Puttur: Death of labourer – Cardiac arrest cause, not lightning strike

Daijiworld Media Network – Puttur (MS)

Puttur, May 24: It is confirmed that the cause of death of a laborer who died in Darbethadka of Olamogru village on Tuesday was cardiac arrest, not a lightning strike as initially believed.

P Babu (55) was initially reported by his family to have died from a lightning strike.

The tahsildar, who visited their house, arranged for a post-mortem at the taluk hospital.

Doctors have now confirmed that Babu died of cardiac arrest, not a lightning strike.







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  • Rita, Germany

    Fri, May 24 2024

    Babu Shenoy Mangalore I agree with you.Heartfelt sympathy to the family.May his soul rest in Peace.lasAt the end always heart fails to beat and heartfailure due to many causes.

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  • Ananda Moorthi., Thokkottu,575017.

    Fri, May 24 2024

    Death is not due to Light Stickening But could be Cardiac Arrest due to the Sound

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  • Babu Shenoy, Mangalore

    Fri, May 24 2024

    A person dies due to lightening not because of the light or sound but due to the very very high voltage of the static electric charge passing through his body. Your statement that he died of the sound of lightening and not the light of lightening is a childish remark. The doctors who did the post mortem examination must have found that there was no damage due to electric charge, but evidence of cardiac arrest. Please don't pass foolish remarks against medical science.

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