USA: Yeddyurappa Promises NRIs all Help to Invest in State

USA: Yeddyurappa promises NRIs all help to invest in State

The Hindu

USA, Dec 13: Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa has invited non-resident Indians (NRIs) and American businessmen to invest in the State and promised them that all assistance will be extended to them.

Yeddyurappa, who is on a business tour of the United States, was speaking at a luncheon meeting with NRIs and business leaders in Michigan on Friday.

Minister for Primary and Secondary Education Visveshwara Hegde Kageri, Minister for Medical Education Ramachandra Gowda and Principal Secretary V.P. Baligar are part of the high-level team accompanying the Chief Minister.

In his address, the Chief Minister said there was excellent scope for bilateral trade and cooperation between Karnataka and the U.S. in information technology, electronics, engineering, textiles and apparels, telecommunication, machine tools, automobile and auto components, aerospace, energy, processed food and allied areas. There was ample scope for increasing the presence of U.S. companies in Karnataka and vice-versa. Business-to-business contacts had to be pursued vigorously.

The Chief Minister said of late many companies were evincing keen interest in setting up aero-engine aircraft service facilities, production of aircraft components and systems. These facilities were likely to be clustered around the new Bengaluru International Airport. “I am happy to note that there has been a growing trend in Indo-U.S. investments and collaborations in Karnataka. Bangalore continues to be one of the most preferred destinations for the U.S. investments,” he said.

Yeddyurappa said: “I know that the fear of global recession is lurking in everyone’s mind. Yet, I would like to assure that the Indian economy and our financial institutions are strong enough to absorb the shock. In 1998, around 250 U.S. companies set up operations in Bangalore. The count now is more than 500, including multinational firms such as Microsoft, INTEL, and DELL.” The Government of Karnataka would extend all support to the U.S. companies keen on setting up base in the State.

He said that the U.S State of Maryland had chosen Bangalore to locate its first India trade office. It would facilitate two-way business interactions and for incubation of Maryland companies looking to starting operations in India. The State Government would play a pro-active role in accelerating the tempo of industrial development through a series of policy initiatives in the form of Industrial Policy, Agro Food Processing Industrial Policy, Export Policy, IT Policy, BT Policy, Tourism Policy and Infrastructure Policy, he added.


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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Dec 14 2008

    Inviting NRI's to invest in Karnataka by the CM is good sign. But what leads to suspicion is why within 6 months 2 trips to USA along with the Karnataka Govt. delegates and ministers is to be noted. Why CM has not invited NRI's from USA for the meeting in Karnataka? Apart from govt. agenda is our CM has his private interest in USA? Time will tell the truth. USA is facing financial meltdown where as the Middle East is still better in this financial situations. Why CM has disown his states people of the middle east NRI's? Middle East is close to Karnataka and hardly takes 3 hrs journey by flight one way and USA more than 16 hrs. one way.

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi /Dammam Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear All, It is the time to make a trip to different countries and tell India is safe to Invest(because of recession period). That is what CM has done. You people are mixing the religion in it and making a mess out of it. I have seen most of our Christian friends are always commenting negatively when it comes to BJP after the incident of the church attack in Mangalore.

    First of all we have to learn how to thank for what we are having now. Mr. Joe D'souza says he is afraid to live in Mangalore It looks like a joke to me. Mr. Joe for your information most of the places in US is not safe to walk alone after 6 or 7pm where you can freely walk in Mangalore at any time of day and night. Please do not compare US and India as US is developed and most powerful nation in this world. We are still a developing nation and hopefully we will be the developed nation one day.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Inviting NRI's to invest in Karnataka by the CM is good sign. But what leads to suspicion is why within 6 months 2 trips to USA along with the Karnataka Govt. delegates and ministers is to be noted. Why CM has not invited NRI's from USA for the meeting in Karnataka? Apart from govt. agenda is our CM has his private interest in USA? Time will tell.

    USA is facing financial meltdown where as the Middle East is still better in this financial situations. Why CM has disown his states people of the middle east NRI. Who are close to Karnataka and hardly takes 3 hrs journey by flight one way and USA more than 16 hrs. one way.

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  • leslie s lewis, sasthan

    Sun, Dec 14 2008

    MR FELIX F. INDIA/ ME, well said i appreciate your comments. hope this is understandable too to G P MANJESHWAR/KASARGOD

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Dec 14 2008

    The chief minister Mr.Yeddyurappa has already proved as a great leader and visionary for Karnataka. I think the great state of Karnataka will prosper under his leadership. He is not a monster as pictured by some groups

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Dec 14 2008 have said it correctly. I am a NRI-PIO. Forget about investing anymore. Afraid to live in Mangalore. Since I moved here,almost every month there is one or other violence and rampage on streets of Mangalore. Now it is getting worst by the week. Just recently finished with Catholic Churches and now started with media rampage. Rowdies attaching small stalls for selling particular news paper. I am even afraid to go to Sunday mass when I see a Cop standing, what to expect next. Chief Minister should observe how orderly the society lives in US because I have lived there since 1973. I have never seen Law and Order decay, what I see here.

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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sun, Dec 14 2008

    Dear W. D' Souza, I dont know if you have tried the Vasta method or not to get licence to construct your house. That is why the ministers want NRI investors, so that they can fill their pockets while issuing the licences. And as Arun,Ananth & Melroy pointed out This time visiting other countries specially U.S is a joke . The U.S need investors today, and is on the verge of bankruptcy. I would have been really proud of the CM if he had told the US that he would send investors from India to help the US recover from the present financial crises.

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  • Melroy, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Correct me if I am wrong. In this global economic melt down where people prefer to protect their money in their cupboards  at home, our   CM goes to the US and asks people to invest in our state. This clearly indicates that the CM does not have any idea about the recession. This time visiting other countries specially U.S is a joke . The U.S need investors today .It clearly shows this is a holiday for CM & company in USA

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  • W. D' Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear Mr. Yedyurappa, I speak as a dejected ex-NRI . In my heydays  I contributed much to my nation. I am now an ordinanary retired man.  I am awaiting a licence  from  the Mangalore City Corporation  to build  a small house for the last 9 months.  I really appreciate your promises/encouragements to the NRI's . But do not forget the ex NRI's who contrubited without being asked. I would be a happy man if you direct Mangalore City Corporation not to hold on issuance of  Licenses for construction of small homes. Then probably larger investors will gain confidence in your promises.


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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear G P MANJESHWAR, I think you did not read the comments of Vishal well. He did not ask the christians and muslims to leave India nor anything against anybody. He only questioned the assurances of CM regarding the safety of the NRI`s and their investments, when he could not maintain law and order in the state.

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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    NRI`s (me included too) are the one`s who left India to find better pastures the world over, leaving India and Indians fend for themselves or perish while harldy giving little thought to their prosperity apart from sending monthly remmittances to families. While NRI`s were enjoying their new found lives else where, Indians in India did not let India crumble like many other similar countries but have miraculusly taken India from the bottom of the economic and industrial ladder to the top. Let the CM first help and promise all help to the existing Indian investors who have made India proud, and the NRI`s will bring in their own investment even without the CM`s assurance of help, because they know where the grass is green.

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  • clifford Fernandes, UK

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Few months ago this CM's adviser was making statements that America is promoting terrorism,now Yeddi has gone to America with a begging bowl.He has gone there for personal benifit and not to help tax payer by spending their money.Why does he have have to take minister for medical education with him when we have experienced people like Pai's of Manipal experienced in the field.This is a ploy to have a holiday at tax payers expense

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    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear Mr. Vishal,  You are expressing your opinion about a CM of one of the biggest States in India and he is elected by the people. You imply that NRI Christians and Muslims are not Indians. Are you willing  to tell all the Christians and Muslims to leave India? Let us not forget that we are Indians first.


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  • justin, Mangalore/australia

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    This chief Minister gets up and goes to USA and gives Big talks. This is just a Fun Trip at the cost of Tax Payers and nothing else. Every chief Minister goes abroad and spends public money but pot holes on our roads still remain year after year..Chief Minister just come back and set your house in order first. USA is in a bad financial stste. How can they invest in Karnataka when people like you and your party does all the wrong things.


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  • ananth mukund shenvi, karwar/ kuwait

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    I think the CM wakes up once in a full moon. Why are you calling Indians in America to invest in India, they are already bankrupt and dont have money in their pockets.

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    When you do not know how to maintain law and order in the state ,what is the surety that you will protect the foreign investors interest? Are you begging NRI  Christian and muslim investors to do business with you? Can one trust your assurances?

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  • Joseph, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    If I am not mistaken this is the CM's second visit this year to solicit US NRI's support.Whatever happened to the first visit's trumpeting and fanfare announcing imperative millions of dollars pouring in ? By the way any plans to tap Europe as well ? Obviously CM's visit costs with his accompanying dignitaries and "support" staff we presume is coughed by the government exchequer. I hope the whole delegation does relax and take time off for sightseeing, shopping, socialising after strenous brainstorming sessions and speaking at various meetings! C'mon all you good people, wake up !!

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  • Alex Lobo, bantwal

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    This CM is not doing something that other CMs or State leaders havn't  done.But the fact remains  that is he willing to allow the same privileges to Muslim or Christian NRIs who want to invest. or is it only to the VHP coterie.wait and see.

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  • Kiran, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear CM. Improve the infrastructure and stop the violence. People are scared to stay in the city like Bangalore and Mangalore because of recent communal violence. Better government makes the industries to invest more. IT and other industries have already come up when there was a good government 8 years back.

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  • Vinod, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    "Always learn to appreciate things and not to criticize". The step taken by our CM is definitely wise enough whether it works out or not. I feel assurance is the perfect thing to do at this point of time when there is a relucatancy among people when it comes to investments. Our CM is  taking advantage of this situation which I think is definitely a positive approach. Good job Mr. Yediyurappa!

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  • KA D'Silva, Dubai

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    It is surprising one side BJP is talking against nuclear policy and USA and then one of their own CM is going to USA  asking for investments. Arun has rightly said  USA is in need of help. Instead of CM going to please USA investors, he must try to promote the local investor. It is not a secret that there are many Millioniers in Karanataka, they need just govt encourgemnet to invest in our own state.

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  • Koni Prakash Naik, Kundapur / Muscat

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear CM Sir, congratulations to you and your government for initiating a lot of development plans for the coastal Karnataka in a short span of time, which the previous governments had ignored. I sincerely hope that all those plans get implemented as early as possible. As regards NRIs, only inviting investors is not good enough. Karnataka NRIs have been sending back their hard earned money to Karnataka which itself is a great contribution in enhancing the foreign reserves of the country. Hence, your government should seriously consider making some special programmes for NRIs in terms of education, medical assistance, increased interest rates on deposits, single window clearance of documentation, retirement plans etc., at subsidized costs. All the NRIs, especially who work in the middle east, are not equally rich. Around 70-80% of NRIs who work in the gulf countries are having hand-to-mouth situation. Hence they need some sort of special protection, special facilities for their families, children's education, medical care etc., Please treat this as a serious situation and help those poor NRIs.

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  • David Lobo, Mangalore, India

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Mr. Yeddyurappa has to improve the state not by visiting foreign countries with his high profile speeches, but by getting the confidence of the people. The recent state elections in 5 states has rattled the BJP and its leaders. The bye-elections to the 8 assembly seats in Karnataka will show whether our CM is popular or not. According to the recent survey by a reputed agency, if elections to the Karnataka assembly are held now, BJP will not win. However, all the best to you - our CM. Please try to unite the people instead of dividing them and change your agenda.

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  • clarence miranda, mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    How come Yeddirappa is not banned from US like Narendra Modi? Why no one informed US about the atrocities committed in Mangalore under his rule? He may not have sponsored the atrocities, but for sure he did not take any action on them and on the contrary he encouraged the cops who claimed such incidents were petty thefts!!

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    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Mr.Yeddyurappa is not a CM but a saint of Karnataka who works for the welfare of the pepole. His vision is clear. Mr. V.S.Acharya and Yeddyurappa are trying to make Karnataka like Gujarath. We need to help CM to Help Karnataka.They need at least 10 years to do it and save it in the memory of the "Gobal World"

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  • Thomas C, Kadri/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Dear sir, We appreciate your efforts and interest towards the progress of our state. We will always be with you. Besides American NRIs, there are lot of rich NRIs in Gulf countries, Canada and Australia. who are willing to invest in our state. They need assurance and safety for their investments without much trouble from Income tax dept. Please look in to this too.

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  • Felex C., Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    I Like the comments given by Mr. Nagesh Nayak. CM is doing the right things. We must appreciate his work and support him.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    The chosen trip to USA states that he is losing the state of Karnataka otherwise he will not undertake this 3rd trip abroad within 6 months. Tax payers money is wasted by this government for touring and indulging in corruptions by transfers and mining operations. An absolute biased Chief Minister of Karnataka.

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  • arun , karkal

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Sir already people in the USA are in need of help . Please dont bring them back to your state which is already helpless.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Sat, Dec 13 2008

    Great work done by CM. We need CM like Mr.Yediyurappa who works for the welfare of the people. If American & NRI going to invest , we the local people will benef thru employment etc. KEEP IT UP CM.

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