Chennai, July 9 (IANS) Seven days after the shooting of 13-year-old K. Dilshan inside an army residential campus here, one man suspected of the killing has been detained, police said Saturday.
According to police sources, the suspect, said to be a recently retired army officer, was detained after questioning.
However, senior officials declined to confirm the development.
"Wait till tomorrow (Sunday) morning," was the short comment of R. Sekar, assistant director general of police (ADGP), to IANS.
It is learnt police are expected to make an announcement pertaining to the case Sunday.
On July 3 afternoon, Dilshan and his friends trespassed into the army residential campus to pluck almonds. The boys were shot at and Dilshan was fatally wounded.
Dilshan's autopsy confirmed that his death was caused by bullet injuries and he was shot at from a close range.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa blamed the army for the killing.
Police have questioned several people in the army residential quarters, including officials of the defence force.