Mangalore: Inter-caste Marriage Opposed by Family, Court Rules in Couple's Favour

Mangalore: Inter-caste Marriage Opposed by Family, Court Rules in Couple's Favour

Pic: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (BG)

Mangalore, Jun 25: A man and a woman belonging to different religions, who got married without the consent of their parents, were on Monday June 25 allowed by the high court to stay together as man and wife.

The couple, identified as Konaje residents Rihana and Vincent, a driver, got married last year after five years of courtship. They had known each other for nearly eight years. After marriage, Rihana and Vincent stayed separately in their respective houses, but on May 18 last month, they eloped and started staying together in a house.

On May 19, Rihana's father Husainar lodged a complaint with Konaje police and also filed a habeas corpus petition in the high court, which was issued to the couple.

Rihana and Vincent appeared in the court on Monday, and were let free by the court. It is said that Rihana got converted to Christianity and Vincent's family is said to have made no objection.

The couple has claimed that they have been getting life threats from girl's family and relatives.

Rihana's father Husainar said that Rihana was in fact engaged to another man. "My family is poor, but despite the poverty I managed to arrange for finances and spent Rs 20,000 t0 Rs 30,000 on her engagement. If she had told me earlier, a lot of trouble would have been saved," he said.

He also claimed that two weeks before the engagement, she had said that Vincent used to call and trouble her. However, on being questioned, Rihana outrightly denied the claim.

Rihana is said to have asked for her father's forgiveness, but Husainar refused saying that his family is facing ridicule from people because of her action.


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  • Anita Serrao Pashan, Fajir / Newcastle UK

    Thu, Jun 28 2012

    Congratulations & Happy married life to both of you.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • B.A.NAINAR, Hotel ResidencyGate,opp: Labour office,Bendoorwell. Kankanadi. Mangalore-2

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    why public take big issue this matter? she is above 18 she can decide her life partner why people take a tention ? I Cant under stand why create this problem try to solve this problem, Her parents decide what they do, Dont give aloowed back o home that's all.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • khalid, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012


    Yes ur right,Qayamat days has begun, result u can see in western nations, problems like Unemployment, National Calamities living under the fear of Nuclear war, which is the end of their evil deeds.

    DisAgree [47] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Khalid, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012


    I said if Vincent studies Islam under the support of his wife and guidance of genius, like Dr.Zakir Naik, then there is no way to stop him to becoming, from Vincent to Mohammed Vincent.

    DisAgree [70] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • kabeer, Kaup,Udupi

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Dear Ali,

    Yes it's very true, 100 non muslime girls marries to muslim boy in india and if one muslim girl marries to hindu/christian, it will become breaking news.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayesh Raval, Damaskatte-Baiitha Mane/Rajkot

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Mr.khalid, mangalore

    If you need to add Mohammad in front of other's name - better marry your 'gals' to non-muslims. We are ready to Mohammad in front of our name - without any obligation. Ameen.

    When you people will improve ' Allah ' only knows. Where is time to improve 'Qayamaat' is near due to you people's evil deeds.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • khalid, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Insha Allah if both studies their religion perfectly, then very soon vincent will become Mohd.Vincent

    DisAgree [60] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayesh Raval, Damaskatte-Baiitha Mane/Rajkot

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Mr.zaheer, mangalore

    Quaran also written only on this earth. Don't ever think to increase quantity. Please go for quality.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • zaheer, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Masha Allah good news.
    Now vincent got the teacher at home to study Quran.

    DisAgree [51] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • ali, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    In India inter religion marriage ratio is 100:1, 100 non-muslims marries to muslim & and muslim marries to non-muslim.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    All the best Rihana and Vincent.

    Wishing you a happy married life & prosperity.. Live a good life and prove all your detractors wrong..

    God Bless you both...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Venzil Fernandes, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    All the best Mr.Vincent and Rihana. happy married life God bless you both and may u live a happy love life with each other.. :-)

    With Warm Regards,
    Venzil Fernandes

    DisAgree [11] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • irene, mumbai

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    Love breaks all boundaries.Jab miyah biwi razi to kya karega qazi.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shanthi, Dubai

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    This is the first time an ordinary muslim girl married with other religion boy. otherwise it's always muslim boys.... We need more muslim girls like rihana to balance, what muslim boys has done so far with other religion girls.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aubb, Kuwait

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    I dont understand the fuss of people of certain religion when persons of their religion change their religion and are willing to marry purely for personal reaons. Are we living in Afghanistan? Pakistan? Iran, or a fanatic India?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D'souza, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    All the best Mr.Vincent & Mrs.Rihana..God bless you.& keep u in good health.."Happy married life"..

    DisAgree [10] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D'souza, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    All best Mr.Vincent & Rihana..God bless you...Happy married life..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh Kumar, India

    Wed, Jun 27 2012

    @Shannu, mangalore,
    The first wife will be in sorrow when Muslims marrying two to four & more wives in a male dominated society, a tumult in all Muslim families. Mentioned is the dowry in Quran. Must be paid. Dowry is a major inviting trouble in all Muslims families. Rihana has no worries. One sir name is to be changed. Not required to change multiple sir names. Dowry is not essential.
    She is the Rifqa Berry of the Sri Lanka citizen of United States.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shannu, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    There are so many things that have taken place.
    It's a inter caste marriage which our society doesn't accept that easily.
    The parents are hurt.The boy and the girl must be going through real trauma. Allow them to live their life. They will have to face the consequences, if at all any, since they have taken this decision. they know about what they have done and I don't think it is right on our part to pass any judgement.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Maria, Moodbidri

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Maryam, mangalore
    99.9% of ur muslim boys having fun/merry making with other religion girls. Why only rihana has to answer allah then??

    DisAgree [18] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raghav Salian, Udupi/Singapore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    ARBAZ... Mangalore,it is too late to accept your idea which you are telling Vincent to convert to islam. Since Rihana has not given this idea you are the one who is giving it therefore, my suggestion is to you to change your gender and become a lady then try every possibilities from your end.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • ivan, uae

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Vincent and rihana,lord jesus said "love your enemys"forgive your parents .that is true chritianity, and be with them good.lord jesus give you, love, peace and joy.dont worry jesus christ will protect you.god bless you.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jigmig, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Dear Vincent and Rihana Congratulations! May Jesus and Allah bless your marriage life. So what if you have come from a different religion. At the end, it is your life. You are going to lead it. Why others have to worry about your life. All the best. God always save you. Take care. May your marriage life be filled with lots of children,happiness and prosperity in your family. God Bless. If anyone see you with wicked eye, just ignore them. Cruelty and jealousness does't have any cure. It is worse than cancer.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    As I am a Christian I would like to enlighten here there is no love crusade existing in Christianity or Christians never advocated love crusade. I personally ask those commentators if you have a single scripture or a word in the whole of the Holy Bible stating wage crusades against those do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ SHOW ME ONE WORD CRUSADES IN THE HOLY BIBLE.

    No human on earth as of now heard of Love Crusade. Do any Christian ever since the world began waged love crusade.

    Vincent and Rihana you look handsome and beautiful.
    May our Lord Jesus Bless you and keep you close under his lover and care.
    Wishing both of you good health and prosperous days in your life.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Saif Uchil , Uchil / Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012


    DisAgree [22] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Someone here is calling the girl selfish?. How can that be?. By not letting her marry the man of her choice it is her parents and family that are proving to be selfish. When two adults fall in love with each other and want to marry leave the matter to them, why bring in religion into it. They are old enough to decide for themselves. If they have made a mistake they will themselves have to bear the consequences. This is also true of arranged marriages. So many arranged marriages too go for a toss these days. Some of my friends come out with secular comments when it suits them but talk differently on other issues. If one asks me about my family, I will say that many of my cousins are married outside our religion and all are happy. One is married to a Gujarati boy, One is married to a muslim boy, One is married to a Shetty Doctor from Mangalore, One male cousin is married to a Punjabi Sikh girl and one is married to a Brahmin girl. All have been married for many years and are happily settled. Nobody in the family or our circle of friends have had any problems. To parents I say, be happy with who your children choose to marry, give them your blessings and support and you too will be happy and content in the end.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arbaz, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr Vincent i'll give simple idea convert to islam n live wit no worry...

    DisAgree [83] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Royal, Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Vincent & Rihana don't worry about comments some people are born for only to comments others, they don't know what their relatives are doing just ignore and live good marriage life best of luck

    DisAgree [15] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Jun 26 2012


    DisAgree [65] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • rakesh, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    really great lady, who left behind everything for the sake of love. i wish them all the best and bright future.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sarswathi Nayak, Bangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    @ I Husein, Mangalore,
    Dharmyoudh is for us Hindus.
    No Hindu wages love Dharmyoudh.
    Jihad is prescribed for you. I am unbeliever, kill unbelievers.
    You must wage Jihad. You like it or not.
    Fed up with killing human beings. Love Jihad started.

    DisAgree [40] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • shanith, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    shahnawaz kukkikaate..come on sir..

    we secuarist and educated people are one who supproted pub culture in small cities like mangalore and oposed bajrangdal etc in interrelegius lvoe couples in parks in mangalore..  come on sir..

    y all of sudden tradition ???   if we can support pub culture in small cties like mangalore or inter releius love couples in small parks in mangalreo..  y not genuine mariage on interrelegion in small town..  at least this gentlemean in maried girl ..not cheated ...

    DisAgree [15] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse

  • santosh, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    shahnawaz kukkikatte..  your exposed here..
    your suprting pub culture in small cities like yoiu know only catholic/hindu girls are traped in this pub..(bcso you will not allow your girls to enter pub)..

    same way...your bashing bajrang dal on inter relgius lvoe story in parks..simple..bcos you know girl from hindu relegius and boy from other..

    but once yoiu realise the girls from yoiru own relegius ..yoiru view changed.. definelty you will give simila view on pub culture once any girl from yours traped in it..

    i am also agaisnt bajrag dal view...  but comparatively bajrangdals view is little better than yours..

    DisAgree [19] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay , kasaragod

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Rihana and Vincent..god bless yoiu..  but vincent must be extra carefull..
    this relegius fundametalist are very danger..  we have example of congress youth leader balakrishnas murder by fundametalists in kasaragod for marying a muslim lady...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    All the best Rihana . Pray for the creator & not the created.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • thomas, mangalroe

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    suhail, Dubai/Mangalore..this is not love jihaid..
    the boy mareid girl to give her life..not to use her life for relegius holy /sin activities..

    but what relegius siddique done to 15 year old dalilt girl last week is similar to love jihaid...aim is not marying girl ...
    now yoi know the difference between love jiahdi and love..

    DisAgree [17] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Surathkal

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Im an Muslim and i dont encourage any kind of Love marriage against parents wish. Hurting parents and going against their wish is not aceptable. No one is more important then parents. They sacrifice somany things for their children and in their old age in return if we hurt them by going against their wish we will never be happy..
    Always take best wishes from ur parents and elder ones..

    DisAgree [15] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • I Husein, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr. Saraswat, first of all you have to learn about Jihad. Jihad means Dharmayudda, it means fight against injustice. And this included in all good religions.

    DisAgree [35] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • tauseef, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    All the losers who are commenting here against inter religious or inter caste marraiages are the biggest uneducated fellows living the dreaded past of doom.Grow up the end of the day what matters is the happiness of our loved ones and if at all they are happy with a person I dont think religion or caste really matters.God never made religion or castes,its losers like you people did

    DisAgree [14] Agree [88] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilma, Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Wish you both Happy married life & God bless you both. The way both u have chosen is correct.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • avani, mlore/uae

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    I have a simple solution for complications with inter religion marriages. Follow Indian tradition. As per Indian tradition (u may call it male domination I dont mind) when girl marries, she gets the identity of her husband. Ex if her sirname was 'D'souza' before marrying a 'Prabhu', it becomes 'Prabhu' after marriage.

    Same is the case in Hindus also and I think in Muslims also. So whenever a girl marries the boy of other religion let her be part of husband's religion. No issues for their children also. There could be initial resistance from the families. but eventually it vanishes. Things get complicated only when a religion of the girl asks boy to get converted. Why cant we follow this simple solution and let inetr religious marriages freely!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed, Mlore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Rihana will understand this when she will be a mother. If her own child will do so, then she will realise the fact. The efforts are countless, which both father & mother will face while upbringing a child. A parent cannot even think that, their child will do so in return, they will be having their own plans/ideas with regard to each & every stage, milestone of a child.

    Even if they cannot afford to have any such thing which their child is asking for, they will fullfill their child's want by any how. Every parent try to provide best of best to their children. But they never expect anything in return. Ultimate thinking is that their son or daughter should not be deprived of anythng.
    When children are treated in such manner, they cannot be disobedient to their parents? If they do so, they are selfish. Being BENEFACTORS, whether they are not allowed to decide about their Son or Daughter's marriage or any other such important factors?

    Here in this case, Rihana is attracted by lust or put into pressure by the other party. Even if she is being put into pressure by the other party She herself can think of her own FATHER, MOTHER [FROM WHOM SHE GOT BREAST MILK],BROTHER, SISTER SO ON..... SHE CAN DECIDE BETTER BASED ON THESE...... ANY HOW SHE IS SELFISH, SELFISH & SELFISH....

    DisAgree [118] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Rihana -Vincent
    Set Up a new sweet Tent
    Never mind Comments that Dent
    For each other you are Meant
    Providence therefore has you '2'to earth Sent!

    DisAgree [17] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen D'souza, VALENICIA,KUWAIT

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Wishing you a happy married life. giving a comments is so easy. if they each other why you are people against it. Mr.Vincent & Rihana enjoy you life. you both look like made for each other. ISMAIL.K.PERINJE, PERINJE-YANBU/KSA i like your comments.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • MAK, MAK

    Tue, Jun 26 2012



    DisAgree [9] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Castelino, Udyavara

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    When muslim boys are marrying christian girls the muslims will not object but when the christian boys are marrying muslim girls they are objecting. This is purely partiality. Therefore it is a good step by vincent and rihana. All the best to you. Leave happily.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [84] Reply Report Abuse

  • VK, Kateel/UAE

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Dont inforce or disturb us and create communal problems is what we convert or reconverts thats in your blood or wish. We dont belive in conversion and we dont do it to others nor we want other to do it for us.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • munna, nitte/karkala/qatar

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par,

    Hay you forgot Shah Rukh Rukh Rukh Khaaan. Your memory bank is wide man! Or is it cut & paste!!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sarswath Nayak, Bangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    There is no jihad in Christians.
    Jihad is in Islam prescribed for Muslims you like it or not like it.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [77] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikaate, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr Subodh Chattobadhya,

    You are good in talking about film personalities and politicians. You forgot to name aam aadmi and the dilemma he faces. What u said is ok in cities and bollywood. but how about the villages and towns?

    DisAgree [26] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    One of bollywood’s best-known child actors, Baby Naaz (real name Salma Baig) was married to Late Raj Kapoor’s cousin, actor Subi Raj. She won many awards for her 1954 film ‘Boot Polish’. She was also a skilled dubbing artist and provided voice for Sridevi and other actresses. She died in 1995.


    Indian English writer Amitava Kumar is married to Pakistani Muslim Mona Ahmed Ali. They have a daughter, Ila.  Singer Shamshad Begum (Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar Laga Teer-e-Nazar) married Ganpat Lal Batto. He died in 1955. Their daughter is Usha.  World-famous beauty expert and entrepreneur Shahnaz Husain married and divorced a Muslim man. Now she is married to a Hindu businessman RK Puri.  Actor Jackie Shroff is son of a Hindu father, Kakubhai Shroff and a Turkish Muslim mother Hoorunnisa (Rita post-marriage). Their other son, Hemant died in childhood. Jackie Shroff has a son, Jai and a daughter, Krishna. Legendary Urdu writer Late Ismat Chughtai’s daughter Seema is married to Mr Sawhney. Their son is Ashish. Actress Veena (Tajour Sultana, sister of actor Iftekhar). married character actor TK Sapru. Their children are supporting actor Tej Sapru who did countless negetive roles in 80s and 90s and actress Preeti Sapru. Maharashtra Congress politician Ramesh Bagwe is married to Zainab, a Muslim of Irani origin. Old-time actress Chand Usmani married director Mahesh Kaul.  Late Safdar Hashmi’s sister Shehla Hashmi is married to Mr Grewal.


    DisAgree [28] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • suhail, Dubai/Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Sanga pariwar people want to tell which jihad this?

    DisAgree [24] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    Yesteryear’s actress Meena Shorey (Khursheed Jahaan), whose claim to fame is the blockbuster hit ‘Ek Thi Ladki’ (1949), married Roop K Shorey, the producer and director of this film. A few years after partition, she divorced Roop and migrated to Pakistan. Over there, she married Pakistani actor Asad Bukhari but divorced him too. Roop K Shorey died in 1973. Meena died in 1987 in abject poverty. Her funeral had to be arranged on charity money.


    Filmmaker Hansal Mehta (Woodstock Villa, Chhal, Yeh Kya Ho Raha Hai) is married to Safina, daughter of actor Yusuf Hussain who does supporting roles in bollywood. Their daughter is Kimaya.


    Theatre actress Ayesha Raza is married to actor Kumud Mishra.


    Iconic bollywood villain Ranjeet (Bedi) is married to Nazneen. Their daughter is Divyanka.


    ‘Raam Teri Ganga Maili’ star Mandakini (real name Yasmeen) was born to a Christian father and a Muslim mother. She is married to one Dr Thakur and has one son.


    Cricketer Manoj Prabhakar is married to Farheen, an actress who was seen in a few films in the 90s and was noted for her resemblance to Madhuri Dixit. Their son is Rahul.


    Hyder Ali, writer of the film ‘Jodha Akbar’, (also the onscreen singer of the song Khwaja Mere Khwaja) is married to Dr Uma Shankari.

    His sister is Naqi Jehan (Nalini after marriage to Vikram Kamdar) who was the Miss India 1967. She also acted opposite Rajesh Khanna in ‘Akhree Khat’.

    Their parents were first Miss India Esther Victoria Abraham (Jewish) and Syed Hassan Ali Zaidi, who acted in ‘Mughal-E-Azam’ with screen name Kumar.

    Elahe Heptollah, assistant director and producer of most Nagesh Kukunoor films, was married to cricketer Vidyut Jaysimha. They are now divorced.


    Journalist Shabnam Minwalla (herself a child of Muslim – Parsi marriage) is maried to Rohit Ramakrishnan. They have three children.


    DisAgree [21] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lloyd D'souza, Dubai/Surathkal

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Happy Married Life Mr.Vincent & Rihana. God Bless You Both. Your the Good Example for True Lovers, who faced this society bravely.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    The most tragic case is that of Producer-director Brij Sadanah (Victoria No 203). Against wishes of both families, he married smalltime actress Saeeda Khanum, who had acted in films like ‘Modern Girl’(Pradeep Kumar), ‘Honeymoon’(Manoj Kumar) and ‘Crorepati’ (Kishore Kumar) in 60s. (The song ‘Ye Mausam Rangeen Sama‘ from ’Modern Girl’ is still heard on radio sometimes). Saeeda converted to become Sudha. They had a daughter, Namrata and a son Kamal (the lead actor opposite Kajol in ‘Bekhudi’). Namrata fell in love with a Muslim boy and wanted to marry. Brij could not accept this. One day, he got drunk, shot his daughter and his wife, and then killed himself with the same gun. Kamal survived as he was not at home that time.
    Kamal is now married to Lisa John and has one son, Angath. Saeeda’s younger sister is screenplay writer Shagufta Rafique who has written recent Mahesh Bhatt films like ‘Awarapan’ and ‘Woh Lamhe’.
    Actor Nirmal Pandey was married to Kausar Munir, a lyricist in Bollywood. They got divorced. Nirmal Pandey is no more.
    Veteran film and media critic Amita Malik (a Bengali Hindu) married radio producer Iqbal Malik. However, they separated later. They had no children. Amita died in Feb 2009.
    Actress Tabassum known for her TV show ‘Phool Khile Hai Gulshan Gulshan’ on DD is the daughter of Ayodhyanath and Asghari. She is married to Vijay, brother of actor Arun Govil (Lord Ram of TV Serial ‘Ramayan’).
    Model Feroze Gujral is the daughter of a Christian father, George and a Muslim mother, Viqar. She is married to Mohit, son of painter Satish Gujral. They have a son, Armaan and a daughter, Alaiyah.
    Late Asif Currimbhoy was a well-known actor of Mumbai’s English stage. His daughter Nahid is married to Amit Moitra. They have 2 daughters, Tehzeeb and Tahini.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    Social activist Shamim Modi is married to fellow activist Anurag Modi.
    Veteran actress Zohra Sehgal (originally Khan) married Late Kamaleshwar Nath Sehgal. Their daughter is famous Odessy exponent Kiran Sehgal and and son, Pavan.
    TV Actress Tasneem Sheikh is married to builder Sameer Nerurkar. Her post-mariage name is Tanisha Nerurkar. Tasneem is a daughter of a Gujarati Hindu mother and a Muslim father.
    Late politician Rafique Zakaria’s daughter Tasneem is married to Vikram Mehta.
    Pakistani actress Anita Ayub who appeared in some films in 90s, got married to Saumil Patel and is now settled in USA. They have one son.
    Congress MP from Assam, Rani Narah was originally Jahan Ara Chaudhary before she married Politician Bharat Chandra Narah and converted to Hinduism. They have two sons.
    Filmmaker Tinu Anand (Also known as Virender Raj Anand, director of ‘Shahanshah’) is married to actress Shahnaz (sister of actor Jalal Agha. Acted in ‘Saat Hindustani’). Their son is director Siddharth Anand (Director of ‘Salaam Namaste’).
    Scriptwriter Shama Zaidi (who has worked with Shyam benegal on many films) is married to noted filmmaker MS Sathyu who had made ’Garam Hawa’ starring Balraj Sahni.
    Roshan Ara, Daughter of Ustad Allauddin Khan married Ustad Ravi Shankar and became the famous Sitar Player Annapurna Devi. Their son is Shubhendra Sarkar. Annapurna is a Padma Bhushan awardee. Shubhendra died in 1992.
    Cinematographer Fowzia Fatima (who held the camera for Revathy’s Hindi film ‘Mitr-My Friend’) is married to Pradeep Cherian. They have one daughter, Ana Mariyam.
    Ghazal singer Pankaj Udhas is married to Fareeda. They have two daughters, Nayaab and Rewa.
    Yesteryear’s actress Zahida (Hussain) who acted opposite Dev Anand in ‘Gambler’ and ‘Prem Pujari’ and opposite Sanjeev Kumar in ‘Anokhi Raat’, married Mr KN Sahay. She is actor Sanjay Dutt’s cousin. Her sons are Brajesh and Nilesh.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    The ex Naval Chief Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat who was dismissed by Defence Minister George Fernandes under controversial circumstances is married to Niloufer Deshmukh – Bhagwat, a Muslim. They have a son, Jawahar (a naval officer) and a daughter, Roshni (a pediatrician).
    Niloufer herself is a child of a Muslim father (Mahmood Deshmukh) and a Parsi mother.
    Actor -singer Kishore Kumar married Madhubala (real name Mumtaz Begum) in 1960. They had a civil marriage without ceremony due to staunch opposition from both families. (It is said that Kishore had converted to Islam for the marriage). Madhubala died in 1969 without becoming a mother. After her death, Kishore married Leena Chandavarkar. Their son is singer Amit Kumar.
    Madhubala’s sister Zahida married music director Brij Bhushan Sahni (films like ‘Milap’). Her post-marriage name is Madhur Bhushan.
    Sir VS Naipaul, Trinidad based writer of International reputation, is a Hindu (of Indian origin) married to a Pakistani Muslim called Nadia.
    Actor Asha Parekh’s father was a Gujarati Hindu and mother, a Muslim. Her affair with director Nasir Husain was the talk of the town but she is unmarried to this day.
    Suman Chattopadhyay, a Bengali leftist activist of Kolkata (Brahmin by birth) divorced his German wife Maria, converted to Islam and married Sabina Yasmin, a Bangladeshi Muslim singer in July 2008. He has taken the name Kabir Suman. He is now a Trinamool Congress MP.
    TActor Asha Parekh’s father was a Gujarati Hindu and mother, a Muslim.producer and director of that film. They have one son, Gaurav.
    Maharashtra politician Late Hamid Dalwai’s daughter married Sharad Chavan.
    Yesteryear’s actor Rehana Sultan, known for her bold, controversial films like ‘Chetna’ and ‘Dastak’ in late 70s, married producer – director B R Ishara, a Hindu. Ishara was the director of most of Rehana’s films. They have no children.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    Legendary actor Waheeda Rahman married Shashi Rekhi, the Punjabi Hindu actor who acted opposite her in the film ‘Shagun’. (His screen name was Kamaljeet). She has a son, Sohail and a daughter, Kashvi. Kamaljeet died a few years ago.
    Choreographer Saroj Khan‘s real name was Nirmala Kishanchand Sadhu (Sindhi Hindu). She got married at young age to bollywood dance master B Sohanlal. They had 2 kids, Kuku and Choreographer Raju Khan (also director of the film ‘Showbiz’). But Saroj did not know that Sohanlal was already married. He abandoned her. Then she married businessman Sardar Roshan Khan who also was a married man. Her children, though not Muslim, use the name Khan.
    M J Akbar, noted journalist and editor of ‘The Asian Age’ is a Kashmiri Muslim (His great grandfather had converted from Hinduism to Islam) married to Mallika, a Hindu. His children are Prayag and Mukulika.
    Raj Babbar married stage actress Nadira Zaheer, daughter of Communist parents. Their kids are Arya and Juhi. Arya acted in Mani Ratnam’s ‘Guru’ as Aishwarya Rai’s brother. Juhi also did a couple of films. She was married to Vijay Nambiar but got divorced. Recently she tied the knot with TV actor Anup Soni.
    Actor – activist Nafisa Ali, a former Miss India, is married to Colonel (retired) Sodhi, a Sikh (not a Hindu, please note!). She is herself a child of a Muslim father and a Roman Catholic mother. Her daughters are Armana and Pia.
    Hindi writer Nasira Sharma is a Muslim married to a Hindu. They have two children.
    Yesteryear’s actor Mumtaz married Mayur Madhvani, a businessman. Their daughter Natasha, is married to actor Fardeen Khan. Other daughter is Tanya.
    Mumtaz’s sister, Mallika married Dara Singh’s brother, Randhawa who featured in many stunt films of 60′s. Their son Shaad acted in the film ‘Woh Lamhe’ as the abusive boyfriend of Kangna Ranaut.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max udupi, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Dear Shiva, marriage is not end in itself, its very important to lead a good family life, n the better part of it is, bringing up children in moral situation. So both parents practicing same religion(either Islaam or Christianity) will have a great impact. Hope you got the Reality.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    Congress MP Sachin Pilot, son of Late Rajesh Pilot is married to Sarah Abdullah, Daughter of Former J&K Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah. Thet faced opposition from both families.
    Actor Govinda’s father, small time actor Arun Ahuja married Nazeem, later known as Nirmala Devi (Govinda’s mother). She is no more.
    Zubeida, a Muslim girl from a prominent Mumbai family was pushed into marrying a Muslim youth in 1947. The husband divorced her when she refused to migrate to Pakistan with him. She later married Hanuwant Singh, the then Maharaja of Jodhpur. Both later died in an unexplained air crash. She was the mother of film critic-turned director Khalid Mohammed (‘Fizaa’, ‘Tehzeeb’, ‘Silsilay’). Khalid wrote the script of film ‘Zubeida’ which was directed by Shyam Benegal with Karishma Kapur in the title role.
    Actor Ayesha Takia’s father, Nishit, is a Gujarati Hindu while her mother Farida is a Muslim. Ayesha Takia married Farhan, son of politician Abu Azmi.

    Bollywood Movie Director Mahesh Bhatt had a Hindu father (director Nanabhai Bhatt) and a Muslim Shia mother (Shireen Mohammed Ali). But they were never married and never lived together. Their relationship has been portrayed in Mahesh Bhatt’s film ‘Zakhm’ starring Ajay Devgan. Mahesh Bhatt’s two nephews, actor Emraan Hashmi and director Mohit Suri are Muslim and Hindu respectively. (Emraan’s mother is Christian).
    Mahesh Bhatt had a very public affair with Parveen Babi. He later married Kiran. They had a daughter, the film acress and director Pooja and a son, Rahul. Thereafter, they divorced and Mahesh married Soni Razdan who is a Muslim. They have two daughters, Shaheen and Aliya.
    Emraan Hashmi is married to Parveen Shahani, a Sindhi Hindu.

    Director/Choreographer Farah Khan married Shirish Kunder. (Director of Salman-Akshay starrer ‘Jaaneman’ and Editor of Farah’s ‘Om Shanti Om’). They have triplets – Anya, Diva (both daughters) and Czar (son).

    DisAgree [16] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopdaya, Kalavar-Melmane/24 Parganas par

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr.Shahnawaz Kukkikutte/Dubai/Udipi

    Dont' talk rubbish. Do you know how many inter caste marriages took place in India. It's challenge for non-muslim boys to marry muslim girl - who is almost hidden 24x7 hours.

    Actor Sunil Dutt married Nargis, a Muslim. Some believe that Nargis’ father was a Hindu. Their son Sanjay is now married to Dilnawaz Sheikh (screen name Manyata). They have twins – a boy named Shahraan and a girl named Iqra.

    Urdu author Krishan Chander married Salma Siddiqui
    Actor Hritik Roshan married Suzanne Khan, daughter of actor Sanjay Khan (Actual name Abbas Khan). They have two sons named Hrehan and Hridhaan.
    One of the three daughters of politician Najma Heptullah (niece of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad) is married to a Hindu.
    Actor Atul Agnihotri married Alvira Khan, actor Salman Khan’s Sister and Salim Khan’s daughter. The couple have a daughter, Alizeb and a son, Ayaan.
    Actor Feroz Khan’s daughter Laila Khan Rajpal married Rohit Rajpal. They are now divorced.
    Former Sheriff of Mumbai, Nana Chudasama is a Hindu Gujarati Rajput. He married a Hindu lady. They had a daughter, Brinda. Thereafter they divorced and Nana married Munaira Jasdanvala, a Bohra Muslim who was also a divorcee. They have two children- Akshay and Shaina, both of whom are married to Hindus. Shaina is an MP belonging to BJP.
    Brinda, Nana’s daughter from his first marriage, is married to architect Alfaz Miller, a Muslim. They have two daughters, Ahana and Ashti.
    Actor Sanjay Khan’s daughter Simone Khan Arora is married to Ajay Arora (and other daughter Suzanne to Hritik Roshan)
    Actor Aditya Pancholi is married to actor Zarina Wahab. Their children are Suraj and Sarah.
    Cricketer Ajit Agarkar, a Maharashtrian Brahmin, is married to Fatima Ghadially. They have a son, Raj.
    Actor Sunil Shetty is married to Mana Qadri, daughter of a reputed Muslim architect of Mumbai. Mana is daughter of I. M. Qadri.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Wishing long happy married life. Rihana you are free now on as entered into a new life of fullness and oneness. You may face some challenges initially but will be strenghtened much more and an eye opener to others. Congrats as you both have done something great.. as this need courage and sacrifice. Request is- Do not neglect but try to console and patch up both families.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    To all those who opposed to my comments or commented adversly to my comments, please answer the following question.

    1. Would you allow if your own sister or daughter decide to marry a man from other religion... forget about other caste within the same religion??

    2. Would you personally take your daughter/sister to the marriage registrars office and be a witness to their marriage?

    3. Would your own brothers/sisters and family at large would appreciate and praise your support to the newly wed couples??

    4. Are you prepared to face the social stigma and excommunication?

    5. If everyone thinks like you, then why the honour killings taking place in India?? Is India ready to accpet such marriages??

    6. Living inside India, why do you practice western culture where such marriages are order of the day and its also true that divorces are order of the day and single parenting is highest.

    If your answer is in affirmative, good luck to your daughters and sisters who will bring in members of other religions into your household, which is one of the best way to promote secularism and religious harmony.

    DisAgree [34] Agree [91] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thomas Pascal Andrade, Valencia / Toronto

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    When there was a similar news-report on a marriage between a Muslim boy and a Christian girl a few months ago, many DW readers had opposed it. I am a bit surprised to note now it is just opposite in this case.

    I fully agree with the opinion of Shahnawaz Kukkikatte.

    Jab miyan biwi kya karen Qazi?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    shaheer zain, have wished (all the best)this girl after death...!!!??? What do you mean !!??? Just because of people like this in this world, the world has become hell. People like you don't live this life and wont allow others to live their life.

    What guarantee is there in the life after death also you people will not be like this...!!!????I wish this couple a long happy married life. If they cant stay in villages, they can move to cities or anywhere...If one has determination..the whole world is ours and we can go anywhere...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max udupi, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Its far better to bring a new understanding in the society rather than making the couple to understand. Becoz its no more 1947. Everything is changing, why not the society have an better understanding and acceptance for peopls good??
    Afterall society is by me n u. So let us learn some adjustments.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jimmy Noronha, Bellore, Lucknow

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    They are grown up, and they love each other, it is their lives and they did as they liked it, don't expect them to do "As you Like It"?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jafer, Ullal

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Love is Blind... she looks like his daughter... Any way don’t label it as LOVE CRUSADE....

    DisAgree [37] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    maryam, mangalore & shaheer zain, Dubai babu, Why dont you guys just worry about, what you have to answer to Allah and stop worrying about world.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Canada

    Tue, Jun 26 2012


    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Jun 26 2012


    DisAgree [39] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shabeer, Belthangady/ K.S.A

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Dear All Readers ,,, Just try Find out the Vincents Backrnd,, As i read the Daily News Papers From Coastal About Vincent,,Plenty Of poor Girls ( Passengers )Tears Is Falling Down Still.. So Hereforth Rihanas Row,,,Count down started ,,, But Still am Wishing You happy married life,, And requesting all readers To pray for Mr. Vincent to improve his Characters / Behaviours / Attitude...

    DisAgree [39] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, Udupi/New York, USA

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    CONGRATULATION Vincent and Rihana the made for each other couple. Marriages are made in heaven and no one can come in between them. It is God's chosen. Husainar is stupid to go to the court and spend miney and loose the battle. They were known to each other from last 8 years. Husainar should have donated that money to some charity. He would have been blessed.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • roshanmalar, konaje

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Congrats to the new couple , you both look like made for each other

    DisAgree [10] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • shiva, kota dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Congrats! rihana and vincent. god is with you, your true love united each other.

    Tell me why rihana is converted to b chirstian? did u do on your own so as to be one with vincent family OR did vincent pester you ? Love is important and living together is important OR converting her religion is important? what is wrong if rihana reads quran and vinent reads bible? Jab pyar kiya hai....aur pyar hi kiya hai...toh ye sub kya hai.....i am confused. can anybody explain me the positive reason behind rehana being converted???

    DisAgree [24] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • raaz riya, mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    I dont know why daiji is not publishing my comment...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerry, Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Mr. Zain,Life is only before death not after death.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sharath, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    shahnawaz kukkikatte... Appriciate your comments... right said. India is still much back to digest such things. In a practical point of view this may be just another marriage of diffrent castes and there will be two sets of people one who may just tell let them be, and the others who oppose. But tommorrow if they belive in this thing called "familysystem" or belive in this social system, it will be their Childrens who will really suffer. Suffer as in its not physical but more in social way. Goos aspects of Religion and caste is good to follow for the people and everybody's intentiopns should be live & let live and not imposing beliefs on each other or trying to increase their number by jumping or converting. There can be number of diffrent inter religious harmony oriented practices like taking part in each others festivels, supporting each others during thougher times, riligious leaders coming into one stage and educating the new generation about thegood benifits of maintaining communal harmony. But supporting inter caste or different religion marriages...I personnelly feel not healthy for the socity. I dont see any wrong if we discourage couples or make themthickabout the halleges they have to face or their chldrenshave to face in future because of this.This is my personnel opinion and no offence meant to anyone.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Wishing Vincent & Rihana a happy married life.

    In mixed marriages there is always opposition from both sides, especially the girls side or if the boy is rich then from the boys side too. Husainar refuses to accept the match because "his family is facing ridicule from people because of her action".

    DisAgree [5] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    vincy dont worry nothing will happen be happy always. eager to see u both.god bless u

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, udyavar / mumbai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Congrats to the new couple , you both look like made for each other .

    DisAgree [10] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • veena lobo, abudhabi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    May God Bless The Cople

    DisAgree [8] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Siva Avadani, Manipal/Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Shanavaz stop your double standars.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max Udupi, Udupi

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    God bless you both. 3 things last forever, Faith, Hope n Love, n greatest of these is Love.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Siva Avadani, Manipal/Dubai

    Tue, Jun 26 2012

    Shanavaz stop your double standars.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Ismail bhai..idu "Januma Januma Anubandhada,Olavina Udugareya,Minchina Otada,Anuraga Bandhana ! illi " Bahaddur Gandige,Premada Kaanike yaaru kodabeku ? Taayige Takka Maganannu hidiyalu,Kathari veeranobba,Nagar Havina thara sittu maadi Operation Diamond Racket plan maadta iddane.Antima vijaya,ee Babruvahananige sigutto ? Kaadu Preeti Maadu Tamashe nodu aatadalli navella Emme Tammanna aagiddeve...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaheer zain,

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Rehanas might have won in the court of people but dear sister have you ever thought about the court of almighty.where we all have to go once.atleast you would have thought about your parents.before taking such a big division. Well best of luck to the life after death.

    DisAgree [84] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • ivan, uae

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    i know about vincent very well, he is a very nice person. and rihana is very lucky,she choose him as life partner.they made for each other,god bless u both.let them give good wishes.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • BASIL D.SOUZA, Ajekar/dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Marrages are made by heaven good luck to vincent & rihana go ahead

    DisAgree [8] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nisha, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Please let the two live happily and in peace....

    DisAgree [9] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Munna, Pune

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Congrats both of you...leave a better life without any fear..may allah bless you and give you strength

    DisAgree [14] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Malcom Lewis, Kallianpur/Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    @ Shanavaz i never read any comments from you when a muslim boy is involved with other community girl. If you think apple is apple and not orange then it should be in every case. I cannot count 1 1 = 2 in once case and 1 1 11 in other case, in other words we cannot measure the yard with 2 different sticks.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • maryam, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    rihana dont forget one day in front of god ( allah) you must answer.

    DisAgree [70] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.K.Shetty, Bajpe/Saudia

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    They are a beautiful couple. I encourage this kind of inter religous marriages.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sameer chheda, Amritsar/Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    @ SDS so many Muslim brothers marry other community girls, what is the feeling then. Here i bet Rihana will be very happy in her life.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Today in Karnataka three unnatural things took place

    1) Christian Married Muslim girl in Managlore

    2 Muslim boy married Hindu girl with consent in Saleshpura

    3 An Hindu girl surprised everybody in the locality of Hubli by reading Quran and which brought two communities for dinner together.

    All for good and happy married life to Mr Vincent and Rihana.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [163] Reply Report Abuse

  • SuperCop, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    The best comments ever posted by readers.... God bless Vincent & Rihana...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhavana Anchan, Shirva/Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    @ Shaan if boy is muslima and girl Christian, what comment you expect..

    DisAgree [13] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • SDS, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    It's easy to say good luck, best wishes but think as Rihana's parents or Vincent's parents. It's very difficult to face this society, that their childrenn's did against their wish. it's not good.

    DisAgree [34] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossie, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    I wish religion was just confined to one’s mind and soul there would not be so many troubles, heartbreaks and fights. All the very best to Vincent and Rihana whichever religion you belong to. God bless you.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Malcom Lewis, Kallianpur / Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Rihana and Vincent i wish you all the best, Vincent its your responsibility to feel the difference for Rihana. I am sure she will be very happy in her life. Meantime settle the issue with her parents emicably. After all they are also parents and deffinitely concerned about their daughter and community. God Bless you both.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • vicky, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    So for as the couple stays in & around m'lore, there is always threat to their life. There will be lot of presure from the community towards the relatives to take some drastic action. The couple should move out from m'lore for a while at least for the sake of relatives!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.fernandes, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    12people are disagreeing when you say we are the creation of same god.
    I do not know whether to laugh or cry!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    By allowing such inter religious marriages, we are inviting lots of trouble, humiliation and discomfort and risk to the partners and their family members. The children are outcasted. India is not advanced so much to allow such marriages. A city like Mumbai, Bangalore, its ok but in villages the stigma still remains and whole household is outcasted.

    One should change his or her religion only after thorough research of the religion and for only pleasing the God and for lovers sake which means one is changing his/her faith to enjoy the material life and not the spiritual life. Too much love for material life brings in lots of miseries and sorrows...

    Then why the court is not intervening or directing the police against BD and SRS who beat the couples from different religions??? Why the court has double standards in its application of laws???

    DisAgree [104] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • Danny and Ivan, Mumbai/UAE

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Vincy and Rihana may you love and hold each other in the worst of times with trust, faith and belief. We wish and pray for both of you a very happy married life. We hope you are the ones from the story that says "happily ever after"

    DisAgree [8] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gerald O F Fernandes, Mangalore/Ireland

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Vincent and Rihana both of you are matuared to take the decision.wishing you both a wonderful,healthy and peaceful married life ahead!God bless!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • danish, manglore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    why there is no comments from muslim brothers. when there is a muslim boy loving other religion girl they are happy and supporting and so many comments.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Veera, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Happy Married Life... Keep up the same love forever. Hey father-in-law, take it easy.... Your other brothers, extended brothers or community brothers always marry other religion girls. So, not a big deal, try to understand the feelings of those father-in-laws and just patch-it-up and live peacefully.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaan, Manglore/Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Dear Daijiworld!!!! What if boy Muslim and girl Christian indeed consequent comments & verses might have perceived?

    DisAgree [28] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashraf, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Good luck vincent and Rihana.
    Wish you all the best to your future life.
    May god bless to your family life.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • richard crasta, bajpe, dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    all the best, god bless.....

    DisAgree [8] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Edwin Nazareth., Shankerpura. Udipi

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Congratulations both of you, God bless you, love more than cast and religion, God is one for every one.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra, jaipur

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    wishing all best to Rihana & vincent, Hope they live together happily until their last breath in both good days and bad days.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore / Denmark

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    " Happy Married Life " to the Couple. Good pair, made for each other.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    When the parents are families are going to give freedom to the grown up people to make their own choice and decision to their life-long partner? The religious leaders must mind their own busines, instead of interfering with the personal rights of the people!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Vincent & Rihana wish you happiest, lengthy united married life.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinaya, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Why people are behind religion and caste. If both vincent and rihana love each other, then there should not be any barrier for religion and caste. GOD has made us as one human being as his own flesh and blood.My humble request to rihana, what ever hurdles comes in your life pls be brave to face it and put all your difficulties and troubles in front of GOD,who is the Almighty and saviour of this world.Ups and downs always there in married life. But be brave and face life as it comes

    DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Marriage is a personal decision. Through intercaste marriages we can get rid of all the CASTE-BASED ills of our society.
    Romeo-Juliet....yeh naam hai mohabbat ke aag mein jal marne walonka!! Lekin aaj ki duniya mein sachcha Ishq kidar hai??

    DisAgree [8] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jun 25 2012


    DisAgree [9] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.Abubakkar, Kaup/Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Rihana and Vincent you are a beautifull couple. Best wishes!!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • K Ismail Byari, , Kakke Padavu/ Mecca,KSA.

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Vincent & Rihana,

    May Allah bless you and make you great couple.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subodh Chattopadhya, Kavathar-Melmane/24 Parganas Par

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    If the girl sacrifice her religion for the sake of his boyfriend. Why religious leaders threat her life.?.... First these Religious Leaders look after their own sisters and mothers.

    True Love indeed.
    Tu Hi Re, Tu Hi Re Tere Bina Main Kaise Jiyu
    Aajaa Re, Aajaa Re, Yu He Tadpa Na Tu Mujhko
    Jaan Re, Jaan Re, In Saanso Mein Bas Jaa Tu
    Chaand Re, Chaand Re, Aajaa Dil Ki Zameen Pe Tu

    DisAgree [31] Agree [104] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dave, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Yes it is difficult when someone defies your wishes & marries some one of her choice & that some one is also from some other community or religion.
    But remember we all are the creations of the Same GOD.

    My request here to all is Live & LET them lead their own life as marriages are made in heaven & are only celebrated here.
    Most probably God wants us to break the barriers & come together in his worship.
    May God Bless the Couple.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [102] Reply Report Abuse

  • rajesh, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Rihana and Vincent.
    best wishes ..nice couple..

    DisAgree [22] Agree [107] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Please dont disturb these couples and dont bring religious issue. Let them lead happy and prosperous life.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [136] Reply Report Abuse

  • Godfrey Cabral, Dubai

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Vincent & Rihana wish you all the best for the days ahead

    DisAgree [19] Agree [114] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    "Minchsi Hoda kaarya kke chinthisi palavilla"(to girl's dad)...Let the them lead the life and both are in love.Bless them and wish them good luck.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil,

    Mon, Jun 25 2012

    Youngsters should learn to obey to parents and get married through thier consent , asking forgiveness is not same as asking permission , hence this is not a good example , Couple will learn when thier children do the same to them , morever this Vincent Guy is acting as if there are no Girls in Christanity

    DisAgree [8] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

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Title: Mangalore: Inter-caste Marriage Opposed by Family, Court Rules in Couple's Favour

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