Bantwal: Feud among friends leads to innocent person's bike being burnt

Daijiworld Media Network – Bantwal (MS)

Bantwal, Jun 18: A youth set fire to the bike of an innocent person due to a feud with his friends in Kumdelu, Farangipete, in the taluk.

Nitesh, a resident of Kumdelu, is the accused. Believing the bike parked at the residence of Sujit and Sumanth belonged to them, he burned it out of spite. However, the bike actually belonged to Chandrahasa, a resident of Ammunjepandilu, who had parked it at Sujit and Sumanth’s house while on a pilgrimage to Shabarimala.

Sumanth had borrowed Chandrahasa’s bike for some errands on one or two occasions. Nitesh, who is friends with Sujit, Sumanth's brother, had quarreled with Sujit a few days prior. Mistakenly thinking the bike belonged to Sujit, Nitesh moved the bike a short distance away from Sujit's house and set it on fire.

The Bantwal rural police are conducting further investigations.





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  • Eva, Kirem

    Tue, Jun 18 2024

    When we were young most of the people were striving to meet two ends and had worries on how to earn money, how to keep longlasting relationships but now on simple reason killing and damaging property is happening. Future God alone knows

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Jun 18 2024

    usual thotte sadagara..third case of the day....familiar names...

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  • ashish, MLR

    Tue, Jun 18 2024

    So does insurance cover the cost or the person burnt needs to pay ?

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