Washington, Oct 5 ( PTI): A US-based company claims to have developed the world's first medicinal chocolate that may lower blood pressure and help maintain 'good cholesterol'.
The key ingredient in chocolate, cacao, contains antioxidants and minerals, and can also play a role in lowering blood pressure and maintaining 'good cholesterol'.
However, the effects of this ingredient is usually offset by the fact that most chocolate bars contain at least 70 per cent fat and sugar.
The new prototype bar, being developed by Kuka Xoco, contains only 35 per cent fats and sugar so that the cacao will be more effective, the 'Metro' reported.
"Using microgrammes of coco plant extract, we can de-bitter unsweetened cacao," said Gregory Aharonian, spokesperson of Kuka Xoco.
"This eliminates the need for sugar, sweeteners and much of the fat in chocolate, unleashing the medical benefits of cacao," said Aharonian.
The current prototype cuts the fat content by half, but the company eventually plan to develop choclate containing just ten per cent fat and sugar