Chennai, Nov 25 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalitthaa Monday gave away the gold cup and Rs.9.9 crore prize money to the newly crowned world chess champion Magnus Carlsen from Norway.
At a prize distribution function held here, Jayalalithaa handed over the golden trophy to Carlsen, a cheque for Rs.9.9 crore as prize money and also presented him a garland made of olive leaves from the Nilgiri hills.
Jayalalithaa also presented local hero Viswanathan Anand the runners-up cheque of Rs.6.03 crore.
FIDE president Kirsan Illyumzhino presented Carlsen with the gold medal and Anand the silver medal.
The 22-year-old Carlsen defeated Anand 6.5:3.5 in their title match that spread over 10 games.
The title match was sponsored by the Tamil Nadu government at an outlay of Rs.29 crore.
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