Chennai, Jan 30 (IANS): Chennai-based The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), as a part of its outreach programme to the common man, will organise four talks on various aspects of science on February 11, said an official.
According to the official, the event called as "Science at the Sabha" will be held at The Music Academy here.
The talks are aimed at anyone with an interest in science, irrespective of age or background.
"Science at the Sabha" is free and open to all, although web registration is required in advance.
Details concerning the programme, the schedule and about how to register are available at:
This year, the topics will be (a) Outside-in: How we perceive the world talk by Shubha Tole, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, (b) Why does the time go forward? by R. Rajesh, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (c) Materials: The Hard, the Soft and the Squishy by Guru Kumaraswamy, National Chemical Laboratory -- CSIR, Pune and (d) Knotty problem: how many different ways can you tie your shoelaces? by Vijay Kodiyalam, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences.