Mangalore: 'I am Ready to Fight Case Filed by Youth Congress'

Mangalore: 'I am Ready to Fight Case Filed by Youth Congress' 

Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda 
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (RS/CN)

Mangalore, Feb 25: “I am ready to face the case wherever it is filed”, said  Ganesh Hosabettu, mayor, city  corporation, on Tuesday February 24.  

He was replying to a question by media persons on the district youth Congress’ intention to file a case against him. “I am ready to go anywhere, be it Delhi or Hyderabad”, he said.   

“I will fight the case against Renuka  Choudhury’s comment  as  it was  filed  in  my name, not as mayor”,  he said. Hosabettu’s term as mayor ends on Tuesday. 

Hosabettu said that the comments by Renuka Choudhury on the city are hurting the citizens and reiterated that he would fight the case.

SAS Revisal 

Hosabettu said that the self-assessment tax in the city would be revised by the next mayor adding that now it is being calculated in an unscientific manner. Those who have already paid will be adjusted on the next bill, after the revised bill is enacted.    

He expressed happiness about his tenure as mayor and mentioned the development work that had been done including concreted roads and other work. Hosabettu is the first mayor from the BJP which came to power in the last corporation elections.


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  • arun shetty, MANGALORE

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    Mr. Balakrishna keep it up, i highly appreciate your comment. All know how cheap ("kalape")Ganesh Hosabettu is.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Hi Vincy,Mulki, persons like you should come out of jaundice diseases.Why don't you guys also look into the detailed facts from Nehru to Sonia along with Acharya to Muthalik.You will understand clear picture.

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  • Balakrishna.Mangalore/ABU DHABI, MANGALORE

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    None of the the M'loreans hurt by Renukas Statement. What Ganesh Hosebettu is doing is totally political motivated. What kind of statement you want from Renuka. She must appreciate & say that Molesting & Assaulting girls are profound Hindu or Indian culture. you want her to appreciate the pub attack. Why this BJP state govt. is giving permission to Pubs and another side it shows soft corner on the attackers. o.k. for some extent we agree that pub culture is not good. where was the honourable Mayor, when such activities going on, was he sleeping...? why didnt he ask the govt. to cancell the permission of such pubs.

    Why didnt this cultured mayor send the police to stop the pubs, instead of that intoxicated goondas. what about other pubs and Cabaret shows in mangalore? does it reflect indian culture?Ganesh nice name but not fit for person like you,People doesnt know much about you but we know what you are you are a big cheat in this world,one day all mangaloreans will come to know your bad attitude,the people who are with you today will be the first to attack on you once they will come to know your uncultured nature,you are big lier...

    Sweety You are right,Ganesh is such a type of person we just cant trust on him,i really dont know how he was ellected as a Mayor...Chiefminister as to investigate on him what he has done for the development of mangalore, he is destroying mangalore by washing out youngsters brain...Ganesh tell me one thing the money gave by Karnataka government to develop mangalore city how much of money you transfered to your personall AC...someone should investigate on this first,let mayor face this case first...Saveen Salian thats true that Ashwini was raped by one Saleem and she ended her life,but dont support this uncultured Mayor Ganesh....cozz Mayor Ganesh enjoys this type of incident...

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  • leslie, mangalora

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    In my opinion is that the mayor and his lawyers wanted to be in the media lime light , since the pub incidence had attracted a nation wide attention they wanted to take an advantage of it unfortunately this matter is not percieved by the media so thats a big loss to them on the contrary he has been counter charged for his remarks . better luck mr.mayor

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  • ramesh prabhu, udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Mr Lancy, I join in your comments. Its true. In our great over 50 years of independence, none of the Politician or Leader has ever faught or wishes to fight for improvement in education, technology, lifestyle improvement, higher education to all the deserving students, irrespective of the cast and creed, health, human values etc. They only faught for mandir, masjid, traditions. Dear people wake up, understand your leaders and think from your own brains.

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  • Rajesh Shetty, udupi

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Dear Rahul, I want to know as per your opinion Renuka comments is right or wrong. I want to know you are from which part. Just tell me right or wrong.

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  • Vincy, Mulky/Dubai

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Nagesh Nayak: Without getting you in the forum, the forum becames so dull. Ultimately, all good stories need to have some negative characters to make it more interesting. Though whatever you mention mostly is thrash and further, it cant be substantiated or coroborated with facts. But since the lines are almost same from acharya to Muthalik to you, it gives a kind of future warnings.

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  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Dear Jerry if Renuka was from BJP she wouldn't have commented like that

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009


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  • jerry willino, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    If Renuka was from BJP - do you think Hosabettu would have filed a case.??? Please post your reply Sri.Saveen Salian.

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  • Lancy D'souza, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Mr.Saveen Salian.I express our anguish over certain incidents irrepspective of the party. You may belong to Parivar group as is suggestive from your comments, but I am not from any parivar, sangh or otherwise. I m and most of the people of the Mangalore are of the view that fight the evils in the society, dowry, untouchability, cruelty, caste system,corrupetion and the like. Raise your voice for proper supply of electrity, water, improvement in health systemm, human values.

    The situation in Mangalore has reached such an extent that a boy and a girl are not supposed to go together, are not supposed to talk and exchange pleasentries. We are not enjoying here but feeling pity and disgusted at the unhelpful attidude of the administration. Finally the perpetrators of the act are let off and victims are booked. At whose instance Mr.Salian. Come to Mangalore when you find time and study the ground realities and pass your comments.God bless you.

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  • Hema Ferns, Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Shame on the Mayor. He is not hurt by the action of goondas. He is hurt by the comments emanating from these action. Comments are reaction to the beatings on hapless girls. Once again shame on him.

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  • Rene , bendore, UAE

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    Mr. Nagesh, what do you mean by Indian culture. I feel Most of us (Indian) don't have any culture, value and social behavior (even our CM, Home Minister, Mayor, political figures). I think social behaviour is called culture. We don't respect others and their sentiments. We don't respect other religion we give more value for the people who have lot of money and political power. We discriminate our own Indian brother as SC & ST. We follow untouchables practise in our regular life.  We don't keep our city clean, throw garbage on road. We think about ourselves only, not other citizens. We try to impose our ideas on others or on society . It is Individual decision either to go to pub or not, you can’t force your ideas  on them. So, first we should learn how to behave in society. Develop better social behavior. Respect others. Think about all the citizen of our country. . If any bad incident takes place call authority or police. Don’t act as police. If we develop this  social behavior then our culture will come-up automatically.

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  • Sujith, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    My simple straight question to the ex mayor is when so many attacks to place during his tenure,,,, could he please give an detailed reports on his visit after the incidents. To my knowlegde he was hiding in the office or some where else

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  • Sujith Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear Mayor, I apprecite the development  work done during your tenure including concreting of Mangalore Roads, but some of the works are still not completed since last 3 years. My issue is the Drainage / Sewerage line & Manholes are completed in the surrounding areas of Nanthhor to Kadri Hills. But still corporation is not able to connect the houses. Hope your successor will complete the job???

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  • Kulakarni, Bijapur

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    I agree with Jude.The real culprits responsible for Ashwini's death are SRS / BD goons. If Saleem has had sex with her, definitely it is a crime but that crime is not a reason for her suicide.If these goons had not hounded her, probably Ashwini would have taken the incidence very lightly and I wouldn't have surprised if she was planning a second outing with Saleem.

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  • Fernandes Francis , Mangalore/ UAE

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear Mr. G. Hossabetu ( Ex MAYOR ). You deserve to fight case if filed. The reason is under Your Mayor as being first so callous citizen You have not done anything while girls were attacked and Chruch's were attacked. By the way don't spend tax payers money to fight legal case. Collect from your party supporter.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr Saveen Salian, It seems you know everything which all of us commenting do not know. Please note that all reports suggest that Ashwini willing went along with Saleem, and was not forced. Yet i say it is a crime, because having sex with minor even by consent is a crime in our country, and if it is proven so then Saleem has to be punished. Ashwini committed suicide because she was hounded by a bunch of BD, Ram sene goondas, who humiliated her.Therefore why don't you blame these goons?. They too deserve the same punishment as Saleem.

    Don't say that a few girls from posh families went to the pubs to enjoy themselves and so got punished. In my country India there are no different laws for people from different castes, religions, rich or poor or according to ones social standing. The same law applies to all. Your friends have broken the law and are trying to apply the same logic as the Taleban upon people and your friend Mr Hosabettu is aiding them.

    Please tell me which country do you belong to?. Is this what you and your cultural protectors plan in the future for India?. to have different laws for differnt people?. Please speak out and let everyone know what BD, Ram Sena and all your others friends are up to, and what further destruction you guys are planning.

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  • Sampath kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr.Ram Bhat.Look back history city corporation & comment.Development and pub attack are two diffrent things. Think non politicaly it might be renuka choudary or whoom ever makes that kind of statement it has to be opposed by every mangalorean. Pub attack is geven very bad impact on m'lore on top of that being in responsible post,  Rennuka choudary statement dont u think its disgusting?

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  • ajith, mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear mayor , if u have been hurt by renukas statement ok let us condemn the statement there are many statements rather than this to be condemned and please sir don't take any legal opinion with your advocate P P Hegde. His brother Shanthiprasd is with Abhaychandra, a Congress MLA and now he wants to build his carrier in politics. So he got sudden love towards Mangaloreans.

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  • Sri Ram Bhat, Udupi

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Shabas.. Vijay Shabaas.. Renuka's comment over Pub Attack is Objectionable and the Silence of BJP govt is commendable isn't it?? Why this mayor get provoked on Renuka's statement? Why he didn't open his mounth when the attack is going on? Don't think all mangaloreans are dumb and deaf like you... If a person have an average intelligence and education, never support these communal groups..

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  • vijay, Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Well done Mayor, Congress is playing a dirty politics here and it is unfortunate that mangaloreans are not realising the same.

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  • A. R. Muscat, Oman

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Ramesh Mangalore…Sorry to comment on your nonsense comments against Mr. Asif’s comments. There were so many comments which might hurt your feelings but you choose only Asif’s comment which shows clearly about your communal mind, because his name is Asif. Be aware that every body has the right to comment. If you are getting hurt then don’t read and don’t spoil the pages of Daiji world.

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    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear commentors,nobody is perfect in this world,most of are commenting on mr.Hosabettu without knowing anything. I am not saying Mr Ganesh has done good or bad,but u guys are just raising ur voice coz some of the girls beaten in pubs (they belong to posh familly) coz they went over to enjoy their lives,but in India daily lot of poor girls are raped by the basturd and thrown out. Where were you guys at that time. Recently one girl called Ashwini raped by one Saleem and she ended her life. At that time many of you were enjoing somewhere. So just try to get all the details about any issue and comment. If Ganesh Hosabettu is from in Congress party they would have never charged case against him. It's all political drama,so think twice before you comment.

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  • Rajesh Shetty, udupi

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Last week I saw him on a  TV channel giving some interview. As per my knowledge, he is not too  smart. He does not know how to face an interview. He is working under some intelligent politician.

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  • Ashakiran, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Why do want to file case againt Renuka, What she said is true. As Mr. Suraj said dont use people's money for this nonsense, Mangloreans are not going to get any reward out of it ok. Again dont spoil the peace of Mangalore. If possible please find our some anti virus solution for Muthalik and his Vanara sena they are the biggest virus in Mangalore. If possible there are so many unemployed in Mangalore please do somthing for them & do good for Mangaloreans.

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  • Kulakarni, Bijapur

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Nagesh, Yes, you can fight only till your last breath and after that breath every one will be judged based on their deeds. Are you sure that the last breath will come only after decades when you become very old? Your last breath may be waiting at your door step, next moment you may disappear from this world, who knows? Why do you waste your life behind this Hosabettu, he already is a 'Hale'bettu now. Do some good deeds and fight till your last breath for the sake of humanity.Forget safeguarding Indian Culture for the moment, safeguard Indians first.

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  • Sunil raj, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Congress is not a Secular party it always pulldown Majority community and support minority comunity PSEUDO SECULARISM is the right word for Congress. In the mean time u can call BJP as a Communal Party with no doubht. Now dear friends its in your hands to choose the right Person or the Party. Need some action from each Citizen.

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  • Harris Madani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    You are right Sweety mangalore, He is !!! the member of RSS/BD & Ram sen, I don' know how these people are a eligible to sit in that big chair???

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  • Manjunatha Bangera, Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Well done Mayor. Go ahead. We support you.

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  • Walter Saldanha, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Halo Mr. Hosabettu, In your opinion the women who were beaten by Sena men have no dignity, it is not shameful? Beating the helpless women has not brought shame to Mangalore? If anyone raises voice against it then it is shame! What have you done against the culprits?

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  • Harris Madani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    dear Ramesh Mangalore, India is not under contract with any of religion, India is the democratical country for all religious don't try to be too smart, if Asif goes’ Pakistan there will be someone to welcome, but for you !!! you better know that hah ahaa my dear Mangalore is not a write place like you folk, better be in the boosh like Malei Mahadeshwara.

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  • Suraj M.N., Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Hello Ganesh Hosabettu,you fight the case with your own money,but dont use tax payers' money.Your advocate P P Hegde will get some more mileage and money!!!

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  • Yashwanth, Bajpe/Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    dear Nagesh & Ramesh, may be you are brothers!!! aswell Mr.Aisf also have a fully rights to have comment on some nonsense comments like Nagesh, why you have written the reply only for Mr. Asif's comment?? coz his name is Asif?? my dear Ramesh don't try to be too smart use your brain and write some good comments, this is an a comments box not a boxing quad, My Brother Asif if i'm a hindu i'm not feeling bad to call you as my brother, after all we human being, you have a fully right to write a good comments.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Ganesh Hosabettu, what else you can do when the case is registered against you ???!!!!!! Yes you have to fight. Ther is no other way !!! May be you can use people like nagesh nayak, Bangalore to attend instead of you!!!!!!

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  • Sweety, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    None of the the M'loreans hurt by Renukas Statement. What Hosebettu is doing is totally political motivated. What kind of statement you want from Renuka. She must appreciate & say that Molesting & Assaulting girls are profound Hindu or Indian culture. you want her to appreciate the pub attack.

    Why this BJP state govt. is giving permission to Pubs and another side it shows soft corner on the attackers. o.k. for some extent we agree that pub culture is not good. where was the honourable Mayor, when such activities going on, was he sleeping...? why didnt he ask the govt. to cancell the permission of such pubs. why didnt this cultured mayor send the police to stop the pubs, instead of that intoxicated goondas. what about other pubs and Cabaret shows in mangalore? does it reflect indian culture? it is clear that Ganesh Hosabettu is member of RSS & BJP.

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  • Ravi, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr.Ramesh, to your point Mr. Asif also has right to write any opinion.Why you are getting angry? if you are getting hurt then you dont read it. Everyone has right to express their opinion.I hope it makes some sense.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Asif, wrong suggestion my friend. These people hide behind petticoats at the sound of fire crackers. How then do you expect them to join the army?. I would suggest Mr Nagesh Nayak and his comrades to join a drama company instead to entertain kids. In dramas statements like shedding the last of blood may make people laugh.

    Otherwise the only way they can show off their man hood is by beating women and children,attacking religious places at night when there is no protection. Please do not defame the Indian army by giving such suggestions.

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  • alwyn, kulshekar

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear mayor, you had no guts to protect women or even sympathize them, you just want to waste the money that you have minted in your tenure,spend it on lawyers let them too share, I dont think that you have done any good job in Mangalore,than your party work,its a shame that we dont get proper water, electricity and basic necessities give priortity to ur duty not to advertise youself

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr .Nagesh Nayak,Bangalore, first of all realise you (including your monkey sene) are nobody to teach others in India to teach or control the way of life. Majority of Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc do not want the way you are trying to implement Indian Culture !!!! Mind your own way and buzz off !!!!!??

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    Wed, Feb 25 2009


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  • Yashwanth, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Dear Hosabettu, On Tuesday is the last day of your term, after that you are good for nothing, why you wanna shine in front of media coz in future to get enter in a politics??? you made enough in one year, then keep quite and go for a good holiday to some were Malaysia /Switzerland for relaxing at least for a month, then you come back and see everything will be alright, don’t show your goondaisum in front of media.

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  • Harrismadani, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Hosabettu, don't say that you did the concrete road in mangalore, it has already done before your term, you did nothing about the concrete road, it was running as usual, tomorrow if any of uneducated sits in that Mayer place the show will run politely.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Ganesh Hosabettu dont worry Mr. Nagesh Nayak from Bangalore with ready to go to Delhi or Hyderabad....You are NOT alone....!!!!!! The fact is when I last visited Mangalore in Sept-2008 I heard the comments, people from Mangalore (even the BJP supporters )were saying Mr. Ganesh Hosabettu is a BIG FAILURE MAYOR so far in Managalore's city corporation history so far....!!!!!?????

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    Wed, Feb 25 2009


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  • Yashwanth, Bajpe, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Nagesh, are Hosabettu is your relative, don't simply write a nonsense comments without knowing ...

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr. Ganesh Hosabettu.... you have to fight if the case is filed against you. There is no other way !!!??? Take support of monkey sena also!!! Anyway you need to be busy after your tenure. Some People who are promising you their support till their last breath!!!! Yes everybody can support only till death and not after death!!?

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  • Donfrank, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    I feel that Mr. Hosabettu is nervous along with his supporters.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    The root cause of current turmoil and lawlessness in Mangalore, Karnataka is COMMUNALISM, TERRORISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM WHO ARE POISONING THE MINDS OF HINDUS. The government is running behind the temple festivals, building temples, renovating temples and wasting taxpayer’s money rather than concentrating developmental works. I condemn the Mayor for increasing exorbitant houses and flats taxes.

    Everywhere prices of commodities are coming down and this mayor indulged in terrorizing citizens rather than sustaining law and order in Mangalore. I hail the decision of Bondala Jagannath Shetty for filing case against Mr. Ganesh Hosabettu. Womens Welfare Ministress Renuka choudury aptly assessed the situation of Mangalore nothing but well organized Talibanization. Mr. Lancy D’souza you have rightly pointed out in your comments.

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  • Shrinath Shet, Oman

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    Mangaloreans are hurt by her statement. No girl has filed compliant against the pub attack. This shows that the girls were going to the pubs without informing to their parents. Renuka Choudhary should not give that type of statement. How can others say that Mangaloreans are not hurt? Let the Hon'ble Court decide the issue.

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  • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Renuka & Hosabettu are taking political advantage of a sensitive issue but the difference is Renuka is raising voice against communal elements where as Hosabettu is supporting them.You dont have to be super intelligent to understand this simple political game. May be Mayor has made plenty of money and wants to spend it for useless purpose.

    If you dont get justice please go to International Court as you have enough supporters to finance that journey and you can enjoy the beautiful places in Switzerland & Hague.Meantime,let us enjoy this political drama so please keep on playing your role Mr. Hosabettu.

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  • Asif, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Mr.Nagesh, Why dont you join the armed forces instead of writing nonsense comments such as you will support Hosabettu until your last of blood (which was Late.Mrs Indira Gandhi1`s great words which is being used by people like you).

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  • Nita R, Udupi - UAE

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Very well said Mr. Lancy D'souza of M/lore

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  • Suraj, Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Well...Now the Global market conditions are going from  bad to worse day by day… well… least you have something to keep yourself busy..!!! now what is next??

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  • don, udupi

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    MR mayor u telling you are ready to face any case filed. this clearly says our law and order. and this will encourage our goons to come forward and do unlawful acts.

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  • Lancy D'Souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    Mr.Hosabettu, you instead of filing a case against Mrs.Choudhary, should have stood for the cause of the sufferring Mangaloreans. Where is the water, where is the cleanliness, where are the footpaths, where is the parking lot. Don't show Uttara Kumara Paurusha in giving a statement that you are ready to face the case wherever filed. Your action and inaction hurt the feelings of the Mangaloreans not the statement of Mrs.Choudhary. You are mot Hosabettu, but Hebbettu of Sri Palemar

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  • brijesh, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    well done..good job mayor. your statement is purely perfect. Congress just cant tolerate the development carried out by the BJP government, so its trying to do like this. best of luck to Bjp government for its next election.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Feb 24 2009


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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    The Ex-Mayor files a case against the minister who replied orally to the attack on Mangaloreans. How did Mr. Hosabettu reply the attackers ? How did he protect the Mangaloreans ? By hiding under the table when the goondas attacked our women ? By giving the reigns of Mangalore into the hands of Moral Police ? Good that his term ended before the civilians took to roads against his being there on that post.

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  • M.M.Alva, Belthangady

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    Don't worry Mr. Hosabettu. Mr. Bondala Jagannath Shetty will not file any case against you. Mr. Shetty proposed to counter case against you only publicity sake.

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    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    Well done Mayor....well done....We are with you...!, congress leadres are taking this issue for election, so don't worry we are all m'lore people's are with you... Jai Mangalore.......

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    The Comments by Renuka has not hurt the Citizens of Mangalore.What has hurt the Citizens of Mangalore (Especially Women) is the Beating of Girls in Mangalore. The Mayor cannot accept the Facts that attacking or Bullying or Downgrading Girls or Women is just the same system Followed by Taliban. Shame on the Manliness of these Fanatics.

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