Kota Poojary promises priority to Kundapura railway upgrades; flays fuel price hike

Silvester D'Souza

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapura

Kundapura, June 17: The Railway Passenger Welfare Committee has put forward four demands. One of these demands is the merger of Konkan Railways with Indian Railways. It is proposed that new trains should make stops at Kundapura. Additionally, there is a request for new trains to be routed through bypasses to connect Kundapura and Bengaluru railway lines.

The committee has also called for the introduction of new trains to Tirupati and Varanasi, along with the extension of railway routes. "As a newly elected Member of Parliament, I assure you that these demands will be my top priority," Kota Srinivas Poojary confidently stated.

"I pledge to work towards upgrading the Kundapura railway station and improving passenger convenience in the coming days. I have already discussed this with the district collector. A visit is scheduled within two days due to the impasse caused by the national highway and railway link roads being intertwined over the past two to three years," he said.

MP Kota Srinivasa Pujari, responding to the rise in petrol prices, remarked, "Petrol prices were last hiked during our government's tenure. Siddaramaiah and D K Shivakumar had protested against it symbolically by tying a rope to a vehicle. Therefore, their government should not have increased petrol prices now. This policy goes against the interests of the people, regardless of the chief minister's defense of the sudden price hike."

"Congress leaders have stated that the price hike was not due to the elections being over, but it is evident that it was politically motivated post-election," he added.

Kota's stance remained consistent regarding the case of Renuka Swamy's murder. "We demand that those responsible, regardless of their status, be held accountable," he said.




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