Mangaluru: Mandd Sobhann to hold 'Kalakulotsav 2024' on Jun 30

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 27: Kalakulotsav 2024,  festival of 2 plays by Mandd Sobhann’s theatre repertory Kalakul will be held on June 30. Organized in association with Ranga Adhyayana Kendra of St Aloysius Deemed to be University, the plays, ‘ICU’ and ‘Satvo Upades’ will be staged at Sahodaya Auditorium in the Campus. Entry will be free and open to all.

Both the plays have been written and directed by Arunraj Rodrigues. Venisha Saldanha, Vinson Mathias, Varshita Flora, Darwin Alwaris, Joyson D’Souza, Sandeep Mascarenhas, Savitha Saldanha and Jeevan Siddi will perform on stage. Sounds will be provided by Angel’s, Padil.

The set design has been done by Sandeep Kalakul and light design by Vikas Kalakul. Anstin Machado will be operating the lights. Vinson and Sandy will be handling the music for the plays.






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