Mangalore: From Youthful Living to Prison Life with Hardened Criminals

Mangalore: From Youthful Living to Prison Life with Hardened Criminals

by Melka Miyar
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
For Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (CN)

Mangalore, Sep 26: The recent communal violence certainly brought out another side of largely peace-loving Mangalorean Catholics. At the same time, the events also made criminals out of many youths who had before then never even seen the inside of a police station, let alone prison. They had to spend many days in jail for the first time ever.

A youth from Derebail, who is a degree student in a reputed city college, was one of these unfortunates. His mother is a central government employee and his elder sister recently completed her post-graduation. The family had never seen to a police station except to complete passport formalities. But over the past few days they had to visit the city sub-jail the youth was arrested on Sunday September 14.

The youngster had just undergone a surgery in Chennai last month as the cornea of his left eye was displaced. Like the other youths, he had participated in the protest in front of Milagres hall on that fateful day. The police got hold of him as he was preparing to leave on his bike after the caning. He claims he did not pelt stones on the policemen.

Twelve cases have been booked against him. Fortunately, the police did not thrash him and he did not face any problems inside prison. The food given to him came from caterers outside the jail and his parents visited him regularly.

Initially, a lot of Catholics were in the prison as many youths from Kulshekar and Vamanjoor had also been brought there after being arrested. However, only 20 persons remained after Wednesday September 17 of whom he was one.

He is not happy with the discriminations that was shown in the jail. According to him, one of the prominent Bajarang Dal leaders was also arrested and lodged in the same jail. But this man received royal treatment from the police. He was allowed to use his mobile phone inside the jail and was always chatting with the jail superintendent in his office.

Normally, 10 to 12 persons are lodged in one cell, which is then locked. However, there were only two persons in the cell where the Bajarang Dal leader stayed. Moreover, prison authorities never locked that cell.

The youngster says that some of those accused of murder were his cellmates and though Hindus, they  were friendly with the entire batch of those arrested in the Milagres incident. Bajarang Dal activists lodged in the prison for various reasons, were placed in other cells. They were teasing the Catholics at every available opportunity.

They even tried to get the murder accused to help them in assaulting the Catholics. But the latter refused to co-operate with them and even threatened Bajarang Dal activists of dire consequences if they tried to attack the Catholics, says the youth with gratitude.

Another youth from Pezar Varado had similar experiences. But he describes prison life as a ten-day camp which was a unique experience for him. However, the police have confiscated his cell phone and 15 policemen assaulted him while placing him under arrest near the Netravati bridge on that eventful Sunday. He remembers the driver of the police vehicle very well and the registration number which was ‘KA 19 G 317.’

He gives explosive details of what is going inside the prison. Hemp is sold there at Rs 70 for a pack. Many of the jail inmates use mobile phones and those belonging to the minority community are treated badly. Minorities are not served good food and do not get nice cells. He accused prison authorities of supporting Bajarang Dal activists in assaulting minorities there.

Readers might recall that a prisoner belonging to the minority community was assaulted badly inside the prison on Wednesday September 24. According to the youth, the incident occurred at 10 am when prison authorities were preparing to produce him in court. Normally, the cells are closed at that time, but jail authorities let out Bajarang Dal activists to facilitate their attack on the prisoner.

The youth thanked Elizabeth Neeliyar, noted city lawyer, who helped him fight his case. However, he is saddened that he had to spend time inside the prison for no fault of his. He queries, ‘Don’t we have the right to protest?’

Related News:

Complete Coverage of Church attacks in Mangalore: Click Here


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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    I feel enough anguish has been expressed about vandalism, police laticharge on innocent Mangaloreans and illegal confinement & mistreatment in jails. Its known fact that, Karnatka police is known for brutality. Now, its time to introspect, release every individual held during protests and put in jail.

    Let the peace and tranquility rein in Managalore. Let all live in harmony and try to assuage ill feelings between us. we have to forget the past and live for present and future.

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  • F. Faustine Lobo, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    Justice was blind and now it is colour blind!!! Justice can not see ively. The legal system itself has become corrupt. Let us therefore cooperate with those people who fight for justice. Let us not discriminate. Let us join hands with those who are for justice and peace so that harmony is exstablished.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, Mangalore/Inidanaplis

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    Raise funds to fight against injustice. Have an office like that one we have in Gujarat. Forget others will protect you like congress party. Start a political party for Christians and operate on the age old principles of justice. Train some good reporters and let them do a good job such as directing the camera not only at the victim but also at the police who brutalized the masses.

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  • Gerald Dsouza, chikmagalur

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    Its better that you ask the S.P to resign because of he is a poor decision maker and ingnorant.

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  • shameen, udupi

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    These Police people are not come to serve the country. Looks like they are terrorists. Shame on them who dont know to handle the people when violence was going on in mangalore and around, came inside the church and pull the youngsters and took them to jail and beat youngsters, nuns, ladies. Where is the Law in our country?

    Dont u think our Police department is fully corrupted. Hardly you will get honest, sincere police's now a days. God only knows how many were there criminal police that day. God is watching them from up and will teach them one day what is good and bad.

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  • ANNA, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Mr. Julian r u a human being? Do u know the fact. Poor boys are caught without doing anything to anyone. Some of them were back from tutions, coachings etc. and some were just passing by and some of them were fighting for our faith. They were not gone to disturbing anyone not to convert. Everybody know in jail, we cannt expect Royal treatment but all should be treated equally. Looks like u dont know the pain all christians are bearing in their mind, heart and soul. God Bless and enlighten your mind

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  • wilfred, kinnigoly

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Juliana you should have been there in that place,then you will feel the pain

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  • Lawrence, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    How can we expect constitutional measures by Mangalore Police

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  • Bandhavya, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Juliana from Udupi,  It doesn't matter whether you are alive or dead with your 'sitting on the fence' attitude. People like you are good in harvesting on others tears. Who is interested in you exhortation. Have done anything in your life for others for which you had to face hardship?

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  • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Who trained these policemen ? Are they supporting Bajarang Dal and VHP ? Are they any longer better than dacoits, looters and criminals ? What are they protecting ? On what values are they functioning ? Mangalore police are the worst police I have ever seen. Who will put these police behind bars ? Shall we keep these goondas outside the gate ?

    Does they know the meaning of humanity ? I do not see any difference between Mangalore Police, district administration and the State goverment SERVANTS (BJP politicians). For me, all of them work for single cause . And that is to Create social conflicts and disharmony based on religion. My Mangalore got black mark in history because of all these uneducated and illeducated and inefficient and incompetent and irresponsible honorable people !

    They have done a major mistake in history of Mangalore. Kudos to all police who really serve our society ! Thanks for whatever is done to us. We have learnt a lesson. In our hearts you all dont have any value. If I respect you, the same I expect from you. If you don't do it you are nothing to me. You may have a big tag in front of your name, who cares ?

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  • Billu, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Thanks to Daijiworld for digging & publishing this matter.We cannot blame all Hindus. This is an act of those illeterate and jobless people. Political leaders and our police force is making the senario even worse. They are the basic cause for terrorisom by arresting and punishing innocent people. We are christians, peace loving people. but there is a limit for everything, after all we are also human beings

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  • Walter D'Mello, Mangalore / Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    No govt. or police will arrest the people who protest peacefully, but some youths of other community took advantage of the situation by wearing the police dress & started beating the Christians to provoke against police, which inturn angered christians as all our brothers & sisters thought that police beating them, so situation took ugly turn as our guys started throwing stones at the police which inturn angered the real police to take stringent action. Should be very careful whenever there is protests when there is any small problem, in our society there are so much peace disturbing elements ecspacially in Mangalore & Bantwal to take advantage of the situation. Also Congress politicians only added fuel to the fire, they kept quiet only to gain votes.

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  • Amit, Gangulli

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    This treatment is not new with minority people. After all most of the police belong to the same groups but in uniform and in power in hand that’s the different between these two Dals. Out side police station without uniform dal member and inside police station with uniform.

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  • LOBO,

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    I think it is high time that we should start opposing the communal forces of BJP

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  • Valson Mendonsa, USA

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    It really very sad to hear Police brutality on Christians, those who suppose to protect the Law of the land are become law breakers.. ofcourse for all this act strongly supported by politicians.These bad politicians need to be wiped out to clean the country rather than attacking on innocents, these politicians are the route cause for all the incidents that happening in India including attack on christians.

    I can feel it how those arrested innocents must have felt first time in the prison.Please bring issue to International human rights organizations specially in US and Eurpose with memorandrum and photos.

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  • juliana, udupi

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Never expect Royal treatment in prison. Avoid crime and run away from criminals. Jaan hai to jahan hai. Practise religion with out disturbing others. India is independent country with elected government. Keep this in mind always. Learn to live a peaceful life. So that your neighbour can believe you.

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  • Fr.Gregory D'Souza,Allahabad, Kinnigoly

    Sun, Sep 28 2008

    Please browse and get the picture of police-brutality on women,sisters and our youth. I have nothing else to say except shedding a few tears in anguish.

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  • Prashanth, Abudhabi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    We can not blame the jail authorities. All jails in India are over crowded. Criminals and politicians always get good treatment irrespective of religion or party he belongs. Most of the time, they will spend their jail terms in air conditioned hospital by falling sick. Please dont give religious colour to each and every issue.

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Well the police and their masters should realize that these actions of them are just a blip and dont even cause a dent. In a larger sense they may have some ramification. The jehadis who commit crimes ( these are real ones) did they get beaten by police ? did they get humiliated? and thats why they became terrorists? In other words- incredible it may sound- BJP Govt, SANGH PARIVAR, POLICE are themselves responsible for GENESIS OF TERRORISTS in our country. Crush the SANGH PARIVAR and TERRORISTS disappear. Its a vicious cycle - which can be broken only when law is impartial to all the concerned!

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  • wilfred, london

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    let us not curse the police please they had to follow the order of superiors who get order from home minister .police are just instruments used by politicians

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  • Jeanne,

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    To esteemed members of our Christian / Catholic community who recently supported and voted for the BJG government - i hope this makes you feel very proud and happy. Where is your voice in this injustice and attacks. Innocents in jail treated like crap. Criminals treated like royalty.

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  • SHAH NAWAZ., Gangolli

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    where evere BJP Govt is there , they are started to fill all police depatrment, intligent department, admin depmnt,by sang privars. So they all are good friends.Every minorities want be live in peace of mind . but above depatrment created the terririsom inside the country by their cruel activity.

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  • Dominic , Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    I agree with Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok.These youth need to unite and fight back against the police through the judiciary. This matter need to be escalated by dragging these "SAFFRON COPS" to the court. This experience of our boys have only shown that the civil and police authorities of the affected districts are working as if the BJP, Sangh Parivar are their real masters and NOT the constitutionally constituted government. Christian youth are being harassed in Mangalore and this article only reveals the ugly truth.

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  • Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Dear Friends who spent few days in Jail for the offence of protesting,I congratulate on your efforts.Please make a forum of the people who faced partiality and racism in the jail. Since you are more than one you can witness in court about the police actions and about the facilities offered to criminals in the jail.

    All you need is a unity to fight back against the police through the judiciary.Please consult a lawyer specially to file a suit for the police actions inside the jail.The police cannot arrest you for this and your actions will result in strict actions against the police.

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  • Jean, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    This is Yaddi's Government. No law, only BJP and Bajarang dal commands. Shame on u State Government. The People who harassed our youths for no fault, God will definitely show them one day. All the days are not same. Police people are corrupted people that is why ,our country is became like this - filled with terrorists. Shame on Police department - dancing dolls of Corrupted people. No Uniform for their respect? whY?

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Dear Minorities, We have to understand that the police and Bajrang dal are acting in this way as they lack self esteem and are very jealousy of the success of the minority community. Not to say all Hindus are like that..most are not. However the time has come for all right minded Indians(all faiths) to put these people(police & fanatics in their place). I call on all those who have experienced the ill treatment to persue cases and the lawyer community to rise to the occassion. People will be with you. more power to True Indians.

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  • James Dsouza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    It is sad to hear about the stepmotherly attitude of the police towards catholic youngsters.Well My request to youth is,not to loose heart and panic. First see what type of cases police have registered against them and how best they can deal by approaching a suitable lawyer.

    From my own experience police put half a dozen cases against me-from rowdy act to attempt to murder. but none could stand at the end.Police inspector even threatened me with holding of passport and spoiling my career. ultimately I came out successful and even worked for Indian Intelligence.It has to be noted that in the court of Law you need right proof to prove anyone guilty and witnesses.

    Police are also human beings who budge under weight of bribe and they get transfered frequently. I think people got the hint , act accordingly and will be out soon.

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  • J V Rebello, Doha

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    We are very grateful to Daijiworld for the detailed coverage of recent incidents and highlighting the police brutality, treatment inside the jail and sufferings of helpless innocent people inside the police lockup / jail, which is normally not covered by our local news papers in India. Sooner or later every one of us has to answer to God for our wrong doings, including these policemen who are misusing their power throughout their career.

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  • valerian, Dubai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    It is these law protectors/police who give birth to goondas. The innocent people when mis-treated like this, might develop hatred towards others. The hatred and revenge will then lead to more clashes, shedding of more innocent blood etc which the police want. It is time the police learn their duties and respect their uniforms and the oath they have taken for the security/ law & order of the nation. It is a shame on Mangalorean police who have helped communalising the society.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Inhuman! Do we need Bhajrangi police and Bhajrangi govt in DK. Our districts will be better off than these partial minded power mongers. Still there are few people who feel what police & govt has done is right. Such people will get a time when their own people get subjected to police atrocities of this type! 

    I am sick of communal minded govt and DC and police force of DK. Shame on them. Govt will give promotions to these police for treating Bhajrangis royally. Where is the yard stick? Any comments Vishal? How many cases did police register against Vandalisers of Churches? There should be atleast 50 0n each if Catholic youth inside church got registered with 12 cases. Shame on law & order authority of Karnataka. Why not state deserve presidents rule?

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  • stany, valencia

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    This is the sorry state of affair in jail. when the govt including IAS officer DC is supporting those criminals what helpless ppl will do. but be careful, they have to pay one for ill treating peaceful protesters

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  • Nina Rai, Bejai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Its really unfortunate, when innocents get caught in the cross fire of political gamesmanship and made to suffer even when they are merely registering peaceful protest. Good work by Melka Miyar in digging out these facts.

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  • Rajesh, Rome

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Police beating our innocent youth is so horrible and shameful act, Please with the help of these pictures sack these, so that they don't do this agaom to others either Christain, Hindu or Muslim breatherns.

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  • alex lobo, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

     Where there is no justice, there will never be peace

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Indian police and judiciary follow the antiquated British system "you are guilty, until proven innocent". But the U.S. system works this way " you are innocent until proven guilty". I am not telling that all the police, all across India are evil and corrupted, but they are a breed of people who are ready to misuse their small authority on innocent people.

    They will use vulgar language and brute force on innocent people, but they are totally afraid of authority. I had one experience while passing through Trivandrum airport. One police of S.I. grade from a northern State was unduly harassing the passangers for fun. When my turn came, since I didn't have a tag on my carry on bag, he tried to harass me. I kept my cool, then firmly told him looking to his name tag, " who gave you this authority to harass passangers? He immediately backed off not to read his full name. Another officer showed up and said sorry. I never had any problem in any airport in India like that. Sometimes, bad police will show up and make a bad name for all the police force.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    It is quite sad to note that our prison system is in the hands of the bajrangi symphatisers.It is nothing but gooda raj inside the jail.The worst criminal gets the best treat.There are very honest police officers-Sirs,kindly do something about this bajrangi raj inside the jail.

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  • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    These guys whoever were arrested had stoned the police in which several policemen were injured...It may not be these persons but definitely someone who was with these arrested India you can getaway with anything but if police are hurt by anyone they will not leave and thats the reason these youth were treated badly by police and the jail authorities.

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  • Fr HaroldC D'Souza, Pangala

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    It is unfortunate that the keepers of law are blamed for taking the side of the criminals.If the police people are guilty of vandlizing what kind of justice can you expect from such people?If the elected reprsentitives protect the culprits,what good can they do to the society?

    May God grant them to realize their responsibility to the society.They will have to answer to God for every action of theirs.

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  • Praveen James D'Souza, Nanthur / Dubai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    I fully agree with Mr. Indian....

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  • Athydxb, Athrady / Sharjah

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Yes Mr. Indian Manglore,,, You are right....

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  • ashok, mangalore/dubai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    I strongly believe that these kind of actions of the police & politicians have created a lot of criminals and terrorists in our country. No wonder if some of these innocent people become criminals tomorrow

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  • Martis, udupi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    The corrupt and criminal attitude of the Mangalore Police are once again brought to light. Bajranj Dal the terriorist organistion activists are treated as heros and the innocent Catholics youths are treated as criminals. Police have joined hands with the communal forces in disturbing the peace of this region.

    We have no faith in this police force. The pics show how innocent people are being persecuted just because they are the followers of christ. Such police force should not be allowed to function and they must be immediately expelled from duty. The police force dont have any religion. For them violence is the only religion which God has thought them. I ask all the Catholic youth to expose all evils that take place in the jail. The character of the Mangalore police is worse than animals.

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  • mushthaq, mlore/dubai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    I totally agree with you indian ,  My question is ,who is to be blamed if there is a bomb blast in mangalore , if we cannot protest can we retaliate

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  • Praveen, udupi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Mangalore Police will never get the blessings of God. Curse be on their entire family and children. Serious efforts should be taken them to suspend them from duty.

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  • SHIHAB, Manglaore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Thank u for the report,thousands of muslim youths arrested in same manner without any accurate reason, I hope my christian friends will understand pain of others minorities, will join the hands to fight against injustice

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  • Dolphy Veigas, Bendoor -Mangalore -Al Khobar K.S.A

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Well police force is for maintaing law and order. If police force 'LOVE" the activist and order on the innocent people. I agree, we are minorities at the same time we are proud to say that we are also citizens of India. Then why this kind of treatment?.

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  • Suraj, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    This is the real face of fundamentalist hindus. Whether they are in power or in uniform or among civilians, they are all same. Call them bajrangis, RSS, VHP or Mangalore Policemen, they are all same. They are one who hate human beings, create all sort of troubles and misunderstandings. These are the ones who are responsible for the creation of SIMI, Indian Mujahiddeen and so on.

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  • Arshad Kadli, Bhatkal / Al Khobar

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    This is the trauma that Muslim youth have been passing through for over six decades. Unfortunately no mainstream national english news paper came forward to highlight their sufferings in the jails. I congratulate Daiji world and all those associated with publishing for this report for bringing awareness among masses.

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    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Thank you Dayanand Kukkaje for your good pics in Daiji also to Melka Miyar for giving the inside story of our Indian Police network. we can see it by the look on their face to catch a innocent guys they use lot of energy but with the goondas they bow their heads . no wonder that is their survival if so they should not join the force . its really sad that our beautiful mangalore becoming like war zone.We Indians have to live in fear in our own country. when we come across Indians specialy students they say that in Universities they are ashmed to say that they are Indians. because we are living here in midst of multicultural people and we are safe.I hope and pray if tunnel vision Mangaloreans broaden their vision and respects each others religion there wont be any further unrest.

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  • Anita, Mangalore Dubai

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    The attitude of the police is very rude.Atleast they dont have courtesy to the women how they will give good treatment to our youth.We will pray for our youth better future.May the god bless them with lots of blessings they surely did the good job.

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  • Naveed, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    the situation reveals how badly the police treat innocent people of our country.Unfortunately, the real miscreants,even if they arrested,are given a full freedom in the cells to the extent of teasing the innocents.they are also supplied with hemp?no doubt the hemps are supplied by the same miscreants.

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  • Indian, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    well this experience is one we all got to learn from sometimes when we fight for our family we got to go through all this but at the same time i am happy that some light is put on what is happening indisde the jails i think these things should be considered very seriously at every level there is racism how in the world can we say we are secular when everyone practices racism. this boy will be blessed but if he goes in the wrong path anytime he will not be blamed but the police authorities are to be blamed as a matter of fact i think the police are to be blamed for most of the new born criminals..... dont you think so?

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