Media Release
Mangaluru, Mar 5: The faithful gathered at Infant Jesus Shrine, Bikarnakatte-Mangaluru to mark Ash Wednesday, the solemn beginning of the Lenten season. The morning service commenced with the blessing and imposition of ashes on the devotees, signifying repentance and renewal. A second service is scheduled to be held in the evening.
Fr Stifan Perera, the director of Infant Jesus Shrine, presided over the Eucharist. In his homily, he highlighted the significance of the season of Lent Reflecting on the day's Gospel, he said, “The three pillars of Lent, as prescribed by Jesus in the Gospel - Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting - help an individual to overcome sinful tendencies, attitudes, and behaviors in one’s life.”

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving leading up to Easter Sunday. Christians worldwide observe this day as a time of penance and spiritual reflection, embracing the call to conversion through the symbolic imposition of ashes on their foreheads. The ashes, derived from the burnt palms of the previous year’s Palm Sunday, are placed with the words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” or alternatively, “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”
The observance of Lent is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, reflecting the 40 days He spent fasting and praying in the wilderness. The season of Lent encourages the faithful to engage in acts of self-discipline, repentance, and renewal, mirroring Christ’s journey of sacrifice and redemption.
As part of the Lenten tradition, Roman Catholics aged 14 and older are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, while those between 18 and 59 are also obligated to observe a day of fasting. Many choose to partake in a single meal or limit their food intake, offering a small sacrifice in solidarity with Christ’s suffering.