontifical Urban University, Rome; He also has diploma in Canonization Processof Saints (postulator course), Dicastery for the causes of Saintswith the canonical faculty to act as postulator for the Roman phase in the same congregation; diploma in Latin, Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis, Rome; diploma in Praxis and Canonical Administrative Procedure, Dicastery for the Clergy, Vatican; Certificate Annual Course on the Ongoing Formation of Priests, at Dicastery for the Clergy, Vatican; PG diploma in Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons at Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, diploma in Integral Ecology with an Alliance of Pontifical Universities and Athenaeum in Rome.