LTTE Leader Thamilselvan Killed in Air Strike

Colombo, Nov 2
(MB): The leader of LTTE's political wing S P Thamilselvan was killed on Friday with five others in a Sri Lankan air strike.

In its third aerial attack this week, Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets today carried out two simultaneous raids targeting a gathering of LTTE leaders and a Black Tiger base in Kilinochchi.

The air raids were launched early Friday morning based on the information received from Intelligence sources and continuous air surveillances conducted, the Defence Ministry said.

According to the pilots, a suspected hideout of LTTE leaders at Thuruaiaru in northern Sri Lanka and a Black Tiger base, which houses the rebels’ suicide squad, in northeast of Iranamadu, were completely destroyed in the air raid, the ministry added in a statement. 


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  • Nelson Lewis, Kingdom of Bahrain

    Sat, Nov 03 2007

    LTTE has lost some of its top bigwigs in the Sri Lankan Air Force raids. If the Sri Lankan Air Force keeps on relentlessly pounding LTTE targets based on proper intelligence reports and if Indians support the Sri Lankans, then LTTE will be a highly weakened force that will not be able to carryout any well-directed and strong attacks. LTTE is a separatist ortanisation and such organisations should not be encouraged.

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