Israel orders immediate recall of ambassadors to Ireland and Norway

Jerusalem, May 22 (IANS): Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz on Wednesday ordered the "immediate return" of Israeli ambassadors to Ireland and Norway following the decision announced by the two countries to recognise a Palestinian state.

"I am sending a clear message today - Israel will not be complacent against those who undermine its sovereignty and endanger its security," said Katz.

"Ireland and Norway intend to send a message to the Palestinians and the whole world today: Terrorism pays. After the terrorist organisation Hamas carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, after it committed the most horrific sex crimes the world has seen, these countries chose to give a reward to Hamas and Iran by recognising a Palestinian state," he added.

He stated that the "distorted step" taken by both countries is an "injustice" to the memory of the October 7 victims and a "blow" to efforts being made to ensure a safe return of the 128 hostages.

"Israel will not remain silent - there will be further severe consequences. If Spain follows through on its intention to recognise a Palestinian state, a similar step will be taken against it," Kantz warned.



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