Mangaluru: Ulaibettu dacoity - Did accused bring gunny bags expecting crores in cash?

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Jun 24: In a dramatic turn of events, it has been revealed that the dacoits who raided the house of an entrepreneur in Permanki, Ulaibettu, on Friday night, had plans to loot crores of rupees.

The dacoits, armed with gunny bags, believed there were crores of rupees in cash stored in the house. However, their expectations were dashed as they failed to find the anticipated amount. It appears that the dacoits were misinformed about the presence of a huge stash of cash. During the raid, they repeatedly questioned the house occupants about the location of the money and ransacked the entire house, including beds, cupboards, and other storage areas. Sources suggest that local involvement in the dacoity cannot be ruled out.

Some scenes of the robbery were captured on the CCTV cameras at the residence of Padmanabha Kotian. Additionally, the vehicle used by the dacoits was recorded by a CCTV camera from a neighbouring house near the road. However, these recordings have not provided substantial clues for the police investigation.







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