BJP Dividing Society on Religious Lines, Says Sonia


Una (HP), Dec 15 (mb): After Gujarat, Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Saturday turned her attention to Himachal Pradesh elections, accusing the BJP of 'dividing the society on religious lines'.

Addressing an election rally here, Gandhi made a scathing attack on the BJP, saying the Congress' opposition to the saffron party was 'fundamental'.

"While Congress has always worked for uniting the society, the BJP's aim has been to divide the society on religious lines," she said.

"Their politics is based on pitting one community against other," she said at the meeting which was also attended by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, state Congress president Viplov Thakur and party candidates from Una district.

Listing efforts of the Congress in the development of the country and Himachal Pradesh, Gandhi sought support from the people to move ahead with the task.

"Before independence, the country had to import even small things. We moved ahead on (the road to) economic development under the leadership of Congress and today almost everything is produced within the country," she said.

Referring to the service rendered to the country by Mahatama Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, the Congress leader said the present UPA government at the Centre was making all efforts to fulfil their dream of making India a prosperous country.

BJP had always tried to create hindrance in the Congress' effort of taking the country to greater heights, she alleged and asked the people not to get 'befooled' by the saffron party.


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