Mangalore: Jyotiraj's Scaling Skill at Chitradurga - The Height of it !
by Mahesh Nayak Bovikan
Pics Rohit S Rao
April 11, 2007
This young man’s real name is Jyotiraj. But people call him Kotiraja (Monkeyman).
This is because of his amazing ability of rock-climbing which he does with the agility of a monkey. He works as a mason in Chitradurga, the well-known historic town of Karnataka.

He is a familiar sight at the legendary Chitradurga fort, where he is often seen practising his skill on the fort ramparts. It is a treat for visitors to see him do all sorts of mind-boggling stunts fearlessly.
He prefers to climb with his bare hands as he feels using a safety rope is not being brave enough.
The daring young man’s ambition is to create a Guinness record. During our recent visit there, friend Rohit S Rao captured the action blow by blow.
The adventure men

Mahesh Nayak Bovikan taking an interview from Jyotiraj

A close brush with history: Rohit Rao (standing) enjoys the fun as Mahesh Nayak gets out of the point where the celebrated 'Onake' Obavva, wife of a sentry on the ramparts of the Chitradurga fort, ruled by Madakari Nayaka, is said to have single-handedly battered several invading soldiers of Hyder Ali of Mysore. She did so using an 'onake' Kannada for the pestle used to de-husk rice. She finally got killed by the rest of the soldiers.
(Mahesh Nayak is one of the most creative copywriters in the district and also executive editor of 'Mangalore Today' English monthly. Rohit Rao is an entrepreneur and a keen hobby photographer. - Editor)