Bangalore : Church Leaders Unitedly Reject Probe Report - Demand CBI Inquiry

Bangalore : Church Leaders Unitedly Reject Probe Report - Demand CBI Inquiry

From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network

Bangalore, Feb 5: Leaders of Catholic and Christian Churches in Karnataka have announced their collective stand in unanimously rejecting the report of Justice B K Somashekar inquiry commission, which probed the series of attacks against Churches and prayer halls in September 2008 in Mangalore, Udupi, Bangalore and other districts, for its failure in addressing the terms of reference and do justice to the Christian community.

Bangalore Archbishop Rev Dr Bernard Moras, who is also the President of the Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops’ Council (KRCBC) and the Karnataka United Christian Forum for Human Rights, demanded an immediate CBI inquiry into the series of Church attacks and identification of the culprits and take necessary legal action.

Archbishop Bernard Moras said the grievances and demands of the Churches and Christian community would be placed before Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa, Governor H R Bhardwaj and also Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, President Pratibha Patil, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and other Central leaders besides National Minorities and Human Rights Commissions.

Protests, Legal action under consideration

``We expect the Government to favourably and positively respond to our demand within a reasonable time,” he said pointing out that the Church leaders and representatives of Christian community would chalk out their next course of action, including staging protest rally or silent vigil throughout the State, and also taking legal recourse. He, however, declined to set any time limit but indicated that the community expected a positive response within a reasonable time.

``The report legitimizes the position of the State, especially after a large number of attacks on churches and its personnel during the last three years. Without a deliberate plan and cooperation of the authorities, it is difficult to believe that the organisations could have ever engaged in such high scale attacks and violence that were witnessed. But the report deliberately absolves the persons and organisations responsible for the attacks mentioned in the interim report.

Criticising the Commision for advocating a `Police State’ by asking the establishment of an intelligence wing, exclusive police station to deal with religious conflicts with specially trained personnel as though the present dispensation is incapable of handling such situations, he said such an institution could only weaken the country’s pluralism and diversity and give free hand to any authority to interfere.

Withdraw all cases against innocent youth

The Archbishop, in his news conference held in Bangalore on Saturday, urged the State Government to immediately withdraw all pending cases in connection with the church attacks filed against innocent Christian youth and also to pay adequate and just compensations to all individuals and institutions which were attacked and suffered great loss.

Pointing out that the Christian community was deeply affected when the state’s secular fabric was disturbed by the large number of attacks on churches from September 2008 that continued till 2009, the Archbishop said that he and other leaders of the Church and Christians had demanded a comprehensive probe by the CBI to bring out the truth and punish the culprits and reluctantly agreed to cooperate with the Commission appointed by the Government despite grave reservations. But the Commission has failed to bring out the truth on Church attacks and violence on innocent personnel of the Churches as also the various anti-minority statements made by the Commission to defame the Christians.

Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza of Mangalore Diocese, Bishop Vasanth Kumar of Church of South India, Bangalore and Moderator of CSI Churches in Karnataka, Bishop Samuel Mathew of the Believers’ Church, Karnataka, Rev V M Samuel, President FCCO, Vicar Generals of Bangalore Archdiocese Msgr S Jayanathan and C Francis and Rev Fr Faustine Lobo, PRO of KRCBC, attended the news conference and endorsed the joint statement issued by the Archbishop.

Communal and Divisive Report

Terming the Somashekara Commission report as ``highly communal,” the Archbishop said the Commission has sought to defame the community known for its services and contribution in the fields of education, health, social work and developmental sectors and for playing into the hands of the vested interests seeking to divide the State into ``majority” and ``minority” by attributing certain stereotypes to the community.

``The Report is undoubtedly divisive as it continues to look at the Christian community as ``the other” and states that some attacks were deliberate, well-planned communal antagonism with fundamentalism brewing since several years but failes to identify the persons and organisations behind them,” he said.

The Archbishop said the interim report of the Commission submitted to Government last year gave a ``ray of hope” when it identified various organisations of Sangh Parivar like Bajrang Dal, Sri Rama Sene, Vishwa Hindu Parishad for their involvement in the Church attacks and led the Christians to believe that the final report would be ``fair and just.” But the report has ``belied all expectations and has turned out to be propagandist,” he said pointing out that it had strengthened the stereotypes against Christians regarding indulging in mass conversions with foreign funds when the Christian population had come down to a mere 2.1 % and declining in every census. The Commission failed to mention even a single case of conversion.

``While upholding the right to ``practice, profess and propagate” religion in accordance with the tenets of our Constitution, we denounce the agenda of the vested interest groups to malign the community using conversion as a device. The report even recommends a special census of religions and institutions and maintenance of a record of the same with the Registrar of Religions, suitable legislation to prevent practices detrimental to the Hindu religion, that Christian places of worship should be brought under some legislation and stringent financial check and audit of pastors to control churches,” he said.

The commission, according to the Archbishop, seeks to create an impression – a word frequently used by Justice Somashekara – that Churches are anti-social institutions. Strongly condemning the insinuations and anti-Christian recommendations, the Archbishop said there was no need for special regulations to check specifically the activities of the Christian churches as long as there were laws in the country to check unlawful activities by any citizen.

Don’t try to divide the Christian Community

Bishop Aloysius Paul D’Souza of Mangalore Diocese, which witnessed the maximum number of attacks against Churches and incidents of vandalism, destruction and violence, regretted that the peaceful atmosphere and communal harmony that prevailed in Mangalore and Dakshina Kannada, Udupi districts was rudely shaken after the series of attacks against Churches in Mangalore from September 14, 2008, especially the attacks, vandalism and destruction in Adoration Monastery, Permannur Church and the wanton police action in Kulshekar and other Churches.

A fear psychosis and communal disharmony pervades in the entire coastal region. Policemen had brutally beaten up women, children and even religious sisters, he said lamenting that the Commission headed by a retired High Court judge had failed to identify the attackers even after almost three years of work. Instead of identifying the culprits as was indicated the interim report, the commission has given a clean chit to the perpetrators. While pointing out that Roman Catholics were not carrying out conversions, it seeks to imply that other Christian sects were guilty in a bid to drive a wedge among Christians. The commission or the Government did not involve a single lawyer from the Christian community and has now come out a totally partisan and biased report.

CSI Bishop Vasanth Kumar, who is also the moderator of CSI Karnataka, said it was wrong to accuse Christians of indulging in mass conversions. ``Professing our faith is part of our Christian identity. It is a mandate given by Jesus Christ to all Christians. However, conversion of faith is an act of God when individuals embrace faith after due conviction. It is left to the discretion of the individuals,” he said pointing out that the Commission cannot make sweeping remarks regarding flow of foreign funds for conversion activities because inflow of all foreign funds is strictly governed by various laws and monitored by various Central agencies. ``Some foreign agencies donate funds for specific social work, health or education projects. But hardly 2 % of foreign funds are received against the contributions by Indian Christians,” he said.

Christians cannot have `self-appointed pastors’

He said the commission’s characterization of ``self-appointed pastors” was totally wrong and smacked of ignorance as rigorous training and studies ranging from 7 to 14 years is required before anybody could become a priest or pastor among Catholics or Protestants.

FCCO President Rev V M Samuel said it was wrong to accuse the New Life sect of Christians of publishing derogatory literature regarding Hindu gods and goddesses, especially the Satyadarshini book in Telugu, and claimed that the leaders of New Life had categorically denied the allegations. ``We respect all religions and faiths. We don’t believe in insulting other religions.”

The Archbishop contended that even assuming some misguided Christian individuals were guilty of publishing derogatory literature, the law enforcement authorities can take deterrent actions as per law against such persons and can never be used as an excuse or justification for the attacks against Churches or Christians.

KRCBC PRO Fr Faustine Lobo said it was unfortunate that the Somashekara commission has turned ``victims into perpetratorsw, oppressed into oppressors and culprits as innocent persons.”

  • Church Attacks: Analysis of Final Report of Enquiry Commission
  • Somashekar Commission Report: An Effort to Please All Petitioners
  • Mangalore: Mixed Reaction in District for Report on Church Attacks
  • B K Somashekar Absolves Govt, BJP, Sangh Parivar; Indicts None
  • Bangalore Archdiocese Disappointed, Feels Let Down by Somasheka

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    Comment on this article

    • Dorothy Crasta, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 14 2011

      There must be an aggressive protest all over the India under the Catholic leadership. Petition must be submitted to the PRESIDENT, Prime Minister and Home Minister of India demanding tracing of culprits and punish them immediately.

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    • Augustine, Bhadravati

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      I have been closely watching reading whatever I could get my hands on but, the protest is not loud enough. If it has taken three years to bring about such a false, biased report, when will proper justice be meted out?

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    • Fredrick Castelino, Udyavara

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      Our great constitution has given every right to follow any religion. Please bear in mind that there is no forceful conversion in India. There is only wilful conversion. When the upper class hindus are reluctant to move with low class hindus, they are definite moving to other religions who are inviting them with red carpet where they are getting respect way to get rid of poverty by giving them employment, education etc. My advise to hindu brothers is that  you also move with downtrodden hindus and avoid them to go to christianity. We are not having any forceful intentions to convert hindus of this nation. If there is conversion that is voluntery conversion. As far as Justice Somashekar's Commission Report is concerned, it is entirely a foolish report. It is waste of crores of rupees on the commission. Because it has not given any justice to poor christians who are in minority. Where is prajaprabhnutwa in Karnataka? The intermim report given by Somashekara a couple of months ago, told that there is hand of Bajarangadala and other hindu organisations in the attacks on churches and there was police atrocities on christians. But when we go through the final report we can observe that it is completely against the views of Commission's interim report. So there is some fishy hands of the BJP Government to change the report. The report is finally fit to keep in the dusty cupboards like other commissions report.

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    • Naveen Crasto, Milagres,Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      We the Mangalorean Catholic community have no daring and dynamic lay leaders like the late
      Cajetan Lobo,If he were alive he would have confronted the VHP and Bhajrang Dal goondas and hooligans. Attacking churches?What does RSS/ Sangh Parivar think?Do we live in Afghanistan?

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    • Vivian J.C.Monteiro, Kulshekar,Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      Church attacks were stae sponsored one.RSS/Sangh Parivar,VHP,Bhajrang Dal,Hindu Jagarana Vedike have hidden agendas.Conversions is just  an excuse for the.They want to take over all the Institutions run by Christians.If Catholics are not involved in conversions then why the hell those Bhajrangi goodas attacked the Adoration Monestary at Milagres and Catholic churches at Kulshekar and Permannur?Why those goonda Police officers entered Permannur church?Who gave them permission? Can the RSS,VHP and Bhajrang Dal come out and speak the truth?

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    • Rajesh, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      Can any one tell me how can saldanha's report is right and Somashekars wrong? Saldhana has interest in releasing biased report as an agrivied party where as justice somashekar's report is impartial. But we condemn police brutality against every innocent christians always.

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Tue, Feb 08 2011

      Friends, nobody is against Hindus or Hinduism except for a few disgruntled ones. We all know that our ancestors were pagans and converted to Christianity for the reason best known to them. Animosity is not created by God but by humans for little earthly gain, like the one we have in this forum. No matter what religion we belong to we love our India, and love to live in India peacefully with our Hindu brothers and sisters.

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    • vimith peter mathias, pilar/shirva.

      Mon, Feb 07 2011

      BE CAREFUL ON 14TH FEB my brothers & sisters goons are around.

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011




      Hinduisum cannot be distroyed by any one because after 5,000 - 10,000 years this is only one culture remained. All the other Greek, Roman and Egyptian culture vanished. But Hinduisum still remaining. That is because of it's strong base and truth.

      In India we know that current all non hindus are converted few years back. So they are our brothers.
      So we should not fight with each other








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    • Alwyn, canada

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      Hope Soma will testify his wrong doings in public very soon. I am sure he is feeling guilty but ashamed of accepting and agreeing finally Andra man like Reddy's all chor.

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    • Ganesh, Mangaladevi, Mangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      Good Step, Dear CBI pls do it fast.
      I LOve India - But i Don't. like violence on innocent.

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    • S.S.D'Souza, Udupi

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      Dr.S.Kamath, Mumbai, to your kind information, none- Christians or the Hindus are in a state of WAR. However in your perspective if it was war for you, who imposed it on Christians? Christians didn't even retalliate properly. They were the devotees who went for the Sunday mass offerings. They threw around whatever they could grab just in self-defense -to drive off the monkey troop-which is everyone's birth right. What would you do if someone threw an object at your face? Would you defend or let yourself hurt?

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    • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      These fanatics trying to impose Talibanisation by force on minorities, once they get their upper hand they impose the same rule even on majorities same like the Taliban did, the people have their best laugh now have to pay the price then same way the supporters of talibans are paying now. Sorry status of this incidence is the leaders of the ruling state government, the Police force and Justice providers are supporting them, here one can immagine where our India is heading. India is respected in the world for her biggest democray and secularism, many different religious people lived here peacefully with respect, love and harmony with each other. If Central Government is not taking tough stand against these fanatics and not questiong state Govt. leaders for misleading people and taking the law in their hands then it is very difficult to imagine where our country will stand.

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      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      my dear brothers
      Indian Constitution give a full freedom for choose & practice their own religion for their citizens

      some points to be understand for minority religion for religious peace.

      Religious freedom used to mean freedom of belief and practice.

      In recent decades, the definition has been changing.

      It is becoming: the use of religious belief to justify hatred of others and to legitimate discrimination against them, and to urge that the others' civil rights be limited.

      Meanwhile, two main fears are increasing among some religious believers:

      The fear that believers' denigration and oppression of others will be restricted, and
      the fear that the believers will become regarded as bigots by the general population
      Extend religious freedom to people of all religious traditions, even though they probably disagree with most of their beliefs and/or practices.

      Accept all religions as equally true.

      Refrain from comparing the beliefs and practices of different religions or faith groups.

      Refrain from comparing the religious beliefs and practices with the findings of science.

      Avoid criticizing actions, statements, and policies of religious groups when those activities harm others.

      jai hind

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    • VG, Bangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      Mr C S Paul & Mr Paul Nathan, who are you targetting? I don't think this kind uncharitable, unjustified remarks apply to our Archbishop Bernard Moras or Mangalore Bishop A P D'Souza. They are doing their best to take up the cause of Church & Christian community in their own way.

      Please don't think Christians can organise Karnataka bundh because we don't have the numbers or size. But if you read the report, it is clear that Archbishop said protests & legal challenges are being considered. Obviously, everthing can't be done overnight & it is necessary to hold consultations, involve everybody, use all options before launching a fight. Even if we don't have the numbers, it is still possible to register our protests & make our voices heard. A strong message needs to be done to the Govts in Delhi & Bangalore, even Raj Bhavan & Rashtrapati Bhavan. We should knock the doors of High Court & Supreme Court to make ourselves heard.

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    • tauro john, mangalore/malad/NIGERIA

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      I pray we minority will get justice . CBI please be righteous and tru and bring out all the culprits including justice somashekar's untrue report.

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    • suresh, mangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011




      Hinduisum cannot be distroyed by any one because after 5,000 - 10,000 years this is only one culture remained. All the other Greek, Roman and Egyptian culture vanished. But Hinduisum still remaining. That is because of it's strong base and truth.

      In India we know that current all non hindus are converted few years back. So they are our brothers.
      So we should not fight with each other.

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    • Harish Poojari, Kadekar, Udupi

      Mon, Feb 07 2011

      Dear Church leaders, plese try to control NEW LIFE activity in India, it will not happen again. They are dangerous for Roman catholic community,

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    • Nagesh Kumar, Mangalore

      Mon, Feb 07 2011

      Hello B. Shetty, USA can I ask one question to you. As I know in the USA many temples are built and USA government is protecting every citizen equally even though it is chritian country and democracy is strickly observed. Being there how you can support such evil act on other religion. We are in India and the Political Party like BJPa nd its groups like RSS and others destroying the peace and unity in India. Never ever support such people and be grateful for the Christians for their honesty. Me and my family and many are supported by these peace loving people and they never asked me which religion I am belonging. I feel if CHRISTIANS were not there then India could be gone to dogs by this time. I am Hindu in faith but having great respect to CHRISTIANS and their hard work in health, education, and serving needy.

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    • Fr. Melwin Pinto S.J., Mangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      This was indeed expected to be an unjust inquiry report... Was Justice (injustice) Somashekar blind while the BD leaders have openly accepted the crime before TV cameras? While a simultaneous attack takes place in several places cannnot even a fool notice that it is an organized crime? What a travesty of Justice! Mockery of truth!!
      Friends, those of you who refer to 'Hindus' in your comments let us know that a large majority of our Hindu brothers know that a small minority of 'so called hindus' are bringing this divide in society for political gains. Most of these who belong to parties and organizations or anyone for that matter who believe in violence DON'T BELONG TO ANY RELIGION!

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    • Rony, Manglore/Mumbai/Dubai

      Mon, Feb 07 2011

      All the comments made emit Hatred and disharmony.Christanity means to forgive the wrong doers and hope for a better future.We do not want coverted christians as we have enough lights to light the world.Let the authorities do the needful.Love your neighbours and everything will be alright.Truth will anyways prevail if we believe in our constituition.Satyameva jayetae.
      Jai HIND

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      Friends, we have heard about organized crime, we have also heard about organized corruption, now on we will regularly hear about organized inquiry reports. Isn’t that great achievement?
      It is great to know that policy of divide the community boomeranged, and all Christian denominations are united in condemning and rejecting Justice Somashekar’s report which will haunt him throughout his life.
      We don’t fear in human justice, but fear nature’s justice for all our wrongdoings.

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    • Chetan, Capuchin, Bangalore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      At this moment, we strongly feel the absence of lay Christian political leaders who could fight for the cause on the same political flatform. Even those present have become totally toothless. Encouraging and nurturing lay Christian leadership is the need of the hour.

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    • Prof. J. Lancy D'Souza, Anjelore

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      We have to blame our own Christian leaders for the delay in the probe and finally the one sided biased commission final report. When the churches were attacked on 14th Sept 2008, why there was not a single co-ordinated protest march? Instead of taking a protest march by all the churches all over Mangalore, there was protest in the individual church areas only. Atleast there were supporting protests demonstrated at Goa, Gulf, Canada, USA and UK. At this juncture, I would like to recall the Protest by our former Bishop of Mangalore when there was a protest organized against Tygi Masoode 30 years ago. During this protest all Christian youth dressed in their respective school uniforms, Nurses in their uniforms, Bank employees,Housewives,retired employees, Priests and Nuns everyone came on the road and held Placards. They came in Lorrys and Buses from far away places like Puttur, Kasargod, Udupi, Kundapore and all Mangalore Churches assembled at Nehru Maidan to show our solidarity and strength. It was a massive sight of minority which was like a majority in Mangalore. The Tygi Masoode never came into existence.Dear Religious leaders it is never too late to show our strength and solidarity to the shameless Karnatake Government.
      Jai Hind.

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    • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      These Private Pastors, (especially New Life) who don’t have perfect knowledge of Christianity, printing wrong material n gives wrong statements without knowing how it hurts beliefs of other religions. They are trying to poison even the minds of many Christians. There are instances many Christians joined their sects and later reverted and came back after knowing their wicked intentions. I am happy that Catholic Arch bishop made clear about it so that Hindus may not blame Catholic Christians, for the mistakes of such sects and must not think all Christians are one and the same. In last attacks it’s Catholic Churches, attacked by coward fanatics. We need to complaint Prime Minister and President of India and must go for a CBI enquiry. Justice F. M. Saldhana’s Report has to be attached along with the complaint. (Even though enquiry Report from a Christian about attack on Christians is not acceptable) These fanatics know that Catholic Christians are not involved in conversion or any type of irregularities, but their intention is to divide Christians between themselves with such attacks by blaming each other. But that will not going to happen it’s all because of their jealousy n hatred towards peace loving Christian community. Christian have lots Hindu friends they live together as brothers n sisters and participate in festivals of each other, these fanatics don’t like it, they are paid by BJP govt to carry on the attacks.

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    • Ronald D, Udupi

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      B. Shetty, USA, you have said what does CBI mean!! Now can you explain what does Somashekara Report mean? the church attack, brutality of police against women, children, nuns and old people who opposed church attack!? State govt supports this kind of barbarism and lawlessness! There is no single conversion case registered and still people like you live in the dark that too in USA. Watch the video clippings and photos of organised church attacks!! If it had happened to any other community, result would have been different! Christians of Mangalore is respected by all religions for their humble and peace loving nature!!

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    • Dr S Kamath , Mumbai

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      I dont Undeerstand why this RAM ,Mangalore/Bahrain is eating one important word from the Constituion on India .INDIA SHOULD NOT BE CALLED JUST SECUALR has said by Indira Gandhi INDIA IS SECULAR SOCIALIST Please dont eat the word SOCIALIST .What you are trying to preach is secualr Fundamentalism .People should live in the society peacefully when in Rome be Like Roman when in Bahrain Live like a Arab. .The best thing is to follow what Pope John has the Churches should conduct maximum Interreligious Meetings .Teach the People how to Live in Harmony with Hindus and Muslims as well .That is what Jesus Christ said in Bible as follows
      Exodus 14:14 (Whole Chapter)
      The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace
      Jesus further said as follows
      2 Thessalonians 1:4 (Whole Chapter)
      So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure
      Hence Try to follow the Path of PEACE and not WAR

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    • Enid Albuquerque, Mangalore

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      The non-violent and peace loving nature of the christian community is perceived as their weakness by the BJP govt. The CM and his associates have taken for granted that the christians are dumb and blind. Let him know that we are not living at his mercy or asking for a favour. We too are Indians and legitimate, rightful citizens of a secular, democratic country. He cannot take us for a ride. We will not rest until justice is done. He cannot distort the truth and try to save the extremist, radical and anti-social elements agaisnt all odds. After all India stands for "Satyameva Jayathe". Sooner than later truth will prevail. In the mean time I request all my fellow christians to have patience and follow restraint.

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    • L K Monu Borkala, Mangalore

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      As long politics plays major role in Law and order it can not be changed the justice and its fixed. instead why can we fight for independence Court without the influence of money, power and religion. some time we feel shame on us Indian and where we ill reach by 2020 Abul Kalam Vision. Let us pray for the best. Humanity has to be respected. now at least animals are respected and human beings insulted and thrown to the dogs. if you think 10minutes about our over all India i feel like crying and feel sorry for ourselves..

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    • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore - USA

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      We, Catholics and Christians always think with Peace, helping nature, Prayers, and respect every individual. Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm - it comes from becoming still – in order to reflect and meditate on our inner wisdom and receive answers. A peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's becoming quiet so we can look at things quietly so we can more clearly understand them and thus come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the present. The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness to an opponent, tolerance to a friend, your heart to your child, a good example to a father, deference to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you to yourself, respect to all, charity.

      The attacks on churches and cases on innocents are the evil attitudes by the people who did. I personally many times donated money to construct Bagana Mandira, for temples, many Hindu families, and many occasion when ever they asked for help. This incident made me to think do I need to help other religions who are trying to destroy us. I personally feel I should not but as a catholic I forced to obey God’s plan. Let the people who talk and act bad to Christianity must think wisely why and for what they are doing this evil things.

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    • Paul Nathan , Mangalore/ Dubai

      Sun, Feb 06 2011

      I agree with Mr. C.S.Paul.Our leaders get all the comforts.If it was BJP there would have been a Karnataka bundh.Can our community stand ,all the religious leaders,community leaders,etc make Karnataka bundh ?NO,So nothing is going to happen.Where is Oscar fernandes ?Sending letter to ministers ,PM,CM, We are waisting time.Lets us do something serious were evryone should be alert next time when they think to trouble christians.

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    • Alwyn, canada

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      Very good move. Great job of Bishops. Lets do our best to get justice from culprits. Yeddi you will see a result before you die behind the bars. Too much troubles from you to common people of Karnataka. Never dare to commit such crime again you stupid CM

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    • Kuldeep Kamath, India

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      So long Christian community does not have their lay leaders to negociate their interest nothing will change. And these religious heads will not allow them to come up because their interest is at stake.

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    • Fr. George Olivera, Mysore

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      The victimized Christian community cannot but appeal for a neutral commission to uphold Truth in fullness of Charity

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    • KP, Mulky / London

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      The Somashekar Commission report is a clearly sham. These acts are clearly planned and carried out by in an organized manner by fundamentalist people who are driven by a divisive political agenda.

      Can people of different faiths not follow their beliefs in a safe environment without worrying about bigoted elements creating trouble like this?

      Is there no recourse to justice in a free country like India?

      It is left to common sensible folk to stand-up for their right to freedom of religion.

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      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      being christains we cannot defend ourselves since the head of the christains i.e. the bishop is not able to tackle this type of problems.he is enjoying a KINGS FACILITIES AND DOES NOT BOTHER TO DO ANYTHING AS HE GETS ALL COMFORTS EVERY TIME HE IS NOT FREELY AVAILABLE TO A COMMON CHRISTAIN

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    • Sunil Pinto, Bantwal/Abu Dhabi

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      Very good move by our religious leaders.Hats off to you Reverend Bishops/Arch-Bishops & others. If CBI inquiry is done so many culprits will come on road....I hope government will give its nod for CBI inquiry.

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    • nirmal, delhi

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      Christians are a peaceful community,believing in quietly doing their works.All frustations of the hindu community are taken out on this community as they are peaceful people by and large.please dont push them into violence by continously humiliating them

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    • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      The real truth has to come out and there should be accountability from govt. officials, police personnel and other fanatic organisations who are involved in the attacks against minorities. Govt. can't fool minorities, when there is clear evidence in recorded T.V. media and eyewitnesses. Hereafter no one should dare to commit this kind of act which will be very dangerous to the society. Do not forget in Pakistan what is happening now has a result of previous govt. supporting these kind of fanatics for their selfish motives. Now Pak govt. find it is very difficult to control terrorism which has blown out of proportion.

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    • b.shetty, usa

      Sat, Feb 05 2011


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    • RAM, Mangalore / Bahrain

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      Rev. Archbishop's of India, there must be a silent protest (same day) all over the India under the Catholic leadership, by joining together all other Christians. Petition must be submitted to the PRESIDENT, Prime Minister and Home Minister of India demanding the CBI enquiry.



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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

      Sat, Feb 05 2011

      I have commented earlier not to attend Justice Somashekar commission as witnesses. One should note that the interim report submitted by him was somewhat balanced and the final report came out a few days from now was distorted and shows entirely concocted report. I HAVE ALREADY REJECTED THIS UNJUST REPORT OF THE COMMISSION. The report is truly divides within the community. The Church leaders voicing the spirit of "ONE VOICE, ONE COMMUNITY IS THE STRENGTH" for all Christians. I need CBI INQUIRY OR A SPECIAL COMMISION LIKE S.I.T APPOINTED THE BY CENTER OR BY THE SUPREME COURT. There was lawless ness for a week and the District administration did nothing to stop the attacks even if they had intelligence report and all have colluded in the church attacks promoted by the bjp government.

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    Title: Bangalore : Church Leaders Unitedly Reject Probe Report - Demand CBI Inquiry

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