Mangaluru: International Yoga day held at St Mary's PU College

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 21: The first-year MSc Clinical Psychology students from St Agnes College, organized an outreach programme named "Seeds of Change" at St Mary's PU College, in celebration of International Yoga Day. The programme started at 10:45 AM and was attended by approximately 152 students. The event aimed to highlight the significance of yoga in promoting mental and physical health, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

The programme started with the principal, Vijayalakshmi, inviting the guests and hosts to the stage, handed over the mic to the anchors- Sreedevi S and Anaina Martin, First year MSc Clinical Psychology students. Then the programme officially started with a prayer song led by one of a students of the St Mary PU college. The anchors then introduced the guests for the day and briefed about the programme.

Sandra Joshy, the student coordinator for this, delivered the welcome address. Her warm introduction set a positive and engaging atmosphere for the session. And the stage was handed over to the guest. The guest- Adithya Krishna M, Msc in Yogic Science with specialization in Yoga Therapy, first rank holder and gold medalist, 2019 and also teaching faculty at Mangalore University while he is also researching on the effects of yoga on metabolism. He led a one-hour yoga session in two phases. The first half-hour was practical sessions, which included various yoga asanas, and breathing exercises. His assistant, Narayana Timalsina, a second-year MSc Yogic Science, from Mangalore University, demonstrated the postures, providing clear and practical guidance to the participants. He explained the meaning of the term of the demonstrated yoga asanas which helped students to understand the concept behind the name of the asanas.

Following the practical session, Adithya Krishna M, conducted the other half-hour class at 11:30 AM, discussing the brief history and significance of yoga. He explained 4 Ashramas and Purursharthas and explained how it has its importance in student life. He expressed the problems of today's lifestyle, comparing with how it was in the past and its impact on the human lifespan. He encouraged students to have stability, know the self, the duties and responsibilities of student life.

After the session, as a token of gratitude, mementos were presented to the esteemed guests by the principal, Vijayalakshmi who honored Adithya Krishna M, and Narayana Timalsina. The programme concluded at 12:15 pm with a vote of thanks delivered by Meenakshi Nair, a student representative, who expressed appreciation to the guests, participants, and organizers for making the event a success and the programme officially concluded with the National Anthem.




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