Media Release
Dubai, Sep 7: Daiji Dubai, the forum of writers residing in UAE has kept a tradition to interact with any visiting Konkani writers, poets, or artistes to know their experiences, knowledge in their respective fields. It has helped immensely to the writers and the people who attended such gatherings.
To continue its tradition Daiji Dubai in association with Daiji Rang Mandir organised 'Ek Sahithik Samvad' with Fr Chetan Lobo Capuchin (editor, writer and Konkani activist) who was on a visit to Dubai for Monthi Fest Novena and celebration at St Mary’s Church, Dubai. The event was held at Winny’s Restaurant Karama on September 3.

The programme was started with a formal welcome by Daiji Dubai convenor Nanu Marol Thottam. In his short speech he has informed the depth and vision in the writings of Fr Chethan not only now but from his initial days of seminary. Senior and renowned Konkani writer Stan Ageira welcomed Fr Chethan Lobo with a floral bouquet. He also welcomed the well-wishers of Daiji Dubai who have been always a strong support pillars of Daiji Dubai forum.
Stan Ageira gave a brief introduction of Fr Chethan Lobo. In his introductory speech He has informed about Fr Chetan’s family, his literature work and more importantly as an editor his contribution on writers developments by organising different seminars and correcting, guiding the young authors. He also highlighted the support provided by Fr Chetan to Daiji Dubai especially in Udupi district by regularly organising the literature contests.
As a main speaker, Fr Chetan Lobo has stressed on the different angles of Literature. He started his talk with thanking Daiji Dubai forum. For all his Konkani related activities Daiji Dubai has stood like a pillar behind him. Anybody can run but somebody is required to hold the hands and teach to walk and Daiji Dubai has done it successfully not only through money but through moral support, encouragement, and all help, he said and thanked Daiji Dubai on behalf of him and on behalf of all the beneficiaries.
He further said, “It is a very big thing being in different country and serving our mother tongue without any expectations in return. I am not thinking myself as a litterateur but this is my social responsibility. Being a priest, I had filled nearly 25 years of education in my brain and I feel uncomfortable if I hold it within. If I do not express it then it is as good as termite. Everybody cannot express their thoughts in Words.
Literature means what we have, things happened in our life, what we have seen and what we have experienced. Literature is best medium to express ourselves especially to women. The issues and subjects running in female minds in larger volume than men. If we are not expressing ourselves, we are doing injustice to ourselves, to others and in total to the world.
“Social networks has done us totally democratic. Writers of past existed by the courtesy of editors but today’s modern world situation is not like before. Literature has given me so many opportunities to express myself which I may not be able to do through my profession. People have stopped reading because of strong growth of entertainment culture. Reading culture has been disappeared. This is not danger to Language, not to culture but danger to existence of human. Because our analytical skills became zero because we stopped reading. The Word of God only became effective when we start to distribute words of human. This is not only related to Konkani but to all languages. Leave your food but do not leave your reading. When we stop the habit of reading, from that day our downward trend will start.
“Our attention span has decreased. Because watching movies, videos etc has decreased and we have adopted reels culture which are of 7-8 minutes. This automatically resulted in the decline of reading culture.
“Today we have readers in Konkani are of 50 plus age. Because our Konkani media has not able to give the reading as per younger generation’s taste. Our periodicals style and type of reading should change with changing times. This will not be a day-long process but this will take time and proper calculation. Writers always should write on what they are expert in and should not poke their nose in everything. If they done this then such literature will not be an authenticated one.
“There is tremendous decrease in youth writers. Because we had taken our literature has hobby but not as profession. If we take it as a profession also, we will not get the expected remuneration to live a decent life. Today, the poetic field is shining but we cannot see this development in other forms of literature. If this happened then I believe the state of Konkani language will much better than today.
“Today’s writers do not want to check their own writing and not ready to take any criticism. Criticism is most important part in any literature. Writers should always remember that once their literature is published, then they do not own them. It will be a public property and writers should accept this truth,” he said.
He also talked on the challenges and difficulties in the field of printing. There was a Question answer session. The attendees asked wide range of questions. Fr Chetan aptly replied and kept the gathering engaged with some lively humor.
Fr Chethan Lobo was honoured with a memento and a souvenir for remembrance. Daiji Dubai’s strong supporters and well-wishers James Mendonca and Joseph Mathias were present on the stage to do the honours. Daiji Dubai founder member Dayan D'Souza Mukamar proposed the vote of thanks. He specially thanked Fr Chetan for all his support over the years thus providing a special identity to Daiji Dubai in the literature field.
Daiji Dubai member Anil Pinto Kulshekar compered this event with his witty style.