Mangalore: Bliss! Ah, to be a Child in Rainy Season...
Brijesh Garodi
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore
Mangalore, Jun 18: There's no better sight than to see a child play in the rain. Monsoons may put a full stop on regular outdoor sports like cricket and football, but playing in the rain has a charm of its own.
In rural areas especially, children are often seen enjoying a splash in the overflowing rivers and ponds. The slushy fields, the fresh fragrance of the damp earth and the steady pattering of the raindrops blended with shouts of joy. Sheer bliss.

In villages, it is time to go fishing, swimming and indulge in other water sports. It is not only children, but adults too who love getting drenched in the blessed rain. But many, wanting to 'act as adults', hold back their desires to dive into the enticing waters or dance in the rain. But no such hesitation with children. They enjoy the rain as if they own it.
One comes across such scenes mostly in the villages. In the city, sadly, even the rainwater is contaminated and in the few fields left here and there, it is not advisable to play as drainage passes through them and the effluents are let into the water bodies.
Nor is there an open space for children in the cities to play. Most of them are confined to their homes, with video games computers and what not. Their parents too do not let them venture into the rain without heavily guarded in raincoats, for fear that they may fall sick. But a child, whether in city or village, given a slightest chance would throw all precautions in the air and enjoy dancing in the rain. It is common sight to see school children deliberately splash through puddles, much to the worry of their parents.
Children or adults, rain is a welcome respite from the scorching heat for all. The first rains are the best. After all, there's nothing more enjoyable than a cup of hot coffee and a spicy snack on a rainy afternoon.