Mangalore: Attack on Pub - 13 Arrested, Two Sene Leaders Absconding

Mangalore: Attack on Pub - 13 Arrested, Two Sene Leaders Absconding

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (RS/SP)
Mangalore, Jan 26: In connection with the attack on a pub and beating up  some girls reportedly by Srirama Sena activists on the evening of Saturday January 24, the police have booked a case and arrested 13 people allegedly involved with the assault. They are on the look out for two leaders of the said Hindu outfit, who have gone underground after the incident.
`We are  searching  for two  leaders  of  Srirama  Sena. One is  Dinakar shetty,  who has owned responsiblity for the  attack and Prasad  Attavar" said the district  superietendent of police, Sateesh  Kumar. "We  have arrested five more persons in addition to the earlier 13. Special  teams have been  formed  to  nab the missing leaders and  the teams are on the task," he  said. He also  said that the  police  have  issued  notices  to the  media houses that were  present at the time of incident.

Western range  inspector general of police  A.M. Prasad said, that they have been exploring the possibilities of booking the Srirama Sene leaders under the  Goonda Act, in reply to a question on the possibility of using this act against the culprits.
The  case is attracted  national  attention and two  of  the national  channels deputed  their  outdoor  telecasting  units to city.  Some other national  channels too have arrrived  in the city to cover the after-math of attack. The  lounge 泡mnesia remained  closed  after the incident.
However,  the life in the city continues to be normal without any untoward incidents after the assault incident. The police  have  tightened  security all  over the  city  and the  police patrolling  at  night  has  also been intensified.

The attack has  not affected either the  business  or  other  activities  in the  city.
`Failure  of  State Government'

Mamatha Gatti, district  president  of womens congress  committee dubbed the incident as a gross  failure of the state government. Speaking at a press conference, she said that the assault on women at the  Lounge makes it amply clear that the Sriram Sene takes women for granted, which is not accepteble. She has demanded for the initiation of strict action against those involved with the incident and also steps  to ensure that such incidents do not recur.

Pramod Mutalik, president of the Rashtreeya Hindu Sena and founder of Srirama Sena justified the action by the Sena activists, saying that the incident was a minor one and not at all abnormal. He said, that the activists were trying to protect women against immoral activities and ulterior designs of others.

Chief minister B S Yeddyurappa promised strict action against the culprits and said, that the policemen have been given a free hand to bring to book the guilty. He opined, that the incident was unfortunate and that no one should take law into their hands.  BJP president Rajnath Singh is leaving for Bangalore today to assess the situation, and he said he came to know about the incident through the media reports.

Union minister Renuka Choudhury has already asked the state government to take strict against the people involved immediately. She has also threatened to examine the possibility of issuing an Executive Order against Srirama Sene.

Sreekumar, director general of police, Karnataka asserted that it was the duty of the media which got advance information about the occurrence of the said incident, to inform the police. He questioned the mediamen as to why the information was not passed on to the police.

The policemen are hopeful of making a break through by arresting the two important Sena activists shortly.


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    Comment on this article

    • vijaya, surathkal

      Fri, Jan 30 2009

      sri rama sena has done very very good job. thanks for that.

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    • Cema, manglore

      Wed, Jan 28 2009

      Sri rama sena has done very good job

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    • Rajesh , udupi

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      For all those who have commented, when a hindu group does something people comes out with lots and lots of comments. But the same done by other religions people just sleep ingnoring that. Can you all advise why this differnces.

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    • Shreya, Mangalore

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Nithin, just because women go to pubs doesn't mean they are indecent. And these girls had gone in the afternoon to have their lunch. No one was drinking and dancing at that time. So is attacking women considered decent then?

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    • Ganesh, Mangalore

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Mr. Nitin no one is spoiling BJP's name but BJP is spoiling its name itself. Ram Sena. B.Dal, RSS and VHP are all Branches of BJP. All this new various Orgnisations have started only after BJP came to power in Karnataka. When any problems any one of these groups does BJP says we have nothing to do with this various Organisations.

      This is a common dialogue we always hear. Nitin, you may be a fool but don't think public are also fools. Do some good work. Who are Ram Sena to decide who should drink or who should dance ? You idiots are making Mangalore another Taliban. Women are also humanbeings and they have all the right to drink and dance. Shame on you Nitiesh.

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    • James, Udupi

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Ram Sena, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, RSS etc and specially theis godfather BJP are the real TERRORISTS in INDIA

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    • sheela shetty,

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Shriram Sena in Mangalore, Shivsena & Maharastra Nav Nirman Sena in Mumbai. When Terrorists comes to India all these senas are hiding in Bills. What a shame

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    • V.D'Souza., Udupi / Doha-Qatar.

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Mr.Yash.NJ/USA, I'm totally disagree with your comment.You said,rama sena did a good job.I'm asking you,who give authority to these dirty people to behave like this manner with ladies? You want this type of culture in India? Why we have police then? If they find something going on wrong inside the pub,just inform to the nearest police station.Who are thy, taking law in their hands?

      I don't think so that you had been in UAE. Because there is available alcohol,disco & live band in all major hotels.And also ladies can be enter,drink&dance till late night. Nobody will beat them.Instead of that police  protect them.(don't comment if you don't know) We can say,the people who live in UAE are lucky.Because there is no your rama sene & bajarangis. And dont forget that India is a Secular,Socialistic,Democratic and Independet country.

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    • Omprakash , Mangalore, India

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Gentleman, people have the full right to express their opinion. If their opinion differs nobody has a right to call them as mentally retarded. Anyone who is upholding Sene's action are against the women and their dignity. Women were beaten molested and terrorised.]

       Sene took law in their hand that is a greater crime. Now tell who is mentally retarded? Why women cannot go to the pubs...who are you to curtail their freedom? Only men can have all the fun? In the name of the religion how long are you going to suppress women.

       For time immemorial women have been suppressed and kept in fetters. It is time now that they break these shackles and enjoy the freedom. Of course sene has the freedom not to go the pubs no one is forcing them. This is India and not Taliban. Even Taliban is changing.

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    • R Prabhu, IXE / KSA

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Today the PUB claiming obscene dancing, Tomorrow the INTERNET CAFE'S for surfing PORNO sites, Next the HOTELS claiming prostitution even if there are honeymooning couples or tourists. Then finally our own HOMES. The present Govt. has no spine to act because they indirectly support such groups.

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    • Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      It is now clear that the government of Karnataka is "of the goondas, by the goondas and for the goodas"! Any other groups other than goondas are foreigners in their own land. Either conform to their dictates or get out. Don't blame the police or the district adminitration. They are helpless.

      They too have a family to feed and ambitions to come up in their profession. I really pity them. In his revised edition Arvind Adiga can add a few more chapters to his book "The White Tiger" basing on what is and will be going on in Mangalore.

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    • Yash, NJ,USA

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Sri Ram Sena did a good job, Pubs bar and alcohol is not fit in Indian culture and ladies who go to such places got good treatment what they deserve.Why so hue and cry? In India there are betterways to socialise.

      One of subordinate was arrested in Singapore he tried to kiss a girl and to police he gave statement it is common in bangalore India so he thought that will work abroad also. These dirty slave mental people who do not know their culture are shame on India. and These pubs bars should be closed and not much then sex houses.

      People who are giving insane reasons and think if they work in MNC's they can act like westerns are under wrong impression. You should learn respect of local culture and religion. Try to do same in UAE and then cry in media. Shame ful and mentally retarted ppl who are defending pubs and bar going ladies.

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    • Claudy, dubai

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Mr. Satish Alva, Sree Rama sena has not respected democracy and they are fit to join Taliban. I dont understand whey these criminals have to use the name of lord Rama - is this not an insult to Hinduism? moreover government is equally responsible for this drama.

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    • Walter Saldanha, Mangalore, India

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      It is a shame for us Mangaloreans all over the world to read the flashing news "Mangalore Talibanism" on the TV. Further the lethargic attitude of the Govt. is more frustrating. The govt. if they respected women and would have been sensitive towards them then would take action and would not make any irresponsible statements.

      Rather than condemning and taking action against the sene, if the govt. makes any statement like, 'some people have done this to defame BJP' then the women of the state need to see whether they will be free and safe under this rule.

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    • nithin, mangalore

      Tue, Jan 27 2009


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    • Walter Saldanha, Mangalore, India

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      The Sene should not be allowed to use the name of Lord Ram. Lord ram never outraged the modesty of women. It was Ravan who had the evil intention. So this outfit needs to be addressed as Ravana Sene and immediately it should be banned.

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    • Peter, Kuwait

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      As usual, we have time to criticize Government, police etc. No doubt these thugs should be booked under severe IPC acts. But one other question I want to ask every Mangaloreans is...people are just watching the incident and doing nothing....watching those girls being harassed, beaten up...Wake up buddies, protect them..they are your own men dont just cover it....protect them.....we need to stand unitedly...dont lose your own responsibility to protect others...

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    • Melwin pinto, Mangalore

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Shame on you Sathish Alva... Is molesting women, slapping and beating them part of your culture? Who has appointed the so called Sri Rama sene as guardians of culture? I suppose Lord Rama was Just and peace loving...why do these hooligans spoil the Lord's name?

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    • Norbert, Mangalore

      Tue, Jan 27 2009

      Come on Sathish Alva if you and the goondas whom you are supporting have guts, then shut down the bars, pubs, dance clubs, multiplexes etc. 99 % of these bars, pubs and 100% of dance clubs are owned by the people of the same community whose girls you think are close and being spoiled by the people of other community as you allege.

      Beating girls does not augur well for the goondas who claim themselves the members of Sri Rama Sene. Sri Rama is venerated as Maryada Purusha. Is this Indian culture?

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    • Munna, Emmekere/KSA

      Mon, Jan 26 2009

      Peace Loving people of Manglaore, Wake up!!!!! Goondas should not only booked, but also kicked out of Mangalore Who are they to talk about culture?

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    • Nitesh R, Mangalore / Pune

      Mon, Jan 26 2009

      Every one's pointing fingers at Sri Ram Sena...what about their partners in Crime "BAJRANG DAL" have they been kept safe in some hide out ecspecially since they share a close bond with the BJP? Book them as well and throw all these hooligans in JAIL for 3 years under GOONDA ACT and for to MOLESTING decent women. What's shocking is that the CM & HM have woken up from their deep slumber after nearly 24 hours ... looks like they were trying to play down the issue. Disgusting "poli"ticians!

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    • sathish alva, manglore

      Mon, Jan 26 2009

      my personal oppinion is sri rama sena has done very good job 

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    • Ashley, Mangalore / Dubai

      Mon, Jan 26 2009

      Rightty said divya, shame on Dinakar shetty

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      Mon, Jan 26 2009

      Shame on you Dinakar Shetty. Why you are hiding now. Shame.........

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