Walter Nandalike
Pics by Praveen Tauro
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore
Mangalore, Mar 4: Steevan Cutinha, a final year engineering student of St Joseph College, Vamanjoor would have completed his studies in three months time, and started earning bread for the entire family, had he not died in a bike - bus accident near Pavanje, Mulky on February 29 night, along with his friend Ashwin Peris. Steevan has left behind his parents and brothers completely devastated, in a state of shock and utter disbelief.

We never know when a tragedy may strike its ugly blow, but we do know for sure that it changes the lives of everyone around, especially the family and near and dear ones. Accidents happen almost everyday; death and injury news are not new. But some accidents hurt the most, not just the family, but all those who are related in one way or the other.
The Father :
Steevan's father, 59 -year-old Stany Cutinha, who was serving in the reserve police as an ordinary policeman took voluntary retirement about 14 years back just to build a decent house for his family, and still he is paying the loan he had taken for the purpose. He gets just one thousand rupees as pension, and works for Lourdes School, Bejai as security personnel. With his sole, modest earning, he dreamt of making his elder son Steevan an engineer. His hopes were not unfounded, for Steevan was brilliant in studies, especially in mathematics and science.

"My son always stood first in the class, though it was not enough to get free education anywhere. St Joseph's management showed us consideration, but still I had to take loan for his studies..." says Stany when we meet him at Lourdes school campus.
What surprises us is his commitment towards his job - he joined duty a day after his son's funeral. "I do not want to put the school in trouble with a long absence, I work from 7 am to 7 pm, " he says.
He is trying to recover from his son's untimely demise, and hides his emotion when we remind him how Steevan had escaped previous accidents thrice.
"Four years ago, he was severely injured in the head in a Kinetic scooter accident. It was God's grace that he not only survived but recovered within a few weeks. In 2009 again he met with a major accident when he riding pillion. The rider, who was his friend, was seriously injured and has still not completely recovered. Steevan again sustained some injuries. In yet another accident, he was again riding pillion, and both Steevan and his friend escaped a major tragedy. But the fourth one was a disaster...he could not survive this time...and here too he was riding pillion...." recalls Stany.
The Mother:
Steevan's mother Molly Cutinha is a brave woman, who is suffering from acute knee pain on both legs. She has undergone treatment several times, but still struggles to walk.
"My son Steevan had great concern for me, he was worried about my legs, my pain. He
assured me the best treatment once he got a job after his engineering..." says Molly, when we met her at her house in Bejai Kapikad.

"He was brilliant in studies, very handsome, and always concerned about others. He used to help many young students in maths and science by teaching them free of cost. We thought there would be happiness after all the tough times we have passed...but God had other plans." She tries her best to swallow her tears, but cannot.
We are quite stunned when she reveals how Steevan, at such a young age, had saved by working on flowers to buy TV for the house.
"He helped us with flowers... Steevan was such a wonderful boy, he helped with the flowers day and night, and saved money to buy a TV for the house. He was mad about cricket...ever since he left us, we cannot even bear to look at the TV."
"I am not greedy, and never dreamt of becoming rich. But a bright future for the children was what I dreamt of. I knew, after all the struggle we have been through, we would see happier times. We were waiting for Steevan to complete his education... he was even picked by a company through campus selection. He had promised to upgrade our house, and said he would marry only after he turned 28," says Molly amid sobs.
Molly is a housewife, and looks after the children and supports her husband in his quest to give their children the best education possible.
In fact, after the series of accidents that Steevan had been through, weak-hearted Molly had warned him, "If something happens to you again, I will not be able to take it. I may get heart attack." But God has given her a brave heart. She gulps down her pain and lives on with courage. On the contrary, she consoled the friends of her son who had accompanied him on that fateful February 29 night.
A few of those friends were present when we visited the house. Molly tells them, "You keep us in your thoughts. You don't need Steevan to come to our house... visit often and keep in touch. Call me whenever you are free." She blesses them with kind words before bidding them goodbye.
The Brothers:
Sujay, Steevan's younger brother is doing his second year BA in St Aloysius Evening
College. Though he is good in studies, the family could not afford to admit him to a day college. He joined the evening college so that he could work during the day for a hotel in the city and support the family as well as his education.

The youngest among the three is Sanjan, an 18-year-old who has completed his diploma in welding. He is looking for job now. The family's difficulty perhaps forced him to go for a diploma course and stand on his own legs at an early age.
The Fateful Accident:
Any heart would cry for this family, knowing that Steevan's fate on February 29 night was already sealed. A dozen students of St Joseph's Engineering Colleg went on a leisurely ride as these were the last days of their four-year engineering course. Steevan had been hesistant to ride on highways, espcially after the series of accidents he had faced.
But destiny was against him, and death was the ultimate.
He was riding pillion with another friend, but as he was not comfortable on that bike, he switched places with the pillion rider on Ashwin Peris' bike.
Having exchanged pillions, Ashwin and Steevan continued their journey towards home. No one imagined that it would be their final journey, to the final home.
Family in need of support:
Listening to their difficulties, struggles and the unbearable pain, we thought this would be the right subject to bring before the esteemed readers of who have been steadfast in reaching out to people in need and helping them out of their problems.
We can bring them out of their difficulties, but not from the pain they are going through after the tragic death of the son who had promised a lot at a young age, but vanished forever, leaving behind great sorrow.
We cannot bring back Steevan, but let us at least try and make his dreams a reality.
Stany Cutinha can be reached on his mobile : 0091 - 9886209570.
Residence number : 0824- 6566453
Those who wish to help the family, may reach out to them through the following bank account details:
Name of account holder: Stany Cutinha
Bank: Syndicate bank - Bejai Branch
IFSC : SYNB0000192
Account No : 01922030000770